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Posts posted by Shakyr

  1. <yawn>

    If you're going to post **** on the forums youwish, the least you could do is provide us with some entertainment in the form of reasons, possible a few supporting falsified screenshots, the usual.

    Nothing to see here folks, move along :)

  2. Saying you're overjoyed that an alliance disbanded while pretending to be morally outraged over a bet people made on when they would disband? Riiight. That makes sense.

    Makes a fair amount of sense. As I see it, he was just stating that while he's overjoyed at the disbandment, he wouldn't go as low as betting on when they would disband. Nothing wrong with that, Shode.

  3. You guys really should of just accepted white peace, your doing a lot more damage to yourselves then your dishing out to IS.

    You still posting and digging holes for yourself?

    I doubt the point of it is to do more damage to the other side. CG is standing up for themselves and not letting IS walk all over them. Would you let someone walk all over you, regardless of whether they are larger or smaller than you?

    Didn't say they had. Just thought someone out there might want to hear my observations of the war so far.

    We don't care about your observations ;)

  4. From what I've seen of Francesca, she is a character that whines about morals all day long no matter how illogical they are. The action she is trying to take against IS is no more or less moral then what IS did to her alliance, she should realize this and do the moral thing and accept white peace from IS.

    To me, if she continues this course of action she is immoral.

    If Francesca is going to continue her moral crusade though planet bob then yes, or she can attack IS and tell the world she is no longer the bastion for morality.

    To me though, if IS attacked Athens, I would be first in a long line of Athenians grinding their nations into absolute nothingness.

    Don't see what is so immoral about warning someone that if they don't pay reps for an unprovoked attack, they will get what they deserve. That is all the OP is doing.

    I think you just have a very unsavoury bias in this matter, personally. One could even say you are being very immoral in your posts.

    They aren't attacking in defense, CG can have peace if they want it, Fran said in her OP that IS offered her peace, she turned it down and instead she is going to start a war of vengeance in order to obtain money from IS. This, is the same as IS did to CG, attacking for money and tech in their tech raid.

    Fran is immoral.

    EDIT: fran is immoral

    Jack is immoral.

    As best I can figure out, it has something to do with Hell Scream saying mean things about Pink.

    Doesn't everyone who isn't on Pink say mean things about Pink though? ;)

    Trying to equivocate IS attacking CG for no discernable reason with CG demanding reparations is, umm, I'm not really sure. Completely irrational and illogical and mind-melting. Sure, CG doesn't have to push for reps, but they are perfectly within their rights to do so.

    Couldn't have put it better myself.

  5. IS already offered peace, the only reason this is carrying on is because Fran wants reps.

    I don't see how any alliance jumping in, attacking IS, then demanding reps from them is any different from the original tech raid performed on CG.

    Fran is immoral.

    Jack, it doesn't really matter whether or not some (or all) of the IS nations have offered peace. CG was attacked and they are well within their rights to demand reps and/or take their tech/money/land/etc back. At least Fran was nice enough to warn them and give them the option of backing out now.

    As for the other bit, it is different in that those alliances would most likely be attacking IS in defence of CG, not just "for the lolz" or whatever the reason was ... does anyone actually know yet?

  6. Understandable. I'm one of those who doesn't really like the war bit that much. Never got the glee of building something up and then blowing it to bits afterward. Well, OK, there was that time when I was young and had those building toys that I kept..um, let's just say I'm more careful with my stuff now.

    Only reason I see war as useful is for cheap land. The problem with that is that you need to destroy infra in order to get said land. Infra is expensive, especially in larger nations, so said war can get very expensive for the nation being attacked.

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