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Posts posted by Revelation

  1. Blessed are the wise, for they know not to anger Valhalla.

    If TDSM8's government thought it was a good idea to support an alliance that sanctioned and nuked a protectorate of ours and then went nuclear on us then they deserve ZI.

    i agree but not permanent zi

  2. The first tragedy in all of this is that there are probably BAPs nations that were not involved in the backroom b.s. and didn't even know there was a war until they had been triple teamed and attacked twice, fought back and defended their friends with everything they had left, and now face being wiped out "permanently".

    The second tragedy, and the one that is the most senseless, is that T8MS is going into certain death and Valhalla and Co. is all to willing to lump them in with the old pseudo Legion ("we have a master plan!") BAPS troublemakers that started this whole mess and throw them in the same grave.

    There are clearly villains here and no, noWedge isn't one of them, but it seems like such a waste.

    I feel it is a shame that an alliance that was only trying to help there friends like T8MS is going to be permanently zi'ed. It is a shame honor is rewarded with zi.

  3. I could not bring myself to read all 11 pages of the same thing.

    You misworded your intentions. And now the rest of the bored cybernations world is crucifying you for it.

    I must admit when i read your fist statement i was offended, like many other black alliances. If you truly want to be a leader on the black sphere you must first become a servant. Befriend your neighbors and they will fight with you.

    Cosa Nostra holds no ill will towards TTC. You have taken enough bad PR for one day. Welcome to the black sphere.


  4. phillip110, you miserable puke of fellow... Yes, you were the point man of their so called diplomacy, but that is why it is 'so-called'... I think it is time for you to hush up though in an incident that had nothing really to do with you, or at least wasnt supposed to.

    My alliance would own yours too, and that is the glory of the little guys.... We fight hard and go nuts, and each of ours is worth 9 of yours. So, go away phillip.... please

    Baron Zemo you should stop posting and let this thread die. Just my advice.

  5. We have whipped the larger foe.... and they ask us for a white peace. LeGiG accepts this peace and looks up to our new friends in Vigilance. We will continue our death to the1andonlykris though, and that is acceptable to our new friends.

    Let this be a lesson that the little guy need not take !@#$e.

    Smart Move. Good luck to both sides. Next time keep screen shots of everything.

  6. We have got nothing of meaning... LeGiG hereby declares war on vigilance.

    We hoped to never come to something like this, but we will protect our own, and we chose long ago that spying is the same as attacking.

    vigilance, here we come. i apologize, but we must protect ourselves, and you must figure out yourselves.

    You have shown nothing. That a ghost rogue spied on your alliance. You would go to war because of the action of one nation. That is not the sign of a peaceful alliance.

    Today a nation from GATO went rogue on GPA and Cosa Nostra. Should we declare war on GATO. NO! We will declare war on the rogue. Not the alliance.

    I suggest you work on your diplomacy instead of getting your shovel out...

  7. sidewalk commandos were not mentioned in that thread. :huh:

    Presumably they relate but it isn't apparently obvious as to how.

    Edit: SK = sidewalk commandos?

    Thanks i edited it. In no way is this a Sk Cosa Nostra war. Sk informed us that a few of there members were tricked into attacking Cosa Nostra by sid and corncob. Cosa Nostra is only at war with the above nations.

  8. Cosa Nostra Declares war on sidewalk commandos. Two rogue nations have formed an alliance called the sidewalk commandos and started attacking Cosa Nostra. This list includes...

    Nation Name: Variska

    Ruler: Sole Khan

    link- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=55235

    Nation Name: left throne of hell

    Ruler: sid vicious

    link- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=91185

    Nation Name: corn country

    Ruler: king corncob

    link- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=100361

    Nation Name: Zenzaar

    Ruler: Arch Angel

    link- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=42716

    Nation Name: penguinstan

    Ruler: davideatsbabies

    link- http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=177536

    For more info:

    <a href="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=9373" target="_blank">http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=9373</a>


  9. I sincerely appreciate the quick response of Revelation on behalf of Cosa Nostra in this situation. Clearly Richardsong is not representative of Cosa Nostra leadership.

    Apparently this one person has caused a great deal of misconception in that regard. I apologize to Cosa Nostra for falling prey to that misconception myself.

    I imagine this incident will go to build immense faith in your alliance.

    Good luck in the OPP and thank you!

    Thanks SyndicatedINC, no hard feelings.

  10. <a href="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...&Extended=1" target="_blank">http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...&Extended=1</a>

    LOL, way to go Cosa Nostra, the same guy who started the entire thing Richardsong goes on to prove Sid's case.

    Though he may have a foul mouth at least he apparently was telling the COMPLETE truth.

    Cosa Nostra Bill of Rights:

    1. Cosa Nostra members must treat others with the highest respect even while fighting in wars. (Treat others how you would want to be treated. Talking smack is encouraged as long as it is done in a respectful and witty manner)

    2. Cosa Nostra members will have the choice to tech raid if desired, as long as the nation they are attacking is in an alliance of less then 10 members. Only two members of Cosa Nostra may tech raid a single alliance at a time. If peace is requested from the defending nation it must be giving in that instant. Any member that chooses to tech raid will be responsible for the back lash of their actions.

    This is against the rules of Cosa Nostra. Richardsong will be dealt with and pay reps to The Allegiance. If you look in Richardsongs war slots you will see that we are handling the situation.


  11. Atonement:

    More than a week ago two nations

    Nation Name: corn country

    Ruler: king corncob

    <a href="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=100361" target="_blank">http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=100361</a>

    Nation Name: left throne of hell

    Ruler: sid vicious

    <a href="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=91185" target="_blank">http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=91185</a>

    -attacked members of Cosa Nostra without warning. We then decided to Contact IDD (the alliance Corncob and Sid were in at the time of the attacks) to settle the matter diplomatically. The alliances leader at the time The Greatevilfish agreed that reps would be paid for the unprovoked attacks. Before Sid and corncob paid the reps they left IDD to join the Sacred Knights. Leaving IDD with the reps. Cosa Nostra did not feel it fair to make IDD pay for the damage Sid and Corncob caused (after The Greatevilfish covered 3mil). Sid and Corncobs actions have left Cosa Nostra with no choice but to label them as rogues.

    This statement has nothing to do with the Sacred Knights. Cosa Nostra holds no ill will towards SK. Cosa Nostra has also built a strong friendship with IDD after the incident.

    The Greatevilfish will be along shortly to confirm the validity of this statement, along with a few other IDD officials.

    Respectfully Revelation

  12. I like that structure but i would recommend your representatives to at least have the power to make decisions without votes in emergency situations that require a fast response. History has shown us that alliances that are leader-less don't last too long.

    this is a good idea and we will look into something like that. Thanks. We are new and still getting a feel for everything.

  13. Cosa Nostra

    The name Cosa Nostra, translated as "Our Thing," goes back hundreds of years and was founded in Sicily to offer protection to the common people of that country from police, bandits and even government agencies. Cosa Nostra, not surprisingly were treated as folk heroes, saviors of the people. The practice of keeping your mouth shut was the code and if you violated it, the wrath was swift and deadly not only to the culprit, but to his own family as well.

    1. All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.

    2. This alliance was created for the people, but all major decisions will be made by a group vote of the people. In order for and amendment/war declaration/treaty/ect. There must be at least a 2/3 vote received from the community in favor of the decision in order for it to be passed.

    3. Cosa Nostra is an alliance, but we strive to make it a strong community of nations that are looking out for each others best interest through military aid, commerce, fellowship, and most importantly brotherhood.

    4. Cosa Nostra will not have leaders, but Cosa Nostra will have 3 alliance representatives that will have the responsibility of voicing the concerns/issues/ideas of the community as a whole. They will have little or no power, except for expressing the needs of the community.

    5. Representative responsibilities will be Diplomacy, Military Advisors, and Internal Affairs.

    Cosa Nostra Bill of Rights:

    1. Cosa Nostra members must treat others with the highest respect even while fighting in wars. (Treat others how you would want to be treated. Talking smack is encouraged as long as it is done in a respectful and witty manner)

    2. Cosa Nostra members will have the choice to tech raid if desired, as long as the nation they are attacking is in an alliance of less then 10 members. Only two members of Cosa Nostra may tech raid a single alliance at a time. If peace is requested from the defending nation it must be giving in that instant. Any member that chooses to tech raid will be responsible for the back lash of their actions.

    3. If there is any individual within Cosa Nostra stirring up intolerable acts of cruelty, sexual abuse, or flat out annoying then membership of the alliance has the right to group vote their lame asses out

    4. More to come with trial and error.

    Alliances Representatives at the moment include




    The reason for this change in our tech raiding policy is to minimize the damages caused to any single alliance from Cosa Nostra tech raiding.

    I would also like to take this moment to invite all alliances over 10 members that Cosa Nostra has tech raided or had issues with to our forums for discussions on improving relations.

    Forum: www.z3.invisionfree.com/our_thing

    We also just signed a Friendship treaty with The Order of the Sword.

    Respectfully Revelation

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