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President ShinRa

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Posts posted by President ShinRa

  1. We curbstomp because it's the smart thing to do.

    This article doesn't really show much, in all honesty.

    In short term, yes I can agree with you.

    Taking into account all factors it does in a sense, ultimately end Cybernations. You see, when you've got enough people to curb stomp a few alliances, there's no need for diplomacy, just add it for show if you have to, but all you have to say is "do this or we'll drive you into EZI."

    You get a bad reputation, you remove a major part of CN's gaming aspect and you ultimately end up making the game miserable for everyone but yourself and your allies, possibly to the point where people leave the game.

    Think just how much of an effect it has when those on top use these tactics against everyone but themselves.

    Yes, you are assured control of the game, but you quickly shorten it's lifespan.

    So, from an IC perspective it's perfect, from an OCC perspective you're committing prolonged suicide.

  2. Karma only exists for the weak. The strong have no need for such concerns.

    Hm, I was expecting someone from One Vision to post that. How narrow minded of you.

    However, I can agree with that statement to a certain extent. In this game only an alliances strength and numbers seems to matter, not their actions. Just look at the NPO for crying out loud, they've spent the last few years curb stomping everyone they get a decent excuse to take down.

    I don't see them being annihilated nor suffering any diplomatic faults, if anything the fear of what they could do to an alliance simply opens up more and more opportunities for them. In short, to those on top karma doesn't exist. Not in Cybernations anyway.

  3. I don't scorn the NPO because they're winners. Call me a suck-up, I don't care. They're #1, so I'm going to make sure I'll be on their good side. If you don't like it, tough. I'm the one who isn't getting sentenced to perma-ZI.

    Thank you for bringing this up, I can agree with this statement on a few levels and it is one example of why they seem to have become a group of conquering... well, you get the message.

    From GWIII onwards they know that with their alliances and 'individual' strength (I.E. mass resources and mass cannon fodder) they can get away with almost anything.

    Look at what they did to the NpO, call me skeptical but it seems to be very similar to other previous ‘occurrences’ with the NPO that that just when the two Orders begin to disagree all allies abandon one side and the NpO is attacked.

    Some would believe that back room diplomacy was taking place prior to the war.

    Another possible example of this is the GATO-1V war, I can understand GATO’s allies (some of the the less honourable ones anyway) cancelling their ties with GATO when faced with One Vision, but this combined with the fact that in barely a day the NPO along with a large number of it’s allies were ready for a full scale war also seems to be very suspicious. And then there is the case of the… timing of the attack. Just as GATO’s forums are down for repairs (about 5AM as I recall) the NPO begin an all out attack.

    On the exact day and at the exact time the alliance is at it’s most vulnerable.

    Some would say again, that the NPO had been planning this for some time.

    I don't refer to you as being the Voice of the People, I just call you Vox. <3

    So why, may I ask, did you make that comment? what did you mean by it?

    If they make the same mistakes and same sins, and are still the top, maybe they're not so bad of mistakes after all. Apparently it isn't enough to hurt them.

    You seem to misunderstand, following back to the first points I made, the NPO (and some would say One Vision) know that there is no one who can combat them directly due to the MDP webs they have and also the sheer size of each of their alliances.

    They know from this that they can do whatever they want and get away with it, within reason that is.

    Due to this diplomacy has devolved into trolling, threats and flamebating. and even within the game itself they seem to have a distinct… advantage.

    Look at their battle tactics for example namely ‘the Midnight Blitz,’ these are various battle tactics designed to take advantage of loopholes and glitches in the game’s programming to give them the edge.

    In EVERY single other online nation game I have played this would have them thrown out instantly, and yet they seem to get away with it.

    This just might relate to the curiously large number of donations their alliance seems to make every month.

    Oh, which reminds me:

    Why try to help them right their ship? Why not just wait for them to be beaten by themselves?

    Because you can never beat someone within their own system. A large number of us have been waiting a very long time for them to be beaten themselves, and it has yet to come.

    Some of us were tired of waiting and doing nothing.

    God helps those who help themselves.

    I neither dislike 1V or Vox. Do people dislike them? Yes. Do people dislike you? Yes.

    Fair enough, that can be said of every alliance in this game.

  4. Working for a goal you will never achieve is pointless.

    That goal is no more pointless than being under Pacifican rule, at least this way people could say that some made their stand against the alliance destroying this game and took the fight to the Pacificans.

    We fought for what we believe in, we fought for our goals and our aims.

    The NPO (or at least their hierarchy) fought for their aims of global conquest, using (some would say) far more dishonourable and underhand movements and tactics, and yet I hear no scorn about them from you.

    You cannot stand guard of something you do not have.

    If you refer to us being the Voice of the People, then you’re wrong. We are merely the voice of some people, rather than being simple instruments of those in charge.

    Your arguments have grown weak and repetitive after all the strength you had.

    If Pacifica continues to make the same mistakes and the same sins, never admitting nor apologizing for either, then how can our arguments not become repetitive?

    There's a reason a lot of people don't like you.

    Yes, there are a lot of people who don’t like us.

    Namely due to the fact that we made war against One Vision, the bloc consisting of several of the largest alliances preventing the progression and further rise to power of many others.

    Has it occurred to you that even more people may dislike them? namely people who they have invaded and destroyed on a whim or excuse.

    This is the sort of sentiment that lead me to "leave" Vox. Vox was never meant to be more than an idea with guns.

    Never the less, an idea is still an idea. You can never entirely dismiss it and at the same time you can never fully deny it’s potential.

    And when you compare it to the Francoist rise to power, their ‘uprising’ then perhaps Vox is not so different to the order on a base level after all. We were fighting against what we believed was wrong, and for what we knew was right.

    No, because Vox isn't, and never should be anything more than an idea.

    Why? the movement certainly made Bob much more interesting than living under the dominion of the NPO. And along with the argument that Cybernations IS still a game no matter which way you look at it, I cannot see how nor why the idea of a rebellion or revolution to gain freedom should remain a simple idea.

  5. Vox's Raison d'être was to wipe out the existing structure and replace it with anarchy, or something resembling that. Sure, you haven't worded quite that way, but I can read between the lines with the best of them.

    Let me see if I understand this,

    Based upon what you have written you think that getting rid of One Vision, (the Coalition or whatever the hell you’re calling yourselves these days) a force which consists of a block made up of the games strongest alliances*, alliances who seem to very conveniently find reasons to attack the stronger organizations outside their influence who could be perceived as a threat in the future and stomp on those who do not join them.

    And you think that breaking up this structure, and returning a balance of power to the game for the first time since before GWIII would be a bad thing. You’ll have to forgive me if I disagree with that viewpoint.

    You've failed miserably. Your run at the Red Senate only showed that you can be a bully when you want to be, and nobody was truly significantly hurt.

    Care to clarify upon how we have failed?

    The very fact that we twice managed to take partial control of the red senate shows we were capable of doing tasks deemed impossible by others, lessening the New Pacific Order’s power.

    Oh, and if no one was truly hurt, and if we are as ‘weak’ as you say we are, then how can we actually ‘bullies?’

    It also shows that you make empty promises to those who want to pull off your attempts at politics, then leave them empty-handed when they come to collect.

    When you stop frothing at the mouth with your apparent fanaticism and give a more intelligent accusation with some examples, I’ll answer that point.

    Any time you've been engaged in warfare you've been beaten down.

    Really? hear and now I can think of nine Pacifican, and three former Pacifcan nations who would disagree with you on that. Or do you want to attack us yourself?

    well, you know where I am if you do.

    The proof that the entire top 10 of the nations flying Vox Populi as an AA is in peace mode. Reloading my rear. You don't have the stomach to fight.

    Again, your argument is shot down by simple facts. Having stronger nations remaining in peace mode while building up money and resources is a base tactic amongst alliances,

    or is this a feeble attempt to convince said nations to come out of peace mode so you can loot them?

    You've lost support through out the planet. Those who joined you have left in disgust, explaining how your grand pontifications in public didn't square with what reality was.

    Again, references please? we all know that people have dropped out of Vox, but at least back up your goddamn argument if your going to try and insult us.

    Also, why the hell should any of us accept reality? Reality would be to submit to the coalition and die out, while at the same time being mobbed by GGA members and driven into EZI, most likely under the apparently incompetent protection of one alliance or another.

    So, you'll just have to accept that I find you and Vox a joke, and treat most of what any of you spout off as mindless drivel.

    The irony of this statement is killing me.

    The ‘mindless drivel which’ we produce is at least back up with a few examples of past events, situations and also articles.

    It's srsbsns time, and clearly, you have no idea how to conduct such srsbsns.

    In this case i’ll respond to said comment when literacy returns to your mind.

    An let me finish off by quite kindly asking that you do not leave yourself open to such counter arguments and ‘insults’, and that you use a little more intelligence in your posts in the future.

    *one of which is MDP linked to dozens of others and seems to need about twenty separate alliances to hold it’s hand each time it goes to war with someone.

    Despite near constantly claiming to be an unstoppable war machine.

  6. No Peace for VP.

    P-ZI for the trouble they have caused for the CN World.

    They did this purposefully with knowledge of what effects their actions would have.

    You made your bed. Sleep in it.

    For the trouble we've caused?

    if this is what we deserve then the world hasn't created a penalty 'just' enough to punish the NPO for all they've done to BOB.

  7. ShinRa, Mobius (actually all of Vox) has very good reasons to speak out against me. You don't, yet you have felt the need to keep antagonizing. Who are you looking to score points with? At least you should do some research before you start spouting your sage wisdom. I, in fact, got ZIed. 13,000 infra gone in 7 weeks. That paid for lunch <_<

    I'm not looking for any 'points to score with' all i'm doing is trying to set things straight. Yes, Vox are not the good guys for most part, I myself joined (amongst other reasons) to get revenge on the NPO for what they did in the GATO-1V war and for what they're still doing to FAN. But the NPO (the majority of it's members anyway) are FAR from being the people you describe them as, the pre war smear campaigns and the mass trolling and flame baiting they introduced to replace politics after the end of GWIII are proof enough of that.

    We may not be saints, but they sure-as-hell are sinners.

    Also, do you think that you're the only one who was ZI'd in joining Vox? almost everyone was mobbed by people twice their strength, almost everyone was beaten down to a fraction of their original strength but that didn't stop some of us fighting back.

  8. It could be depending on your point of view :lol:, that said i do not have a bad word to say of the GGA guys i fought while i was in GATO, i was not trolled or disrespected in any verbal way and in the bitter fighting both sides gave it their all...why not honor the rank and file? they fulfilled their obligations as members to do their duty afterall.

    Speak for yourself, I was insulted, ridiculed and attempted to be recruited by the first GGA guy I fought.

    Still, if you can say that about the ones who attacked you I suppose that makes them better than the Pacifican forces. Having said that, that's not too difficult.

  9. Reyne is the gatekeeper. She will direct you to contact the leaders of any alliance you are, or were, at war with, or whoever is holding your POW status. I contacted her, and OG stopped being involved. She suggested going to NPO, who was holding my active wars. In my case, I had to address the situation on their forums through the complaints section of the membership app forum. That's really the only way to get anybody's attention. If they agree that you fit the criteria for release, you will get to talk to somebody on IRC (at least, that's what happened for me). I spoke with Moo-Cows and got my final release.

    Hopefully this helps you.

    And in return for not ZIing you they had you post continuous streams of thinly veiled anti-Vox propaganda apparently.

  10. We give out medals for all declared wars. Are you suggesting we pick and choose based on the "slaughter factor?" I think this troll can do better. Half-assed trolling makes the monkey sad.

    I'm not suggesting anything, I agree with the large majority of the medals you have up there I simply find the fact that you are handing out a medal for a mass tech raid to be morally questionable.

    And if you hand out a medal for every war declared, then fine, that is your choice. I simply don't think that a nation kicking the hell out of someone half their strength deserves a medal, unless of course you look into past history of the wars of the nations who are receiving said medals.

    Also, it should be noted that I am attempting not to troll,

    I am not trying to derail this thread,

    I am simply trying to get some questions answered, nothing more.

  11. gato.gif

    GATO-1V War

    Awarded to members who have served in the GATO - One Vision conflict.

    Let me see if I understand this correctly, you're handing out medals to people who joined in with a several month mass tech raid disguised as a war.

    Don't get me wrong, if there are people in GGA who actually fought in that war rather than raiding, mobbing and attacking people half their strength then by all means they deserve it.

    It simply seems that GGA is giving out a medal to people for being involved on the winning side of one of the most easily winnable one sided wars in Cybernations history.

    What next, are you going to hand out medals for repeatedly raiding and assaulting unaligned nations.

  12. Now why would Vox care so much about one little ol' player making a statement of opinion that Vox is somehow evil? :rolleyes:

    It's not the opinion of Vox being evil, but the obvious propaganda stating that the NPO is good.

    EDIT: I am simply stating by that second comment about the apparent lack of NPO posts and activity on these forums. After the war against the Polar Order, and the suspicion relating to the NPO's activities in isolating this alliance, having a former Vox member turn up and to state that the freedom fighters of Vox Populi are bad and the overlords of Cybernations in the New Pacific Order are good would be a start for the alliance to edge it's way back into the forums.

    If i'm wrong then i'm wrong, this is simply how I view this thread.

    And now back to the topic at hand.

  13. The white peace does not show Vox is evil. It does show that Vox lied. Read the other threads I started. Vox would have been very happy for me to assume I was dead, beyond all hope.

    That is your choice, it is not Vox’s decision to say if you are ‘beyond hope’ or ‘dead.’

    Many of us are fighting due to that, many of us have been backstabbed, betrayed and curb stomped by the alliance you now defend. We are not simply doing this for ‘the right reasons,’ some of us are simply in this to settle old scores.

    There are those of us have no hope for a future as long as the NPO maintains it’s regime and meatshield of allies and puppet alliances, please try to understand that.

    The evil comes from some other things I have directed at Vox in previous posts, nothing to do with white peace.

    Would you care to give a few quotes or links to said posts? possibly along with the threads you have mentioned.

  14. In five short days, I learned how wrong I was, and rightfully paid for it for almost two months.

    I have been mostly destroyed, ZI by the likes of Saber, Sognatore, BustyLarue, Kevin the Great, Ceremony, Z'Ha'Dum, mhawk, and others less notable. I stopped fighting when honor was all i could hope to attain.

    Do you mean that you surrendered, or that you simply gave up?

    And honor was found. The Coalition alliances with which I have warred have at different times either given peace or pointed me to the NPO for the peace I so desperately needed. To my surprise and great relief, NPO has given mercy. A white peace has been given. All have shown that they value honor and honesty. My perception of them is forever changed.

    Because you were not a considerable target, to kill an alliance you generally aim to kill off it’s leaders, and unless you have some great standing within Vox I seriously dobut that the New Pacific Order or it’s allies would consider you to be worth driving out the game or condemning to ‘Eternal ZI.’

    I was lied to by Vox, although I have full responsibility for listening and approaching them in the first place. Those of you out there harboring the same hatred I did, walk away from it. The dark side of CN lies.

    It whispers deceit, but can't stand in the light.

    There is honor to be found among those we had called our enemies, not complete destruction for all as we were told.

    The ‘dark side’ of CN is most certainly the NPO, did you not see their Star Wars month?

    But in all seriousness I can agree with you on some level, Vox cannot be allowed to lead Cybernations, it would not bring about prosperity for all alliances but what it would do is return Cybernations to what it should be: in chaos.

    Through this chaos the NPO’s order, the order which they can mob any alliance they wish, any one who speaks out against them, any alliance that had not joined their ‘glorious regime’ and gave them an opportunity, and excuse would not be attacked and raided en mass. In short, Vox is aiming to return two things to Cybernations which have long since been buried: individuality, and a balance of power.

    Also, what is this deceit that you speak of? what lies?

    The lie that FAN is under siege for an event which many of it’s remaining members had no part in?

    The lie that GATO was assaulted on all sides and a particularly fast pace (a pace which would suggest to me at least several days of preparation and advanced planning) and repeatedly raided, insulted, and ‘kicked while it was down?’

    The lie that the IAA, would not be offered any form of peace and would be forced to disband simply due to the fact that they had come to their allies aid and then had their ‘funeral thread’ essentially p*ssed on by members of this ‘honourable alliance’?

    I must also ask you of this honour of which you speak? as you saying that an alliance which would quite gladly moonlight as a fascist regime, an alliance which would willingly backstab allies, partners and make preparations to isolate it’s sister alliance for when they entered a war is hounourable?

    Are you saying, that an alliance who’s armed forces based their tactics upon the quirks and glitches of Cybernations programming, and seems to be very well prepared for any changes in the game and introduces a Peace Doctrine is even worthy of being related in any way to the word honour?

    if this is the case then I must question your judgment of such things.

    Yes, a few of you are done for, never to grace these pages under the same nations/rulers again. It is a shame that a few of you must wearily trudge on that long march. For a few of you though, it is deserving. Your hate is infectious, not empowering.

    Our hate? our hate is borne out of their lust for more power, their gluttonous desire for conquest, their desire for ‘order.’ Their order to be imposed upon others.

    If you condemn our hate, and if as your first sentence suggests that we deserve to be driven out of Cybernations, then so do those who sowed the seeds of our hatred.

  15. No, i'm saying that it seems to me that the most powerful nations of Cyber Nations are usually facists, and I'm quite concerned about it.

    I don't blame you, the large majority of the updates made have focused upon boosting war for those on top in one way or another.

    The inclusion of a navy for example, could only be given to those who were considerably advanced and seemed to only consist of warships, nothing about freighters or trawlers, nothing that could give an economic boost to your nation.

    This seems to give every advantage to the world's biggest invasion monkeys, and puts those who want to use the political and economical side of CN at a disadvantage.

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