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Kae Lee

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Posts posted by Kae Lee

  1. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1297057449' post='2623509']
    Never let a good grudge die.
    Never put more thought into it than that Locke, I'd hate for you to surprise me or anything. :rolleyes:

    [quote name='President S O' timestamp='1297057489' post='2623514']
    Heh, I can't wish you military success, Alchemy. Kae Lee you're a friend of mine and I hope you achieve peace soon.

    KaeLee :wub:
    I know you can't SO - still :wub: you anyway. ;)

    [quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1297058166' post='2623566']
    I second everything this man says. :wub: KaeLee :wub:
    Thank you Baka. :wub:

    [quote name='TheyCallMeJeezy' timestamp='1297058319' post='2623572']

    We don't like who NPO used to be so we're declaring on somebody else!!!!
    Friends don't let friends post drunk. Don't you have any friends? Or are you so beyond independent thought you just drink whatever kool aid you're handed? :huh:

  2. [quote name='Silver Empress' timestamp='1295553984' post='2586984']
    So you made an announcement...to tell everyone that you're going to attack them. And possibly to instigate more fights?
    [quote name='uaciaut' timestamp='1295554060' post='2586987']
    We're actually using this thread to pick our targets, p innovative way to create a CB if you ask me
    Either way suits me. :awesome:

  3. CN not only helped me, but has actually changed my life. :)

    I've been living with a guy I met on CN for over a year and a half now, and I moved several states away to be with him. I've also met a few great people that have become RL friends, and I even landed some freelance work doing game reviews after citing CN experiences in my proposal.

  4. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293921466' post='2560309']
    Come Kae, I know you're smart enough to realize that there is such a things as levels of democratic systems.
    Then you should also know I'm smart enough to understand a charter - and when the charter and professed 'democracy' are only idealistic fluff and not representative of the reality.

  5. [quote name='Altheus' timestamp='1293891363' post='2560032']
    Democracy hasn't served UPN well in the past, since elected government has sadly proven over the years to be just as vulnerable to self-interest.

    [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1293895374' post='2560072']
    He was UPN government before leaving to form his own alliance.


    That statement in this announcement is just hilarious Altheus.

    As for UPN being a democracy in the past, elected officials governed by a dictator is not a democracy - which explains at least one of your splinters. :rolleyes:

  6. [quote name='Atmosfear' timestamp='1293675253' post='2557800']
    So what should I do if someone from MK asks me to get in the van and help him search for his lost puppy? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif[/img]
    Get in Atmos, and bring us back some candy when they're through with you. :P


  7. [quote]I was not making decisions about the war back in January and February. [/quote]
    I would have thought being as you took over that you would have had some input in the direction of the alliance at that point. Then again, I know how much value was placed on cabinet members opinions in the old regime, so maybe not.

    If it's true that you didn't, and you just inherited this colossal FA faux pas, then my mistake. Even if you are not responsible for the decisions though, you took the helm with full knowledge of what was done, yes? Maybe it's just me, but had that been the situation - political differences aside - I would have set to work immediately to correct the atrocities committed under the UPN banner by the old regime and help clear UPNs name. Something along the lines of a new and better direction post to help distinguish between the 'old' UPN and the 'new' one would have been appropriate. And maybe righting the wrongs of UPN by taking my sanctioned alliance and using it to restore Invicta (and other allies who suffered) to something of their former selves, not just a half-fulfilled promise to do so. I guess we all lead differently, that's just me.

  8. [quote name='Bones Malone' date='09 June 2010 - 07:39 PM' timestamp='1276130366' post='2330887']
    Kae, I see what you're saying, and this is probably the only time you'll catch me posting in this thread because my thoughts on the announcement are pretty conflicted, but I have to disagree. You're exactly right in your complaints against the regime that refused to downgrade the treaty. However, that regime is not this regime. The two are so radically different that I can't fault them for going against what was done previously. The only people still around from back then are Hans and Don (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not entirely sure). New person in the big pants, new direction. I can't fault Peggy for mistakes and perceived mistakes made by Altheus, and I won't hold things Peggy does against Altheus. I'll just accept that the political climate over there has changed and chalk it all up to "differing political views" or whatever the official statement was. It is possible for two close alliances to veer apart after a regime change.
    Why am I not surprised that you would step in to disagree with me Bones? LOL. That's all right, you're allowed. :P

    Okay, I don't do this often, but... I'll concede to part of what you are saying here. It is a new regime, and you are absolutely right about that. It is unfair of me to hold them to the mistakes of the old regime, and I will take care not to do that anymore.

    That being said, it changes very little. The new regimes decisions are less then impressive, to say the least, if one of the first major actions they chose to pursue was to desert a long standing, high level treaty (the highest they held) in the middle of a war. Even if, as basically a completely new entity, UPN was choosing to snuggle up elsewhere on Planet Bob, making that decision at the time they did was poor leadership and a bad show. Frankly, as screwed up as the old regime was, maybe they would have at least honored their treaties.

    And just to dissuade any assumptions that this is simply blind hate for UPN - which it isn't - I'd like to say that Alchemy, on two occasions this past week, approached UPN gov to alert them to potential problems, when we could have easily kept quiet. We don't hate UPN - we simply have no respect for them.

  9. [quote name='Becks For Dinner' date='08 June 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1276024218' post='2329038']
    I pushed to get rid of that treaty because I didn't agree with Invicta, and I didn't want to hold an MADP with an alliance I didn't agree with, but it didn't get cancelled or downgraded did it? Why didn't it happen? Because Altheus said we would never break our treaty with Invicta, he wouldn't do that, we were too close to Invicta and we would go down swinging with them. Then they go to war and UPN whistles it's own tune saying they don't want any of that. So what changed?
    [quote name='DonVox' date='09 June 2010 - 10:11 AM' timestamp='1276096275' post='2330160']
    A few months after the war, it seems like we agree with you in the sense that we differ with Invicta's FA. Consider yourself vindicated?
    LOL. That is rich Don. You, along with all of the other ministers agreed at that time [i]by a unanimous cabinet vote[/i] to downgrade the treaty, at which point the "democratic" nature of UPN ceased to exist with Altheus' overriding of that decision, and subsequent vehement defending of the long-standing relationship held between UPN and Invicta that Becks refers to above.

    I might have been able to respect that decision in the long run, despite the slap in the face it was to the entire UPN process and her cabinet members. But UPN dismissed it's government's "democratic power" to stand by Invicta, and then at the first test of that loyalty afterward bailed on them.

    So they threw out the democratic process because it was convenient. Then they threw out the treaty they defended because it was convenient. And now it is convenient for them to cozy up to the other side, since they alienated most of purple by hugging their stats so tightly under the guise of conflicting treaties.

    It's not about vindication Don; it's about truth and accountability.

  10. [quote name='fluffyewunga' date='05 June 2010 - 07:02 PM' timestamp='1275782555' post='2325321']
    I find it strange that less then half a story has becone Gospel truth.

    Invicta was as much at fault in this as UPN.
    I doubt you find that strange at all, you just don't like being on the other side of it.

    As for Invicta, of course most of us don't know what went on behind closed doors. But even if it is true that Invicta was at fault, I'd say they paid their dues with about 2M of their NS. UPN shouldn't whine now that they are paying their dues for their choices.

  11. [quote name='Alterego' date='05 June 2010 - 04:10 AM' timestamp='1275728982' post='2324381']
    Real friends dont position themselves in the middle of the treaty web to get out of a fight they will probably lose. UPN were only friends when convenient. A treaty with UPN should always be considered optional especially if you are on the smaller side of the war no matter how big a friend they claim to be. So if they treat MADPs as optional why not make them optional. They seem to be slithering over to the other side now anyway. o/ Invicta, an ally who actually defends their friends.
    There have certainly been a few waves between Alchemy and Invicta, but it was my first home and I am very glad to see this. Good for you Invicta, you deserve better.

  12. [quote name='abdur' date='09 February 2010 - 02:47 PM' timestamp='1265748454' post='2171081']
    Could we please continue this in private(ie on your forums) as I do not want to derail NATO's thread. It wasn't Atlashill who requested it, but some one else,(I cant remember who requested it.)
    Also, let it be known that, as of now, I hold no ill will towards Alchemy, They were on the opposite side of the treaty web and this was inevitable.
    Best of luck to both parties
    o/NATO(Because they are an ally)
    I have no problem with that - since I actually kind of like NATO, and the OP made here by my alliance was supposed to be about just that - honoring our protectorate and declaring on NATO - and not all of this other drama. So long as you guys understand if you want to start mudslinging and derail every Alchemy topic, I will gladly be there to go toe to toe with you every time.

    I only mentioned Atlas because that's who you said requested it - but ultimately the 'who' really doesn't matter.

    Also V - awesome post. :wub:

  13. [quote name='abdur' date='09 February 2010 - 01:04 AM' timestamp='1265699074' post='2170214']
    You could, maybe, call them by their name? There is no need for someone to represent UPN as a whole when the thread doesnt concern the alliance itself. My anti-Alchemy propaganda was done During the war. The only propaganda I did was: [img]http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh17/kaylee1975/Cybernations/AbdurSig.gif[/img] Which is common propaganda when there is a war going on. The only other Anti-Alchemy piece I animated was an Invictan members. Hence the credit shouldn't go to me but to him.
    Wow. Really Abdur? If you're going to come in here to wrestle, you could at least bring some better moves.

    We have zero problem with war propaganda. And frankly we are flattered we're on your mind so much. But for you to sit here and claim innocence is quite hysterical, since just before you posted this your sig was the following:


    But you just [i]animated [/i]that for Invicta (throw ally under the bus here). So Atlashill should get all the credit, because it was his idea. Let me guess... your sig should in no way reflect your views, amirite?

    [quote name='AtheistRepublican' date='09 February 2010 - 02:57 AM' timestamp='1265705875' post='2170325']
    Is this thread even about Alchemy's war with NATO anymore?
    Absolutely AtheistRepublican. And on that subject I am having tremendous fun with guys. There seems to be a bit of pent up anger on the part of some of your allies however, and Alchemy certainly reserves the right to defend themselves against the onslaught of bawwing.

    [quote name='President S O' date='09 February 2010 - 03:13 AM' timestamp='1265706789' post='2170334']
    I can't believe this **** is still going on. UPN members, it would be [i]wise[/i] to completely avoid this thread, and Alchemy threads into the future unless you have something nice or productive to say. So far, neither have been evident. Every time Alchemy posts something, all that happens is this bickering.

    Tip: Avoid their threads. Simple.
    Pres :wub:

    [quote name='abdur' date='09 February 2010 - 03:14 AM' timestamp='1265706893' post='2170338']
    I completely agree with this,
    If you do frequent the threads, please make sure that what is said is on topic.
    :huh: The laughs never stop with you Abdur, do they? :lol1:

    [quote name='Wentworth the Brave' date='09 February 2010 - 03:16 AM' timestamp='1265706986' post='2170341']
    This thread is about Alchemy declaring war on NATO. This is about the fifth DoW now on NATO where we have not shown any contempt for those that declare on us and the declaring alliance has been respectful too. This is also the fifth time now that the thread was derailed with other agendas.

    I am not government but to enemies and allies alike: If you are going to talk about personal issues between your respective alliances, kindly do it somewhere else. This thread is reserved for people hailing NATO, people laughing at NATO, Alchemy members being awesome and NATO members being indifferent to the 10th DoW :P

    UPN, I like you
    Invicta, I like you
    Alchemy I like you

    Settle it in private please.

    ah $%&@ it. MK I like you guys too.
    LOL! Wentworth, I don't know you but Becks speaks highly of you - and if he says you're a solid guy, which he does, that's good enough for me. Obviously there are some hard feelings between Alchemy and Invicta/UPN, which unfortunately they feel the need to bring up here. They're attempting to make us look like fools and/or smear our name so they can vindicate their own hate by damaging Alchemy's reputation. For an alliance of 23 nations we seem to warrant an awful lot of attention from two alliances who make up 500+ nations. The funny part - the part they don't seem to understand - is that Alchemy is unfazed by their efforts, and unconcerned with the opinion of anyone who jumps on the hate wagon without knowing the whole story.

    So in keeping with your guidelines, I'd like to say the following. I had a tasty NATO nuke for dessert last night, and it was so good I'm hoping to have another one today. ^_^


    :lol1: NATO

    o/ Alchemy :awesome:

    That covers it... right? ;)

  14. [quote name='abdur' date='09 February 2010 - 12:05 AM' timestamp='1265695532' post='2170105']
    That comment was of Lukcia's opinion, not UPN, as an alliance, so no need to bash a whole alliance over a member's(not even gov) comment. As to why UPN members feel the need to support their MDoAP partners in the thread they are declared war in, I think you can figure that out.
    Interesting jump there, since he did not bash UPN as a whole, but specifically referred to the member comments that have been made. Granted he did use the term "UPN" to describe said members collectively... way out of line, I agree. Perhaps you have a suggestion as to what to call the collective UPN members whose opinions don't represent UPN?

    Also, your position (obviously not UPNs, even if you are gov, if I'm to understand you correctly... pro-tip, if the members [b]and [/b]their gov don't represent UPN - you might check in to getting someone to do that for you) that there's no need to bash an entire alliance over a few member's opinions, is pretty rich considering your anti-Alchemy propaganda.

  15. [quote name='Lukcia' date='08 February 2010 - 04:14 PM' timestamp='1265667241' post='2169172']
    So, will you be disrespectful in this war as well?

    Good luck all 20 of you.
    Confucius say one would be wise to consider the advice in their own sig before casting stones. ^_^

  16. [quote name='Amonra' date='08 February 2010 - 10:57 AM' timestamp='1265648265' post='2168810']
    You mean left in a huff cuase you got passed over for a promotion & took members with you to a new alliance in your hasty retreat?
    No I can honostly say we have not had any other ministers that have done the job you did!
    The Kool-Aid is tasty isn't it Amonra? What amazes me is they never change the flavor over there... I got bored with it myself, but there's no accounting for some people's taste.

    I confess. I'm so disappointed and bitter over the whole thing. I've never quite recovered to be honest. As a matter of fact, I have made every decision since that incident a year ago solely based on getting back at you guys for it. :unsure: I'm so full of anger, I even turned the same position down the two times it [i]was[/i] offered to me, well after I left. Get over *myself*? :facepalm:

    If you'd like to pull your head out of the punch bowl for a minute, I'll let you in on a little secret. I was planning on leaving [i]months[/i] before that wonderful debacle even occurred. :ph34r: Contrary to popular belief, my issues there had nothing to do with Jorost whatsoever. Was I angry? Not at all. Hurt? Yes. But within a week I was over it, and focusing on other things... a talent that apparently eludes many who were involved - and not involved at all - in said circumstances.

    Now that I've cleared that up, let's take it a step further. Do you know who [i]was[/i] slated to get that position? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't Haf, lol. It was Ryiis, who turned it down and started an alliance with me. Assuming he was the mindless automaton you obviously believe him to be (since I just 'took' him and the others, and they must not have been capable of independent thought), I probably would have had a lot more fun getting back at Invicta by staying and simply manipulating him. After all, if what you believe is true I would have held the position by proxy, wouldn't I? :ehm:

    [quote name='Anu Drake' date='08 February 2010 - 11:09 AM' timestamp='1265648989' post='2168824']
    Let's stop with the bandwagon and backstabbing stuff please. Alchemy is honoring their committments to their protectors, they wanted to fight and we're on the list. That's as honorable as you can get, so drop the negativity against Alchemy, please.
    Thank you for that Anu. I have never had any contact with NATO in the past, but at least from what I've seen here you guys are a decent bunch. It's a pleasure to dance with you. ;)

  17. [quote name='Amonra' date='08 February 2010 - 09:55 AM' timestamp='1265644535' post='2168761']
    Being shafted huh? I would call being shafted; you leaving your goverment postion with out notice(ok, not a huge deal) and recruiting members to follow you to your new alliance while still in goverment and taking them with you.
    And exceptional talent? Get over your self!
    Bitter much? I love opinions based in raw emotion as opposed to actual facts. :awesome:

    Wow - backstabbing, traitors, recruiting/poaching... Since you guys seem to have so much problem figuring out the definition of words, I'll help you out again.

    Recruit: To attempt to enroll or enlist a member.

    This should not be confused with what happens when like minded people decide they do not belong to an entity that shares their beliefs, and hence leave to find a place that does.

    Get over myself? :lol1: Have you even met me? :blink: Seriously though, you're right. I'm sure you've had plenty of Finance Ministers since I left that did every bit the job I did for you. :rolleyes:

  18. [quote name='President S O' date='08 February 2010 - 01:02 AM' timestamp='1265612543' post='2168420']
    Some people really need to keep their heads out of this thread. :((

    That said, best of luck to Alchemy and NATO. Sad to see my friends on the other side, but I fully understand your positions, and respect it to the fullest.


    EDIT: Typo.
    That's what makes you better than the rest Pres. :wub:

    [quote name='Haflinger' date='08 February 2010 - 01:05 AM' timestamp='1265612737' post='2168423']
    No, that's not what I'm talking about. It's pretty funny that you seem to be unaware.

    I'm sure Wedgie was proud of Valhalla too.

    No. You were a traitor when you were in UPN, you're still a traitor now.
    You should be more specific then Haf, because we aren't afraid to lay everything out on the table. Just to clarify, that's how one feels when they've done nothing wrong. Instead you choose to hide behind your bitterness with vague references and name calling because in reality that's all you have.

    [quote name='King John Philos Vi' date='08 February 2010 - 05:51 AM' timestamp='1265629900' post='2168573']
    Aww.... there goes Haffypoo, being sweet as always to Alchemy when he posts. :gag:

    Becks is a "traitor", eh? So, what does that make me? A double traitor!? WHOA! For shame! Naughty, naughty me! :ehm:

    Seriously, though Haffles. If you spent more time in Foreign Affairs for your alliance than worrying about Internal Affairs for UPN, you might actually know what's going on! :smug:
    KJ, that makes us double traitor backstabbers with whip cream on top. :awesome:

  19. [quote name='Haflinger' date='08 February 2010 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1265611398' post='2168394']
    Because of your historical habit of cutting and running any time people won't bend over for you.
    Because of your historical habit of cutting and running any time you're tired of getting bent over. <---- Fixed. And really, how unreasonable of us. :facepalm:

    I'd go into detail and relieve your apparent ignorance in the matter, but frankly it's much more amusing this way. :awesome:

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