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Everything posted by KingDingaLing

  1. TE is a game you can actually win, to win You have to have some sort of strategy and protection, warring constantly will help some, but overall will just destroy your infra. Id rather try and win the game than just blow people up for lulz.
  2. I didnt think you could declare in Anarchy ?
  3. o/ Warlordz o/ Murder INC and its newly acquired subjects o/ Black Sphere It was a fun war while it lasted
  4. Your alliance said they will attack us in two days, When I got that message I researched the problem and tried to contact your leaders... Shortly after I started getting attacked.. WAY before two days were up. I have tried to iron out any issues, as you yourself know, since we have had an extensive conversation on the matter. I even didnt attack you or your partner until I saw it was clear I was getting nowhere with your leadership. Even after I tried to keep communication open to no avail. And Stop Railroading our Surrender thread
  5. /me Starts to Slow Clap *clap .... *clap.... *clap All I'm going to respond to that is your "leader" and former senator, attempted NO diplomatic talks to our alliance, instead he sent a mass message to all of our members demanding we switch alliances or be destroyed.. Really good Diplomacy there. And it seems you guys are ones to talk about respecting other alliances. To: Bill Nye From: John Lennon Date: 9/16/2008 2:44:39 PM Subject: RE: Messages.. Message: Oh I forgot to mention about the whole anarchy comment. This is the third alliance TDK will have obliterated, we had 10 nations in anarchy coming into this battle and I recruited at least 3 or 4 others in anarchy, so... congrats on getting maybe 5? Kinda sounds cooler when you look at it your way though I'll admit we are coming into this at a strength disadvantage, but nothing that should make you feel secure in victory lol. I've been in plenty of wars and that's the whole reason we are playing TE. At the very least this alliance war will last a very long time and prevent the majority of your membership from going anywhere. PEace, John Lennon Lets look at that second sentence... Have a good day -Your air IS mine
  6. The Warlordz recognize The Dark Knights hostilities towards them. So we Attack Back TY and good Day fine Sirs
  7. o/ Free Black Sphere ! o/ Murder Inc o/ Warlordz Goons tried to attack me for having a seat, and the nations that did, got destroyed, its now time for the rest of you..
  8. The Warlordz fully support this. -Bill Nye
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