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Posts posted by tobbogon

  1. Congratz TSI :D

    o/ TSI

    o/ Shuru

    o/ Toku

    i gracously accept this award you all bestowed apon me. I would like to thank those who have supported my shens from the beginning in #TSI, mainly Tokugawa. Together we slay many puppies and talk of tanks and wimminz. I would also like to thank Shuru, who gave me hops in her chan. All i had to do was ask for hops a multitude of times, probably around 400 trillion. At first i got naught but "no"s.. but eventually that turned into kicks, and that progressed into bans. Then my lovely Apoc got a treaty with TSI, and my dream came true. One kick later, and my name had a % next to it. And last of all, i would like to thank all the admins on CF for not banning me. (lolx)

    I accept, TSI. And i do so gladly.

    OliveOrder.png <--rite der

  2. Ok, guys. This is a great circle for collecting tons of cash. +29.5 citizen count is huge, as is -33% infrastructure cost. and the +9.5 is almost double your 1 year birthday celebration. That helps alot. This circle also increases your NS a little just by getting it, with a +35% soldier increase and the +8% purchased land area. its a good circle, and you have the color and resources to join, i would do it. If you join, we would only need one more person and this would be ready to go.


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