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Morey 2k7

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Posts posted by Morey 2k7

  1. Yet again good things have occured in the Democratic Republic of Argonaut. With us announcing our new charter and Election Results yesterday, this time i am here to announce our accomplisment of surpassing the 1.5million Nation Strength (NS) Milestone. Alot of hard work has gone into this achievement with a vast amount of aid being distributed around the alliance.

    May we reach the 2 million NS mark in a swift manner.


    P.S Try and keep up GUN

    Hail Argo

    Morey 2k7

    Norman 173



    Edit - Added Link and screenshot

  2. The IAA is 516 days and counting. After looking through your entire list of members in CN, not one of them has been an ArGo member longer then 516 days. As such, the IAA is most likely older and thus, you took the acronym from us. :P

    You still stole the name from us using your time machine to come to the future and check out Argo :)

  3. I'm sorry; I remember hating Argonauts really, really hard a few months ago, but I don't remember why. Wasn't your leader running multi's?

    Congrats on the stuff though.

    Yeah our Old, Old, Old leader was running Multi's, could say it was Argo's darkest hour. Got rid of him though and now we are stronger than ever :)

  4. Thankyou to everyone for showing there support, it feels good to be back to the top again after losing out in the last elections against Truh.

    Please all feel free to stop by our room on Coldfront at #cnargo

    P.S Fallin, watch out as we are catching you in NS again :)

  5. Bob, one other HUGE difference here is like what BnT so eloquently put forth.

    NPO doesnt RAID so extending protection to its sphere to ward against a practice they themselves dont practice is understandable.

    THESE alliances RAID! They are trying to protect nations in their color sphere from raiding while still going into OTHER color spheres and RAIDING.

    HYPOCRICY in the extreme ITT

    Exactly as Chefjoe has stated, if you want to offer protection to your sphere from tech raids, then dont allow tech raiding yourselves.

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