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Posts posted by checkers6676

  1. Gee, I wasn't aware VE was at war. Maybe I missed that message /sarcasm


    I don't have exams now, so I have the time to play this game. As for those who still begrudge me surrendering in the Karma war so I could concentrate on exams, I can only laugh at the fact that you won't get anywhere in life because you will be too busy on CN :)

  2. We in Valhalla have been trying to come out of peacemode for the last 2 days, but for some reason we can't edit our nations to enter war mode. admin said he'd get right on it but thinks it could take up to a month to fix, so there's really nothing we can do about it at this point.

  3. If you guys would just let things develop instead of spying and making this stuff public we'd be seeing a lot more wars. As ES said, now that you guys have said what you did it's likely to never happen.


    But what is CN without your spies and yellow journalists, right?

  4. I'll be Chris Atkins, you be Brooke Shields.

    I'll work on the assumption that you only read that part that you quoted.

    Vox Populi only needed 1 senate seat to achive its goals (success) in regards to the Red team. Because NPO defines the Red team as its territory, even by conventional standards of success all Vox needed to do was take one seat. Also due to NPO's stance regarding the Red team, all NPO needed to do to fail was to be unable to dislodge Vox Populi, which they could not (and did not). You and soem IOs are the only people on the planet that don't understand or acknowledge this, and I'm not going to lay it out for you again.

    But you see, Vox Populi currently has 23 members, NPO has 911 members. So NPO didn't "lose" according to the mechanics of the game, and Vox didn't "succeed" according to the mechanics of the game--Vox still got pushed down and out, and NPO still has the member count and strength count they had before you ever did get a senate seat. Any claims by Vox that you "won" by getting a single senate seat in Red team is simply a pathetic attempt to feed the delusion that Vox ever was or ever will be important.

  5. Now I for one have never been one to follow the events of CN closely. Mostly I have found the events to be repetative, because infra building and war are two subjects which have only finite possibilities. However, this recent war intrigued me. Quite often groups of people scrap together to form no-name alliances which within weeks, fall apart and cease to exist, or merge into a slightly larger, no name alliance. At first I thought of the Vox Poppuli as such an alliance. I figure it released a piece of propoganda which was especially offensive, and made a ruckus, and it was time for them to break apart. However, I was surprised when more and more people, especially well known ones, joined their ranks. Next thing I knew, my intuition was wrong and it was a formidable force.

    Now that hostilities seem to be subsiding, and members still proudly call themselves Vox Poppuli (sorry if I have been spelling this wrong), I must wonder, how long will this alliance last? They must start rebuilding now, and start a hierarchy in which keeps the promise of letting every member have a free voice and speaking out.

    1. Vox Populi was never a formidable force as a fighting entity, just with spam.

    2. It's obvious what they will do after the war, some will quit, some will fight desperately to not be ZI'd until they get into bill lock and are forced to quit, others will lurk in peacemode, and others still will reroll, thinking they can make a difference with their brand new 10 ns nations, when in all reality they are pushing a cause that never has and never will prevail in the game.

    3. Hostilities aren't subsiding regarding Vox Populi, I'm pretty sure over half the alliances in the game have them on ZI lists. They will live in peacemode, if they can get there, or reroll and eventually be tracked down anyway.

    4. Vox Populi IS breaking apart, it just doesn't seem like it because of their activity on the forums. They are down 43 members from their peak member count, and losing a few more each day. Also, less than 5k NS average...lol is all i have to say

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