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Liz Girard

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Posts posted by Liz Girard

  1. [quote name='Empress Elizabeth' timestamp='1298173774' post='2639024']
    Oh goodness this made me lol. CN never ceases to amaze me. I have no intentions of getting into the fighting or other nonsense.

    Congrats on the promotion Liz :wub:

    And Good Luck CSN!

    Thanks Lizzy :wub:

    Congrats to all our gov on their appointments! You've all really earned it, worked your asses off and I'm proud of you all.

  2. [quote name='PrinceArutha' timestamp='1297736565' post='2633766']
    Doesnt look like propaganda to me.... I havent seen anyone dispute what was said. Sure, DT has worded things in the OP in a light such as to hit on the points however, It looks pretty cut and dry. They posted the information that was already public and made it...More public? I think you understand where I am going on this one. I'm not trying to stir the pot or bash CSN. My personal opinion is that CSN is acting like an asshat and I know you (fairly well) and I believe that if you remove yourself from the situation and look at it from an unbiased 3rd party you might lean a little more towards my way of viewing the situation. Granted, my view MIGHT be a little skewed due to being friends with pretty much everyone in DT's government.
    Also, having RIA jump DT who are already trying to negotiate peace terms doesnt seem like trying to "work things out".

    I would like to reiterate for the population who didn't actually read the RIA thread, that RIA is not attacking DT, nor did they ever post such.

  3. [quote name='Sam Winters' timestamp='1297729910' post='2633627']
    Liz is known for outbursts on IRC.

    First there was the incident with mooney88, where she was quite rude and verbal about the kicking of a CSN member in another alliances chan.

    Second there was the incident with me, where without getting her facts straight, she went on to accuse me of brokering peace with CSNs protectorate.

    That one looses her cool faster than she can type the F-words.

    I have no problem condemning a skinhead who made racial slurs at multiple ethnic groups in public. Please, don't discuss what you don't know the details of.

  4. [quote name='Hunterman1043' timestamp='1297728223' post='2633595']
    [17:33] <+Hunter[LoSS]> white peace
    [17:33] <+Hunter[LoSS]> ^
    [17:33] <+Hunter[LoSS]> its good
    [17:33] <+Hunter[LoSS]> and fuzzy
    [17:33] <+Hunter[LoSS]> and warm
    [17:33] <+Hunter[LoSS]> unlike reps
    [17:33] * +Liz[CSN|MoFA|Satan] is not fuzzy nor warm.
    [17:33] <+Hunter[LoSS]> which is cold and hard
    [17:34] <+Liz[CSN|MoFA|Satan]> I don't know man. Tech is pretty tasty. feeds my nukes, makes em big and strong
    [17:34] <+Hunter[LoSS]> but ur like 1k infra
    [17:34] <+Hunter[LoSS]> lol
    [17:34] <+Hunter[LoSS]> and in peace mode

    Some interesting logs on CSN's current character.

    Way to bring OOC logs IC.

  5. [quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1297659791' post='2632336']
    Pointing out someone else's problems does not exclude the fact that you are a horrible government official that couldn't give away free lifeboats on the Titanic.

    Though it's nice to see that if you and Xiphosis share, you'll at least have one pair of cajones.

    So mad. Quick! How fast can Valhalla run to peace mode! :now taking bets in #CSN:

  6. [quote name='Kevanovia' timestamp='1297659055' post='2632312']
    You're more competent than all the members in CSN put together. They needed you in there.

    CSN is full of outrageously pathetic members and leaders. Be ashamed CSN. Besides grabbing the coattails of other alliances, namely SF alliances, you have done nothing with your stay on Planet Bob.

    Hey dude what happened to that AA you were in?

    oh right....

  7. [quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1297472841' post='2629827']
    What's your assumption on LoSS's war skills from? Looks to me like they're throwing around more activity and organization than CSN based on their overall lack of filled defensive slots and the decent amount of aggressive waves launched at you.

    Before this little engagement, I thought LoSS were complete !@#$, but at least in a losing situation their members are listening to orders and engaging.

    I just wonder with time, if RnR will step up and launch more than 11 wars.

    This is coming from the same person who tried to PZI a nuke rogue a few months ago, am I getting that right, Zoom? Go kiss ass somewhere else.

  8. [quote name='rtellez06' timestamp='1297467807' post='2629764']
    Then who posted the screenshot?

    Also I believe its we who are enjoying your tech, as we are stealing it. <3

    Dude, you're in LoSS, dont try to bandwagon on DT's fighting skills.
    Dark Templar are the only ones worth fighting at this point because at least they know how to do it.
    Speak for yourself.

    Edit: Except Alek. Alek is awesome.

  9. [quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1297464290' post='2629694']
    RV and Dochartaigh already destroyed both arguments you posited in this post.

    I am more curious and I do hope that you can enlighten me as to why such reps are being given to us in this situation. I've said many times that I am less outraged about the substance than I am about the inconsistency. No other peripheral alliance has received such terms. What crime has DT committed to deserve this in your eyes? Or is this truly a matter of "might makes right", because I can assure you, we will not bend to that crap, and we sure as well will make sure that CSN has a lot less might, both militarily and politically, when the Dark Taliban is through with them.

    If you are telling the truth, then I truly do wish you the best of luck in finding this guy. While I don't disapprove of spying, I think that impersonating someone and dragging their name through the mud for personal gain is reprehensible.

    If chefjoe's post that seems to suspect you of covering up what seems to be a revolt among your ranks... well, I wish luck to that revolt.

    Yeah, it is not the case. By posting I'm trying to clear the members name. There's no need to drag him through the mud when he had nothing to do with it.

    But anyway. I look forward to your tech.

    Have a happy day! <3

  10. [quote name='DeusMalum' timestamp='1297425768' post='2629257']
    i am not proud to call myself a member of csn


    Before this gets any further. I would like to point out that this member (in name) is innocent. This account was not made by him. He did not have an OWF account as he is a 3 day old reroll.
    When we find out who it was, God help you.

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