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Everything posted by DoorNail

  1. Now you can show where I said that or you're a !@#$@#$ liar. Moff of Defense is gov and I take pride in it, you blew off an alliances MOD that you were at war with trying to communicate with you, You disrespected me and I'll not forget it. I'll step down before I'll say I wasn't government of TIR, you're a delusional little !@#$%* to say such things and reinforces what was said about your total failure in diplomacy. I'm having trouble understanding what you're saying Rayvon, to me it's irrelevant to the situation and not even worth the time to discuss. I'll take a guess at it though, you're saying because we defended our closest allies that we are aggressive. If that's what you mean then yes, you mess with our allies and we'll attack you until you're not a threat any more, please feel free to post some more !@#$%^&* because you seem to have a boner in this fight that you have no business in, !@#$%^&.
  2. LC was one of the alliances who stuck their nose into a legit CB we had on Kashmir, yeah I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  3. Guess it would be appropriate to say thanks, because now we have several more allies that have all gotten together for a common threat and we're all pissed off. Not sure if that's what was intended, but it's happening and simply the reaction to Oculas actions. When I first approached Auctor privately about ending the war, kindness and reason was on my mind, but I was told I didn't have authority to speak for my own alliance, let alone the other leaders/involved members on our side that I was actively speaking to, big mistake there cowboy, when you underetimate somebody, don't be upset when you get you ass handed to you on a plate.
  4. Rayvon you're comparing an optional treaty to a protection agreement, basically an MDP which is not optional. Had we have been hit first Kaskus would have rolled out in defence and I seriously doubt they would even bother to question the reason. It's well known and the only treaty we have that's officially posted. It's not our fault that Oculas didn't include us in the initial attacks on our brothers and sisters in Kaskus. That protection treaty came about when GOONS attacked us, that was back when Sardonic was leading them and we were under a different alliance name, definately not a new treaty. Again, this is not really an issue worth going on about, we knew it was possible for TIR to be declared on because of our ghosting. To back that up when me and Ace declared, we went after those who had attacked Kaskus which was Sengoku, not the Oculas bloc. edit...The decision to ghost came about after taking a roll call and asking who was ready for war, there were two and another that is semi-active about twice a week. The rest had real life to deal with and that always takes a priority in this game. So when TIR was included, all of the nations attacked were inactives or they would've went to PM. Oculas destroyed a bunch of inactive nations, wasn't that enough payback for two of us ghosting? Obviously not and some how makes us the aggressive side according to the other side.
  5. WTF kind of jibberish is this? "Oh, well they were hit first and you're hitting in their defense - you're on your own. See ya!" I don't know how your allies feel, but if you told me that we would not ba allies any more. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, anyone want to translate, I'm a little rusty on senile. Watch out Junka, you don't want to get the "Order out of chaos" off balance, might break a hip trying to hit you with his cane.
  6. When you declared on Kaskus, you declared on TIR too, basically. A protection agreement is a MDP. We knew that there was a chance that TIR would be included, which is why we sent everyone that was active into peace mode before the ghost. I was just confirming, not complaining. Why this is even an issue after some of the other more juicy stuff was said is nothing but deflection away from the facts. You actually reinforce what was said about your side being the aggressors by including TIR and mentioning us in a DoW. Sure, we could've made a DoW for 2 people ready to take on a massive bloc and been laughed at for it, that is what this war continues for anyway, humiliation because we've already been beaten down, but that's not enough blood is it? You want us to snivel and beg for you to turn us loose, but that's not going to happen. Let's address the issue of you giving false statements, you know, where your rogue senator got santioned and you've twisted it into a "defensive" action by hitting the declare war button first, instead of trying a diplomatic solution. Tell us Auctor, did the Brokeback Mountain Cowboy have a hissy fit when he got knocked offf his horse? If you're going to claim defensive, then you have to show us where you actually tried for a diplomatic solution, but we all know you didn't so that means you also have to claim your side is diplomatically incapable of even discussing an end to the war and equal to your failures that actually initiated war.
  7. Wrong, I work as a mechanic bench pressing automatic transmissions almost daily, 5'10, 180lbs and built like a brick !@#$house, mean as a rattlesnake and twice as fast... I'd kick your ass or die trying. Didn't call dad on fathers day either, I have my reasons. Suit yourself. Don't remember being in MHA, but I haven't changed much. Don't leave, the party is just getting started. He is a much better writter, I agree. o/ They don't want peace. I won most of my wars, call it what you like, I'm calling it a victory. No you started it, when you failed miserably at diplomacy over your rogue senator getting sanctioned. I suggest you take note on the skillz being presented, that way you wont have to be a poser. lol Octopus is like a bunch of rogues, true.
  8. More truth, thank you. Only thing about us is, me and Ace ghosted Kaskus after they were already under attack, Kaskus is our protector alliance, but yeah it's still defence. They seen the two of us ghost and decided to include TIR, we then returned to TIR to fight from there. A lot of spin, tall tales and dirty bag sniffing going on in this thread. Our side is the good side and we are fighting tyranical bloc called Octopus. We didn't have a grudge at the start of this war, we do now.
  9. That's called a complete failure in diplomacy and it's directly on you. Ahh, the truth rises to the surface. That rymes with dirty bag sniffer. I don't know if this post is going to work, something happened and made posting here nearly impossible after this thread. We're not leaving anyone on the battlefield, the other side doesn't want peace or there would be peace.
  10. And some of those posts are like...wow, just skip those, I really can't explain what I was thinking or how I was still functioning.
  11. I mean, who wants to be in peace mode....in a war game? That is not cool, but since the other side blew the staggers again, here I am.
  12. Some of you turds annoy me, just returning the favor. Can we name this war the dumbass war? It' fits, this war is over dumbass reasons. There's no honor or diplomacy, it's literally a free for all over !@#$%^&*.
  13. It's not like there's a lot going on out here anyway....."we signed a treaty!" That's fantastic. /sarc
  14. Really? the mulit-quote button means you can quote mutiple quotes, thank you Mr Obvious. Would you like some cheese with that whine? I'm complaing and ranting(kinda like you're doing), but since I made this dumbass thread I'm running with it.
  15. Felling pretty lucky that I didn't piss anyone off, get some warnings or get banned. Since I've already shown I'm a fool, let's get this !@#$bucket in gear, shall we? Axe me a question.
  16. I take it you've not seen my threads. lol I'll accept your challange and will easily double that.
  17. This is the results of being so intoxicated that the demons enter and control you, heed the warning, it's not a pretty sight and a little embarrassing. lol
  18. Yet you posted anyway, that's pretty sad.
  19. After all this time, I didn't know you were British. But no, haven't seen my mother in 20 years, thanks for reminding me though.
  20. How about you slap yourself, cause if I were standing next to you, that's what would happen. lol
  21. Would you mind not posting in my threads? You seem like a dick, Thanks.
  22. This has an unfortunate ring of truth to it.
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