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About Hysterian

  • Birthday 11/18/1980

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  • Nation Name
    River Yona
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  1. Thank you Sarkin! I don’t use IRC anymore but I do use Discord. Thanks for the thread link.
  2. “Who are you?” I know you’re probably asking that. Although this profile shows I joined 2008, I actually joined the game back in 2006, when multies were allowed. I was active during the first 4 Great Wars. I started off on the game NS (not sure if it is still a banned name, but it was back in the early days) and then I migrated here. On this platform, I was a founding member of The Spork Cult, Long time member of Olympus, some political alliance that I can’t even remember, a spy on various alliances, a founding member of La Familia, and a few others. For years I stayed loyal to my people though - we would merge and migrate together as needed. Many of us even migrated to CyberCitizens. Whew! Those days were fun! I still play NS, although fairly inactively with username Glugs. Don’t judge me…I was going through a divorce and drinking pretty heavily at the time, thus the username Glugs. *glug glug glug* I went inactive back in 2013, before the great wipeout of inactive nations. Unfortunately I couldn’t resurrect my original nation because it was prior to 2014 *pout* So I come back just over a decade later to find almost no activity. Doesn’t truly surprise me, as the world navigates more to the virtual and less in text based gaming now. I started Age 4 of Olympus back up and I am the only member, which is ok for now since I’m trying to remember the ropes here. Gosh…that’s almost 20 years ago that I went inactive. I’m old. Some of y’all weren’t even born when I started playing this game. 😂 Also, because I’m old, and struggling to remember much else about my history here, if anyone remembers me and can fill me in on some of the history that involved me, that would be awesome. Anyway, was hoping to reconnect with people, that is if anyone still exists around here that actually knew me from back in the day. If you remember me, say hi. 😉 PS: Anyone know if Kev is still the owner of the game or has the game switched hands? He probably remembers me, the irresistible thorn in his side in the early days. 😜 PSS: I didn’t know whether to put this in Watercooler or here, but figured since this is regarding gameplay, I’m probably in the right place. Mods, feel free to move it if it needs to go elsewhere.
  3. For me, Ivan Moldavi or Sam. Both have caused me numerable amounts of grief over the years.
  4. Yes, but at least Pansy doesn't have fleas like someone else I know... Sorry Buffy. You know I luvz ya!
  5. Yay Olympus! May she see several more birthdays!
  6. Dirty mouth? Meh, we don't care... NATO: We're delicious!
  7. Oh noez! We found ourselves on page two. I must change that.
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