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Snow Dan

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Posts posted by Snow Dan

  1. Here's the locations I've tried for September:

    Lat Lon Effectiveness

    -62, -54, 70%

    -73, 95, 77%

    -83, -179, 87%


    ... which gets me ...


    Possible Hotspots

    # Lat Lon
    1 -65 -165
    2 -65 -164
    3 -65 -163
    4 -65 -162
    5 -65 -161
  2. Doing my own research ... 😋


    Possible Hotspots

    # Lat Lon
    1 -43 126
    2 -43 127


    I tried Option 1 and it gave me 99% Effectiveness


    Can someone please try Option 2?

    URL segment:


  3. Ok, so I've received a couple of confirmation DMs from other players, but for the sake of everyone else, confirming it is indeed:

    9 hours ago, Snow Dan said:

    URL segment:



  4. So, long-time martian, first-time explorer here... amidoinitrite?


    I had a go at the Finder tool; tried a bunch of locations, with effectiveness up to 90%; entered the data into the Finder, and it spat out a single result


    Possible Hotspots

    # Lat Lon
    1 -23.99999999 -118


    So, if I've done it correctly, Mars Hotspot for June should be at

    URL segment:



    It's gonna be a week before I can move again to try. Can anyone else confirm?

  5. I know that I'm late to the party this month, but...


    On 3/2/2024 at 6:59 PM, AgentMK said:


    Mars Lat Mars Lon Probability
    82 -154 100.00000%


    Thanks for the coordinates!


    URL segment:


  6. If I can weigh in on that extra 0.00000001



    I tried with just lat=-48 ...




    ... only gave me 99%


    Mars Base

    Owner: Snow Dan
    Base Effectiveness: 99%
    Last Moved: 11/5/2023
    Date Purchased: 12/4/2022
    Expires: 864 Days
    Location: -48.00000, -72.00000


    Then I tried with lat=-48.00000001 ...





    ... that gave me 100%


    Mars Mine

    Owner: Snow Dan
    Mine Effectiveness: 100%
    Resource: Sodium
    Last Moved: 11/5/2023
    Date Purchased: 3/7/2022
    Expires: 292 Days
    Location: -48.00000, -72.00000




    So, that's how it played out for me

  7. I just got an event that I haven't seen before. I'm guessing that it's been recently added. The description of Option 1 seems to have a typo:


    Received Expiration Event Description Response Options Current Response
    2/27/2023 3/29/2023 A group of people whose ancestors claimed the lands of your nation as their own long before your country was established are demanding restitution by way of restoring the lands back to their so called "rightful owners". Option 1: The lands are privatley held by citizens of our nation today and the land cannot be taken from them, but we can offer the native people restitution in the form of monetary reparations. +$2.00 citizen income
    Option 2: Give the lands back to the rightful owners. +2 Happiness

    No Response: -1 Happiness.



    The lands are privatley held


    I think that's meant to be "privately"


    Thanks for your time

  8. I just got an event that I haven't seen before. I'm guessing that it's been recently added.


    I chose Option 1, but my population didn't change, still at 414,148



    In the wake of a bloody civil war in a neighboring country, the international community has asked you to accept refugees into your country.

    Option 1: Accept the refugees. Effect: Population +6%, Citizen income -$2.00

    Option 2: Refuse to accept the refugees but send food and monetary aid to the refugee camps. Effect: Population happiness +2

    No Response: -2 Happiness.


  9. On 5/3/2021 at 6:01 AM, Lysistrata said:


    Our Guru's may believe that a change is not worth the expense.


    It was worth it for me.


    I moved my three improvements to the Hotspot, costing $4,970,313.93

    and my twenty-day Tax-Bills profit margin improved by $11,455,383.87

  10. Hi there,


    To quote the Cyber Nations Information Index at:


    "One of the key concepts behind the Moon and Mars wonders is that of a position on the Moon and Mars that provides premium solar and resource utilization known as a hidden hotspot that affects the effectiveness of Moon or Mars facilities in the game. The closer in miles that a facility is to the hotspot the more effective that wonder becomes for your nation up to a maximum of 100% and a minimum of 50%."


    Basically, there's a hotspot, which is an ideal location for your Moon Wonders, and if your Wonders are too far from the hotspot, they lose up to half their effectiveness.

    Case in point, I just moved my Colony to the hotspot, and my colony population jumped from 8,813 to 17,627 so from 50% effectiveness to 100% effectiveness.


    The location of the hotspot changes each month. See the discussion thread at https://forums.cybernations.net/topic/64843-moon-hotspot/

    to find the latest hotspot.

    To pinpoint the coordinates when you're moving your Wonder, try the steps listed at https://forums.cybernations.net/topic/64843-moon-hotspot/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-1806043

    under How to set your exact coordinates...

  11. On 5/7/2019 at 2:40 AM, im317 said:

    is it even worth moving this month? April's location gives 96%.

    I think so, just enough.


    I'm about to settle 20 days of bills and taxes, but first I moved all three wonders to the new hotspot.

    The moves cost me a total of $4,393,215.99 and improved my forecast by about $3,024,108.

    I know that looks like a loss, but I'll get another 20-day collection out of this month, so it should all add up to profiting from the move.

  12. Obvious questions first: Could it have anything to do with the aid offers you've sent? Could it have anything to do with the war that you're in? Any such notifications in your Received Messages?


    I mean, 100 tech is the amount for a Tech Deal.

  13. thanks Chintan. the October hotspot is still at 89%. im not sure its cost effective to move them.

    It was for me.


    I'm at 20 days inactivity, and I just moved my Mars Wonders from last month's hotspot to this month's hotspot.

    Each move cost me $1,226,788.94


    Moving my Mars Base reduced my bills by $1,768,800.00

    Moving my Mars Mine increased my tax collection by $3,431,635.20

    Moving my Mars Colony increased my tax collection by $4,616.097.40

  14. It depends on your priority.
    If you want to improve your financial situation, Barracks are better, because they don't hurt your income.
    If you want to maximise your effeciency for an upcoming ground battle, Guerilla Camps give you a better effeciency bonus, but they hurt your income, so you will probably want to destroy them before you collect taxes.

  15. This sounds like an issue with rounding up, instead of an Aid bug. If the nation sending the Aid has 49.999 tech, most in-game pages will show it rounded up to 50.00 tech. But it still only counts as 49.999, so an aid offer for 50 tech won't work. For example, my nation page show that I have 4,560.00 tech, but I really only have 4,559.995 tech. You can check how much tech a nation has by clicking on the Charts tab and scrolling down to the Nation Development Comparison chart.

    So my answer is: the seller needs a bit more tech.

  16. [quote name='Guardian Mason' timestamp='1326491352' post='2899042']
    If I move my Mars Mine, can I choose to keep the resource I already have with it, or do I automatically have to pick a new one?

    I don't want to move it if it forces me to change my bonus resource.
    Don't worry. As you can see, you can choose whether to just move the Mine (for the standard relocation cost), or move and get a new resource (for ten times the standard relocation cost).

  17. Not a bug:

    You have all the Improvements that "Increases population income +[x]%" (Banks, Schools, etc.) which ends up doubling your Income, as well as any changes to it.

    Thus, a +$5 event would give your Nation a +$10 change, and a -$5 event would give your Nation a -$10 change.

  18. I don't think that this is a bug.[quote name='Taxes screen']
    12% per day on available cash.
    [/quote]Interest for tax collection is based on you current funds. By waiting until you run out of funds, you are reducing the principle that your interest is based on.

  19. [quote name=Cyber Nations Information Index @ National Peace/War Preference]There is also an additional economic penalty on top of the population happiness penalty if your nation is in peace mode for more than 5 days.[/quote]The economic penalty is about 50%.

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