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Posts posted by Aurion

  1. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1339558877' post='2981887']
    You could put up a notice informing them that you are fine, which they can read every-time they visit, along with some common stuff about the weather and 5 fav alliances. That way, banalities can be gotten out of the way and some serious talk can begin.

    That's actually not a bad idea.

  2. Raiders:
    1a) Do they list some protection in their bios?
    2a) Do they have a wiki page at cybernations.wikia.com?
    3a) Does any protection show up when you search for their alliance name?

    All of the above.

    Small AA's: (the flip side)
    1b) Do you have "protected by xxxxx" in your bios?
    2b) Do you have a wiki page listing your treaties/protection?
    3b) Does your protectorate have information saying it's protecting you on it's CN wiki. I understand not everyone is big enough to take the time to do a wiki, but your protectorate should be big enough to have this info listed on it's wiki.

    2b and 3b are generally more reliable than 1b, but again all of the above would be nice.

    And for those complaining, it's hardly just "making raiders lives easier". I think getting raided would make the lives of the hypothetical small alliances that might get mistakenly attacked for not putting notices of protection up anywhere a little more difficult than they'd like, too.

  3. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1334308879' post='2952042']
    I like how GOD is giving GOONS !@#$ for not being able to take care of 40 nations while they couldn't have handle 1 nation.

    We'll have something to talk about when Kaskus picks up someone with an 11-digit warchest I think.

    Not a terrible attempt at deflecting attention from the fact that GOONS [i]called in their whole bloc[/i], though. Maybe next time.

  4. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1333948150' post='2950245']
    If we didn't think we made a mistake, why did we leave the front so quickly? Regardless, the story is a matter of public record, and it's not something I'm terribly proud of, I'm sure Xiph would tell you if you were interested.

    I personally am not out for your blood over the pre-empt, but it certainly didn't [i]raise[/i] my opinion of GOONS regardless of the reasoning.

    Your lack of pride over it doesn't really oblige me to think everything is puppies and flowers and happiness. And I'm sure you can see why I might have reason to question the sincerity of your sentiments. Or you might just think I'm a horribly cynical guy. Either works.

  5. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333942712' post='2950196']
    I don't really know what you're talking about. They did think TTK and CRAP were going to enter on your side. If that's all you have against them, it's not too strong of a grudge. I certainly hope it isn't.

    That would make them idiots, then.

  6. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1333903133' post='2950018']
    Oh we know exactly who we've pissed off, your boss has only broadcasted it a thousand times how strongly he feels about that one time we mistakenly attacked his sphere. Which in fairness, is a very valid thing to be angry about. It's not like we don't feel bad about it, and I consider it a personal failing on my part.

    However with regards to this conflict I can't really see it cheesing off anyone important one way or another.

    Mistakenly. Heh. Right.

    All a big misunderstanding, of [i]course[/i]. How could we ever be so silly as to think otherwise.

  7. [quote name='Cerridwyn' timestamp='1331869452' post='2938733']
    Yes, he did, and quite a few under the spoiler flag, enough of those to wonder the selection.

    If you're trying to imply Gibs didn't do Pax Corvus' slot usage because he doesn't find Pax Corvus interesting...well, you're [i]entirely [/i]correct honestly.

  8. [quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1331771972' post='2938204']
    Does this mean I'm Shaggy?

    Seriously though, while others may try and troll you, I'll simply say that you'll need a lot of luck to actually get anywhere with this.

    I don't disagree with you.

    And I'd think there's a reason it was kept optional, though I of course am merely a Xiph drone and wouldn't know anything about these things :v

  9. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1330447295' post='2930037']
    Then don't buy tech from them. The policy is meant to discourage unsolicited tech purchase, understandable when tech is such a valuable resource.

    It's only an issue because tech deals are classically treated as a contract between the seller and buyer. In today's world, some alliances choose to treat it as a contract between the buyer, the seller, and the seller's alliance.

    You have two choices here:
    - Pay 'reps' on unpaid tech to unsolicited tech buyers
    -- or release an unauthorized tech seller to be ZIed/etc if they don't pay it off

    - Have a 'buy at your own risk' policy to unsolicited tech buyers
    -- or defend the unauthorized tech seller with force if they don't pay it off

    UE chose the second one. Most alliances don't have any formal policy at all about this. It doesn't mean that they won't do the first bit under certain circumstances, but by default policy the second choice is taken. When you make a tech deal with a UE nation, this is the terms that you are promised. If you have a problem with it, get on their white list.

    Or you could just flood their sellers with tech deals, hoping one of them gets confused, doesn't pay, and starts a war over the conflict of policy. That would be quite interesting too.

    beefspari pretty much nailed it down, honestly. The minute someone who doesn't know about this sends a deal to a UE nation...heh. Fun situation.

    It's a powder keg waiting for a spark.

    Edit: An actual spark, I mean. I'm amazed 1337 can type out posts with hands that heavy.

  10. I can't say I really get why people feel the need to push the "raid is not a war" line to begin with honestly.

    Hey, guys? AlmightyGrub isn't running NpO anymore, and even if he were NpO can't roll you for raiding.

    Well... they could [i]try[/i], it'd just end incredibly poorly for them. I guess what I'm trying to say is, there's even less need for the !@#$%^&* than there was before. We're bloody thieves, there's not really any way to get around it regardless of the mental gymnastics. Hell, you might as well be proud of it instead of hiding behind such a terrible line.

  11. And people wonder why Xiph is crazy. If five years running an alliance [i]didn't[/i] drive someone to distraction, it'd be a lot more worrying tbf.

    I kid, I kid.

    [quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1330189122' post='2928159']
    Congrats I guess, but I came to see Aurion's avatar.

    Happy now? :P

  12. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329630802' post='2923874']
    Is anything here worth it, really? You all answer it in the affirmative. The peanut gallery continues to doubt me in favor of those who make !@#$ up at every turn, so maybe I should lose faith.

    That's a good question, and not one I have a good answer to.

    Also, the peanut gallery is always clueless, has always been clueless, and likely always will be clueless. You know this :P

  13. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329498340' post='2922645']
    Hi, I'm Weiss Von Toten if someone goes after me for outside stuff that's really bad, but MK can do whatever it wants. I'm a $%&@!@#$. I'm a $%&@!@#$.

    That really is a pretty accurate summation of Weiss, actually.

  14. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1329373591' post='2921585']
    I'd probably be deeply wounded if I had described it as a "convoluted plot". Instead, I've described it as what it was: a group of unaffiliated alliances reading threads in the private section of the SuperFriends forum. Yesterday, when asked if it was a convoluted plot by one of your members, I responded with "No, there was nothing elaborate about it."

    Personally, I have no idea why people in GOD seems to think this issue was handled and fixed "several years ago" when it was happening in 2011 (at the exact same time bros and MK were spying on NSO and UPN).

    Also, this was when I terminated Aloha's relationship with MK and then informed SuperFriends of the security breach so you could fix it. You're welcome.

    It was our screwup, convenient as it would be to shove the blame off on the parties who read the threads. The issue Zilla mentioned was a fair bit less serious I believe, and was from the original forums.

    And yes, thank you for that.

  15. [quote name='Krack' timestamp='1329372407' post='2921576']
    Yes, they did.

    We screwed up the forum masking when creating an archive for old SF government !@#$, allowing the pages to be visible by using the old Google cache trick.

    A great moment in forum administration history? No. Spying? No. It was a screwup, not some convoluted plot.

  16. [quote name='Artigo' timestamp='1329372178' post='2921572']
    It's not really has hard as you make it out to be. I steal about 700 land per target, per day. They can only nuke me once per day after the 24 hours IF they do nuke me. So with two targets I'm already up 1,400 land there. Then if/when they do nuke me damage is then dependent on the tech of the nuker. In this case, low tech, means I keep more land. Now, if I'm fighting someone my size, there won't be much gained.

    However, I have to say, during the Fark wars I was fighting nations fairly close to my tech range and I still profited pretty well in the end. Ultimately it comes down to how many targets you have. The more the better.

    I was going to ask who the $%&@ you were raiding, but then I saw you're literally 160k NS and I couldn't reach them if I tried.

  17. [quote name='Sniper Joe' timestamp='1329371364' post='2921561']
    You are using an irrelevant situation that happened far in the past that you are either mistaken or being willfully dishonest about to try to score cheap political points against TOP. It is dumb.

    In regards to the PM CptGodzilla sent you:

    [22:57] <+CptGodzilla> i told him it was a masking error that allowed a google crawler to get into private sections of the forums
    [22:57] <+CptGodzilla> thus not spying
    [22:58] <+CptGodzilla> specifically because i thought he was talking about when it happened *years* ago

    TOP did not spy on SF.

    Sidenote, you mangled his PM and were once again willfully dishonest in order to score cheap political points.

    [23:05] <+CptGodzilla> he took half of the first sentence in the pm then mixed it with part of a post i made somewhere

    Sniper, stop being special ed and use the goddamned [i]right set of logs[/i] if you're going to go off shouting.

    [quote][01:03:17] [+CptGodzilla] i think i'm gonna let him flounder around a bit
    [01:03:20] [+CptGodzilla] and look like a complete retard[/quote]


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