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Commander Bean

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Everything posted by Commander Bean

  1. I am buying tech at the rate of $6 mil for 150 tech. I will send $3 mil for the first 100 tech. If that 100 tech is sent on time then I will send another $3 mil for the last 50 tech. If tech is not sent on time, it becomes a $3 mil for 100 tech deal. No excuses will be accepted for why tech is late. Please PM me in game http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996 I have two open slots. Thanks.
  2. Team: Willing to change to any color Nation Name: Wilmark Republic Ruler: Commander Bean Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996 My Resources: Iron/Cattle After almost 400 days in the same trade circle, I am looking for a new one due to my current circle falling apart. I am looking for a Beer, Construction and fast food w/ fish and Uranium circle. I am willing to change to any color. I am not bound to a team color by my alliance.
  3. Still looking for a lumber/sugar trade.
  4. This circle has been trading together for over a year. We are looking for a replacement nation who has LUMBER & SUGAR. If you are not on the black team, you must be willing to change to black. Trading can begin as soon as you are ready. Our current lumber/sugar trade has give us 3 weeks to find a replacement and as soon as we do we can drop him and start trading. Please PM me in game if you are interested in this circle. My nation link is: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996 [s]Aluminum- Taken Cattle- Taken Fish- Taken Iron- Taken Marble- Taken Pigs- Taken Spices- Taken Uranium- Taken Water- Taken Wheat- Taken[/s] [color="#FF0000"][b]LUMBER- NEED SUGAR- NEED[/b][/color]
  5. Selling two June Donations. One donation can be made early in June and the 2nd would have to be made in later (June 21st or later) June. The price is $24 mil per $25 donation. Buyer must have middlemen as all aid will go to one nation. For the first donation, $15 mil needs to be paid on June 1st and $9 mil on June 11th. For the 2nd donation $15 mil needs to be paid on June 21st and $9 mil on July 1st. Donations can be made as soon as the first $15 mil is paid. PM me in game if you are interested. My nation link is: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  6. I'm facilitating the sale of a $25 donation. The price is 400 tech. Terms of deal: Donation can be made anytime after May 16th. 300 tech MUST be paid on May 15th. This tech will all go to one nation, so you will need to have middlemen/tech sellers to send the aid. The last 100 tech does not need to be made on the 15th and will be going to a 2nd nation. This can be worked out. Please PM me in game. My nation link is http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996 Thanks.
  7. This trade circle will have beer, construction, fast food as it's bonus resources. It will also have fish and uranium trades. Rulers must be willing to change to the yellow team if they are not already on yellow. Alum- (confirmed) Water- (confirmed) Cattle- [color="#FF0000"]Need[/color] Wheat- [color="#FF0000"]Need[/color] Iron- [color="#FF0000"]Need[/color] Lumber- [color="#FF0000"]Need[/color] Marble- [color="#FF0000"]Need[/color] Pigs- [color="#FF0000"]Need[/color] Spices- (confirmed) Sugar- (confirmed) Uranium- (confirmed) Fish- (confirmed)
  8. Bonus resources are Micro Chips, Fine Jewelry, Affluent Population & Steel. Trading can being right away as the other rulers are already trading. You must be willing to change to yellow if you are not already on the yellow team. Gems- confirmed Coal- confirmed Fish- confirmed Rubber- confirmed Iron- confirmed Furs- confirmed Silver- confirmed Wine- confirmed Oil- confirmed Uranium- [color="#FF0000"]NEED[/color] Lead- confirmed Gold- [color="#FF0000"]NEED[/color]
  9. Still need one more tech seller who will have 2 open aid slots on the 24th and will accept $3 mil for 100 tech. Please PM me in game. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  10. I need one more tech seller with 2 aid slots open on the 24th and who will accept $3 mil for 100 Tech. Thanks.
  11. I am looking for multiple tech sellers who sell 100 tech for $3 mil. Seller must have 2 aid slots open on the 24th. One to receive $3 mil from a 3rd nation and one to send my the first 50 tech. Please PM me in game. My nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  12. Multiple Donations are a possibility.
  13. Selling a $25 donation. The price is $18 million. Buyer must have ability to send aid to 6 nations on April 24th. Aid must be sent on the 24th. PM me in game if you are interested. My nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  14. $24 mil buys 800 tech so however the buyer gets tech sellers is up to the donation buyer. If the donation buyer can't find tech sellers who accept $3 mil for 100 tech, that is his/her problem. I either get 800 tech or keep the $25. Either way works for me.
  15. Selling a May $25 donation for 800 tech. Must have middlemen/sellers lined up so that two cycles of 300 tech can be sent and then one cycle of 200 tech. Will make donation after first 300 tech is received. PM me in game to work out details. My Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  16. Selling ONE $25 donation for March or early April. The price is $18 mil and all 6 payments MUST be made by early March 12th to 6 targets. Targets will be provided. Once all 6 payments have been made, I will make the donation. The urgency is because this is a replacement deal for a buyer who fell through. PM me in game http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  17. Slots full, thanks for the quick responses
  18. One more slot open. Need one more tech seller.
  19. I am selling two $25 donations for $18 mil each. Donations must be for March. Buyers must be able to send all 6 payments at one time to 6 different targets. Please PM me in game if you are interested. Payments must be made ASAP. Nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  20. Buying 50 tech for $3 mil. Tech seller must have two open aid slots as a 3rd party will be sending my cash via a donation deal. PM me in game to coordinate the deal. Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  21. Two donations sold. Room for 2 more depending on when the donations need to be made and how payments are going to be made. Again, please PM me in game if you are interested. Thanks.
  22. Selling up to four $25 donations. The price for each $25 donation is $15 mil/250 tech. The number of donations I sell will depend on how payments are received. Would prefer middlmen/banks be used, but am open. If you aren't willing to send tech, don't bother sending a message. Please PM me in game. Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=224996
  23. Despite the current events, Happy Birthday TSO.
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