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Londo Mollari

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Posts posted by Londo Mollari

  1. Wow, KevinHarbin, you're doing my work for me! :-p

    Great job. Unfortunately, a mistake was made and a player in my alliance was included in two different trade circles under his nation and ruler names, respectively. I am diligently working to find a replacement aluminum/lumber trade. I can see to it that the other player gets 3M to join the circle long term, so that should speed up the process considerably.

    Thank you for your patience. If you will hang tight, I will get this all hashed out. :)

    And thanks for finding a marble/rubber player.

  2. Alliances generally want loyal and active players who will interact well with their existing member base.

    Any alliance worth anything will have aid programs to build the nations of active players. And tech deals. You can make 7-8 million profit per month by doing tech deals, and sometimes more. The growth of your nation is less dependent on the alliance that you join and more on you as a player.

    Do you really want to be nothing more than a street prostitute, out peddling yourself for all you can get? That is what you are doing amounts to. Do you really think alliance leaders are foolish enough to think you would be loyal in time of need?

    I suggest that you try to hook up with one of the "just another number" alliances. You'll figure out which ones I am talking about soon enough.

    Good alliances value things like friendship, camaraderie, loyalty, and of course, activity.

    You don't seem to offer any of the first three.

    Please try to take this as constructive criticism rather than a flame.


  3. ASC is something I like to see on these here forums!?!?

    Whatever happened to you guys?

    We've been occupied pillaging fat merchantmen and drinking copious quantities of rum... somewhere in the Atlantic. :awesome:

    I hear some of us have also been enjoying large amounts of BEER and cleaning their GUNS. :)

  4. Captain Ian -

    Business of Terror would fit nicely into the last circle on the page, I think. If he wanted different trades I could put him into a subsequent circle also, but that one seems pretty decent. I'll put him down as provisional.


    You've been added. I will contact you when that circle is ready with a timetable and instructions. May the Aqua sphere bring you great prosperity.

  5. If you are a member of the ASC, or a member of a friendly aqua team alliance (I think that's all of them, right? :awesome:), then sign up here if you wish to be placed in a trade circle. Hell, sign up here if you have aqua love, for the love of aqua truly runs deep like the ocean. You will go into my labyrynthine spreadsheet and emerge at some point in the future as one name on a list of six. I can either put you in what I feel is the best circle for you and send you the proposal later on, or you can specify what other resources you want in your circle.

    My primary goal as the newly appointed ASC deputy trade officer is the strengthening of my alliance's economy, though of course I am happy to spread the aqua love around the sphere and strengthen everyone's economy along with it.

    Help me help you... optimize your trades. Let's make the aqua sphere the most kick-$@! place to do trading on Planet Bob.

    Oh, and here are the circles I have started but have not yet filled up.


    Lumber: Filled


    Iron: Filled

    Cattle: Filled



    Pigs: Filled


    Wheat: Filled


    Uranium: Filled

    Construction, Fast Food, and Beer, with uranium. It doesn't get much better than this.


    Coal: Filled

    Fish: kevinharbin

    Furs: Filled

    Iron: Filled


    Marble: Otto Skorzeny

    Oil: Filled

    Rubber: Otto Skorzeny

    Water: Filled

    Wheat: Filled

    Wine: kevinharbin

    Automobiles, Construction, Asphalt, Beer, and Steel, with furs and wine. A very solid circle.






    Gold: Filled

    Gems: Filled

    Silver: Filled

    Uranium: Filled




    Fine Jewelry and Steel. +27.5% population, maxiumum possible infra bill reduction without asphalt. This circle is for big nations that buy infra infrequently.... it may not be popular so I made another version of it also....

    Gold: Filled

    Gems: Filled


    Silver: Filled








    Uranium: Filled

    This version gets Affluent population and ends up with +26% pop and 2 more happiness than the other circle. Some of the resources required are not as desirable so it may be more plausible than the first circle. Possibly better for small nations too.


    Lumber: Filled

    Marble: Filled

    Iron: Filled

    Cattle: Filled



    Pigs: Filled

    Water: Filled


    Fish: Filled

    Uranium: Filled

    A second circle Construction, Fast Food, and Beer, with uranium. It doesn't get much better than this.

    Aluminum: Filled

    Lumber: Filled

    Marble: relyt92

    Iron: TimTebow

    Wheat: Business of Terror

    Cattle: Filled

    Fish: relyt92

    Coal: TimTebow

    Gold: Filled

    Lead: Filled

    Oil: Business of Terror

    Water: Filled

    Gives: Construction, Beer, Microchips, Scholars, +21% population, Steel, Microchips, and Radiation Cleanup.

  6. The flag reminds me of LSF. Therefore it is not stylish. Please play again.

    My good sir, I did not realize that you were the ultimate authority of good fashion and style in this venue.

    Please accept my humble apologies and cringing plea that I not transgress your incisive fashion judgement again!


  7. Man, I wish I could be the like guys in Office Space... write a program that takes all the fractional tech units and deposits them in an account...

    Except I would wake up, my nation would have 33456546 tech, and the entire world would be DOWing on me. :awesome:

  8. But JUST for the benefit of those who would like to see more regular intervals, I have summed together all the data from 0 to 10,000. The result is a rather soulless-looking, sharp dropoff which makes it hard to see later differences in NS among the teams, which is of course much more important anyway. ;)


    They say that you can't make everyone happy, but at least I have made a good faith effort to do so today. :awesome:

  9. In fact, the side on view looks best of all. Who knew? And the "valley" is not actually at 35K NS. Silly Excel and its optical illusions, eh?


    To those voicing their disapproval of the way the intervals were selected, know that I chose to select them as I did simply for more efficient data mining. Searches by color in Cybernations only display the first 500 entries, and so I had to break each search up into two smaller searches... for any interval that contained more than 500 nations. Intervals were therefore selected to contain about 500 nations each (barring the very high NS ones), thereby minimizing the work I had to do to make the graph. I did unfortunately end up having to break up quite a few searches anyway, because I selected white as my benchmark for determining the intervals.

    It is important to remember that I was not attempting to show trends within teams so much as I was attempting to show trends among teams. Therefore selection of regular intervals is largely irrelevant to me.

    And to the others, thanks for all the compliments. I had no idea people would like it this much. :)

  10. I think some of the low NS stuff is just due to people being ZIed or otherwise crippled. It seems upon further analysis that the valley is actually an artifact of interval size. So really there just isn't as much information about trends within each team, but the information about trends among the teams are still valid.

    The graph really doesn't show some things as well as I would like. For instance, Green has the most nations over 100,000 NS, at 5 of 8 total. I am not really sure what that means in a war, or whether three 60k nations would crush a 100k nation or vice versa.

  11. x1avsi.jpg

    Number of nations is on the vertical axis. Nation strength range is on one horizontal axis, and team identity is on the other.

    Some things are not suprising. Yellow has been decimated from the destruction of FAN and GOLD, and has not recovered from that. The new teams have not expanded terribly fast. "No team" is a really, really bad place to be.

    I expected the red team to be stronger though... :awesome:

    And I was suprised that the blue team is the strongest. Interesting things there.

    --EDITED for improved visibility.--

  12. I must say that I am amazed at the scintillating display of political acumen presented by young Jack here. The free publicity, the multiple pluggings of UA's recruitment video in this thread... if THIS was intentional, it was sheer political genius.

    If he manages to continue to command this level of interest I imagine he will become a great leader in CN. :awesome:

    smallfrog, I don't see how any good can come of further conflict between you and Jack. For the good of your people, it is best that you let this go.

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