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Posts posted by Bob

  1. Less treaties will mean less wars. You people arent understanding that yet. Say that Murder Inc. had no allies, and we decided to hit a smaller alliance just for kicks. How would we have any competition to fight us back? Same can be said for the rest of the alliances. Treaties are good in a sense here. Yes they can overlap and cause a few headaches. But they can make this game a little more fair for alot of people.

    How many wars have we had in TE now? How many curbstomps have there been? The only times I can recall a total beatdown for any alliance, is when they dont have an ally to call on. I realize this is TE, and I also realize its just a game. But you people need to realize something also. I play to win, and I am pretty damn sure most of you do as well. So quit whining and complaining and just deal with whatever happens.

    Says the NPO of this game. Having fun being a member of the controlling bloc that has scared the resistance into withdrawal and when resistance is attempted, the general public laughs and ignores it, and peaces out to avoid losing infra in a game that lasts 90 days.

    Reached your goal you have, was it worth it?

    And no, I have never played any game to win. I play for fun, and fun is not winning a game to the point where there is no resistance or you beat down any resistance.

    Edit: Oh, and I have to say, I have had fun. I am one for losing wars over and over again :D

  2. I think it went something like.

    NpO: hey GR we have something for you its Hyperion

    GR: Um ok thanks, hey lots of these name all in one group seem familiar somehow...

    NpO: :ph34r:These are not the names you are thinking of :ph34r:

    GR: oh, ok thanks.

    Interesting logs, though I wonder why I have never seen them before. You would think they might be relevant to my job...


  3. Oh perfect, let's resort to baseless threats you aren't going to follow through on.

    Yeah, consider this your warning, if you threaten them again, you aren't going to be doing well in the rest of your Cybernations career. I suggest peacing out now and shutting up about reparations, because they are not coming. No one is going to stand up for you, except for your alliance, but considering that you weren't in one, you have no grounds to complain here. This member followed poor tech raiding etiquette with the demands of all your tech, but you don't have to send him your tech. Accept peace and lay off the threats. If you attack him, he will continue his war with you and cause you more damage.


    Edit: Informed peace was accepted. Good to hear :)

  4. You probably should have gone through private channels for this.

    Being a newer nation makes this unlikely, so I'll reply here.

    Avalanche can tech raid whoever they want, but because you have joined Aquitaine, I will be requesting they cease.

    I would request you request a lock for this thread, as Aquitaine has already contacted me privately and done their business there.


  5. Your right, I really hate my RL, what would one do with a personal checking account such as mine and thats just my checking..


    OCC, I don't have to be cool here.

    OOC: You seriously posting your personal checking account statement?

    Wow, money doesn't make a person Alferius.

    Flaunt it if you got it I guess >_>

    Anyways, that did absolutely nothing for the thread.

  6. You didnt have to open this and read, it was a slightly amusing post, calm down. If you want to put it like that, this whole game is wasting your "time." Go do something productive with yourself.

    This man speaks the truth.

    I think I have seen the Jesus Christ one before, that's good stuff.

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