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Posts posted by Revelation

  1. :blink: huh? why are you excited about people attacking The Order of Light?

    lol. i got nothing against you guys. just thought there might be something worth looking at in these forums then small alliances getting crush by bigger ones. thats all. Nothin against the order of light. :rolleyes:

  2. For the monsterous nations that are over 5,000 infra, its obviously not as big of a deal to them. They have grown and now they have the option to attack people who are only 2,000 infra. Pretty stunning that someone who can hold 100,000 soldiers can attack someone who maxes out at 10,0000 soldiers. Also they are at the point where they will remain in the top 5 percent for a very long time. They are also collecting millions a day. Starting out as a new nation already takes forever without assistance from friends. Now its just going to be rediculous trying to start from scratch. The gap between the veterans in the noobs has grown substantially with this change. And since the change completely killed the value of tech, that gap will remain and only continue to grow.

    Two words...............curb stomp.

  3. we have already started teh habit...in declaring on Cartel for their mass tech raids.

    Unfortunatly there is only so much a small alliance can do without the backing from larger ones. it would take public and official announcemnts from alliances like the Orders and IRON or GGA before people took notice.

    Im not saying stop all raiding..thatll never happen. but jeez..some limitations wouldn't hurt anything.

    Tech raids are a way for those nations that like war to pass the time until the Next Great War. Or beat downs like FAN and GOONS. If there was not tech raiding there would be Great wars every two weeks. The war feature is what keep many nations still playing this game. To try and put limits or police it would be a mistake.

  4. you know...im not a fan of world police or anything of the like....but im really strting to feel something needs to be done, officially, about this kind of rampant techraiding.

    As already stated...its one thing if the nation to be raided is inactive for 7 days or something...but i can removed my AA right now...collect taxes..and be raided 5 minutes later.

    It really is getting out of hand.

    Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.


  5. One of my members wanted me to post this thoughts on the matter.

    There are several ways to look upon this statement, but before you can even look at the intentions of the words, you must first analyze several themes: the loose definition of the word good, the breaking of treaties, the power of treaties, and the moral existence.

    The first issue that must be addressed is your loose term “Good†used to allude to the attacked nations. Why are they good? What value do they exude to others to capture the nature of good? Or, if it isn’t related to an action, then we assume that all nations begin good. But when does this goodness wear off? When do they become normal, or bad even? For the most part the word good is giving by your peers, in this case other nations and alliances. And for an alliance to assumed the good-natured existence of another, there must be some gain from said assumption. So to relate the nations of IR to a good citizen who was attacked is a fallacy in your dependent argument (if A then B ). Granted, the disproval of A does not always results in a negative of B, but it also covers the possibility of a proofed positive.

    The second and third issues both pertain the nature and power of a treaty. Now it has been said that Cosa Nostra was acting in a way so as to redeem our treaties and pacts. This stance has been refuted by several other nations, but I challenge you today to think about your position. Whether you view treaties as merely a stepping-stone piece of paper with no merit or not, should not dictate the method that others view their treaties. If they are as flimsy as a simple IM, then why do them at all. To sign into a treaty is to pledge your word and the word of your alliance to protect that other alliance, within your stated terms. Now to say that we should have rejected our treaty due to violations by The Cartel presents an argument with neither proof nor substance. Unless evidence can be presented that directly violates the terms of peace, then there is no reason or justification to break your word. Had we just gone back on our word for no declared reason, we would have become simply another bad alliance. A man, a nation, and an alliance can only stand behind their word. All other things will pass, but the value of our word is what precedes us. It is now the voices of many that can verify truth, but instead it is truth that will shine forth from the darkness. It does not matter how many other nations saw some “bad†with Cartel, for this was not presented for discussion and decision, which leaves all pacts in tact.

    The last issue is the theory of moral existence. Morality is a funny thing. It is normally judged on a sliding scale that is relative to those in power. Some of the world’s most disgusting of atrocities were carried out by “moral†men of their time. While it is perfectly okay to accept someone until they give you reason to reject them, it is a naïve hope to consider individuals “moral†without meeting them. For, in the past, how many people have truly been “moral.†Some of the greats that are revered even had dark secrets and filthy private life. To state that something is intrinsic to our “morals†declares an unwillingness to accept the common flaw of mankind. We are not “moral†without proof. And on the contrary, a statement to defy this assertion requires definitive proof to the contrary. This proof would come at the expense of a giant microscope to your actions. So I ask you this, are your past and present actions clean enough to use as a base for morality?

    So with the presentation of these four issues, I pose a question: Which action is the better choice? Should we have follow our pacts and kept our word with a militaristic action, or should we have abandoned our partners, revealed our lies, and cowered under someone else’s wing?

  6. I would say these are reasonable terms. The Cartel should be able to pay this sum, and they would survive. They won't like it, but that is never the case with peace terms.

    Also, as I understand it the Cartel attacked first - as the attacker, they knew the risks and accepted them. They chose war; The Brigade did not have the luxury to choose.

    I think this is incorrect. The Brigade declared war on the cartel for attacking IR.

  7. I do not condone our actions nor will I try to justify them. I would like to apologize to the IR, not for attacking, but for being disrespectful. We took the opportunity to have a small war, not to destroy them.

    Now I will debate this matter since no one else will. Devils Avocet of course.

    I am sorry for violating some of the unwritten rules of CN. But have you yourselves not broken unwritten rules? Did you have treaties to honor with IR? Then show them! All we did was honor our treaty for military assistance. The only one who is innocent in this situation is IR. You come to the forums and throw around words such as "unjust" and "principles". This is nothing more then satisfying that small itch for war. TPF is in over 50 tech raid right now. They will do more damage in a week then we will do in a year. But is there a war cry against them? No because those nations do not hold the same AA. We are numbed to the hundreds who die in car wrecks every day but we will be saddened by 30 who die in a plane crash.

    Its a 100 to 1 so I expect some good arguments.

    Ps. TPF is a great alliance and in no way judge them since I have tech raided my whole time playing CN. I only needed an exaimple.

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