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Charlie Manson

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  • Nation Name
    The Family
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    No Pacific Order!
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Ok, sorry about being nubs about this, but I have run into another speed-bump. I attempted to reroll my nation only to keep the bad-rep-name I was trying to escape from in order to start off with a clean slate (thinking the nation-name space was ruler-name when I rolled). I know that it is possible to get a new name because I did a while ago, but I don't remember how. Can I please have my ruler, nation, etc deleted, so I can start over with a clean slate? I beg of you there's no point in being stinky 'ol Charlie Manson and continuing to exist in CN.
  2. No, not to dodge the warning, but I'm curious just because rerolling was something I was planning to do before the warning, and I won't be able to claim that I'm a new nation with a fresh slate if I have that ugly thing sticking out on my extended page.
  3. So, even if I delete and reroll? What if I reroll on a different computwar and then log back on to this one?
  4. Do in-game warnings last forever? Just curious.
  5. I support you guys all the way. I hope, despite the inevetable loss, that you anarchy as many Nazi-Continuum-basturds as you possibly can. G'luck. :jihad:
  6. Because it is funny and if you don't like it then you don't have to join it. People getting offended = People just really being bored.
  7. Yay for IRON! Even though they are npo's friends.
  8. BTW, Andrew, your Soviet propaganda pics are FTW! Especially that futuristic Soviet one. It's just t!ts.
  9. 'Cause it's a bloody simulation game! I'm not really a king when I choose monarchy for my governemnt. I'm not really buddhist when I choose Buddhism for my national religion. I don't really use franks or roubles or pounds. I'm a libertarian in real life, but that didn't stop me from joining that fascist nordreich alliance a while back (EDIT: on a different nation)! I am simulating because I am playing a freakin' simulation game, for chrissakes! Lol. Sorry if I seem a bit angry; other events in my life aren't so chipper, so I have to take 'em out on you. roflmao.
  10. Hypocrisy FTL! So, what if I'm offended by your army-guy avatar since I'm vehemently oppossed to US militarism? What if I'm offended by your alliance "Holy Crusaders", since I find the atrocities commited by Religion are equivalant to the atrocities commited by secular dictatorships? Oh yeah, that's right, I realized that this is a nation simulation game which simulates nations, which would include Western military-industrial complexes, Socialist dictatorships, and Religious theocracies since such nations have and continue to exist. Duh. *Drawn-out Sigh*
  11. Hello, I was wondering, since my nation got totally raped in the current No Vision-One Vision conflict, if there were any other free nation simulation games out there similiar to CN that I could play while waiting for this genocide to roll over? I'd appreciate any information you gave me and sorry if this is the wrong place to post this kind of question. Your Family Friend, Charlie Manson
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