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Posts posted by nutkase

  1. Yes, and when someone replaces the current hegemony either one of two possibilities will occur. First we could get a power that is fair, that would be preferable. Or we could get a power that is exactly the same as the current one. Should that happen then that's life. All I can tell you is that the current power has already proven they do not deserve their hegemony.

    In the end all power does is corrupt, no matter how strong the person holding it is

  2. I can honestly say that I hate Vox, from my point of view the only reason they are now around for is to create a nuisance to as many people as possible. (my personnal view, not TTK's view)

    While I do hold respect for some members of Vox inlcuding Rebel and starfox, because you still hold some dignity while posting in the CN forums.

    ok here is the question, Lets say you do pretty much destroy the man, create more transparency. Do you not relise someone else will just replace him?

    and one other thing, DerekJones.....you have the best display picture I have seen in a long time :awesome:

  3. "same level"


    NV was pre-emptively striked. I think that would warrant a defense. Also throughout the entire war, it was obvious who the aggressors and defenders were.

    However, iirc Rok was one of the alliances to declare on NV, and also held a treaty with TTK, and probably negotiated TTK into not taking action.

    Still cowardly nonetheless, but at least it's obvious why it happened.

    TTK and NV still hold each other in high esteem

    RoK did NOT negotiate anything with us to keep us out of the war

    Everything in this topic has been peaceful and upbeat

    You could not help yourself but to troll, since you are quitting the game, go die in the corner in peace

  4. Just a quick question for NV:

    According to term 4 of your surrender terms, all military treaties were to suspended until the BLEU-Continuum war ended or 90 days had passed. Is the war considered over? :huh:

    Does not matter if they were suspended or not, as they did not enact the Cancellation, me acting on The Templar Knights behalf did.

    So therefor does not interfere with term 4 of the surrender terms

  5. Im truly sad to see this, NV and TTK are both great alliances I hope in the future this treaty may come back. That MDP had been in place for a year I believe.

    good luck to both Alliances


    Pust some cloths on Nut

    *puts a singlet on*


  6. On behalf of the Grand Master, Elder Council and General Membership of TTK

    I hereby enact the 48 hour time frame on the cancellation of the TTK - NV Mutual Defense Pact

    While there is no ill feeling towards Nueva Vida or Emperor Raasaa, we feel as our Alliances are going in our own ways.


    o/ Nueva Vida

    o/ The Templar Knights

  7. Alliance Name: The Templar Knights

    Location you want your alliance: West Coast of Australia

    Color you want for your alliance: Maroon

    Member count (don't lie): 159

    EDIT - This looks like a pretty good idea

  8. With my approval (or the approval of Chinatownbus), our members and protectorates may raid an alliance however large they want.

    and that was a response to this, which does deem NPO to be in your "Tech raiding" scheme

    Does it make you upset, that a smaller alliance like SBA, has made you look like incompetent?

  9. How so?

    We are playing the politics game AND raiding.

    I see that as a win-win.

    That's not a threat, that's a fact. KIX attempted to recruit from TPF. They should have been destroyed ages ago, as well as TTK for allowing them to fold in.

    I dont see any DoW coming out from Poison Clan, since you think we should be destroyed

  10. Do you respect my nation and want me to play? No tech raiding = no playing for a lot of people in this game as well. Or do you only respect people who want to play your way?

    How can no tech raiding = no playing for a lot of people??

    its called taxes and tech deals

    I need tech but you dont see me tech raiding

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