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Imperial Gashira

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Posts posted by Imperial Gashira

  1. They use ghosts as excuses for their actions and use NpO (yes, they are using them) to get what they want. I'm surprised that ES himself isn't kicking the crap out of BotS.

    Because Sponge is using BoTS. Have you read this thread at all? Not to be mean, but that's been established for awhile now...

  2. I have a question: If Genmay has been planning this since before the NpO left the WUT (to which they would have been informed about it), then why would the NpO sign a protectorate treaty with an alliance that Genmay has a problem with? That doesn't make any sense, if you adhere to thought that the WUT is all well and good in terms of relations.

    No offense or WUT schism conspiracy meant, I'm just curious... :huh:

  3. Yeah, well NPO is still letting you ghost them while freaking up their political position. Seriously, you've been granted more forgiveness than anyone in CN to date. Why don't you just decide what you stand for and AA that? Or start your own new alliance or something. You'd get followers.

    Until then, quit wasting my goddamn time.

    Gen[m]ay has their own reasons, and they're perfectly valid. Read the OP.

    Lulz, I think Bruc has finally gotten used to not being neutral. :P

  4. Please, feel free to spend your time commenting on how irrelevant I am instead of addressing the issues in this thread while I sleep. *rollseyes*


    I wonder if people will ever get their heads out of their asses long enough to realize that if I can come in and steal the show with a handful of posts that no amount of !@#$%*ing about my irrelevance makes it true. Have fun.

    He has a point, whether anyone likes it or not. ;)

  5. Ignore it and it might go away.

    Also, good to see the Legion recruiting the cream of the crop still. Launched any anti-WUT crusades lately, Gashira?

    Nope. Don't plan to. As much as you all hate this sort of statement, I think it'll destroy itself, given time...

    *Ignores flames*

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