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Ilya Murometz

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Posts posted by Ilya Murometz

  1. Good move Bob.

    Also ES has his wartime avatar out, ruh roh

    We're all doomed! :jihad:

    Actually, the cancellation was quite friendly. I hope the time comes where we can rebuild our ties with VE.

    Haven't heard much about the cancellation prior to this thread, HMPHH, but the aftermath was quite friendly, so I'll assume the cancellation was as well. :P

    I remember being friends with the MCXA before they were even the MCXA. They fought with us against the /b/tards when they were still in their pre-merged state. :( Sad times indeed.

    See you on the other side, guys.

    This man speaks the truth, and I too hope that after the Great War V or VI or whatever, relationships and the MDoAP can be rekindled. :wub:

    Another treaty that I am really sad to see. I was hoping to reestablish the relations we once had with their new government. I hope after this conflict we can give it another go.

    Me too! :wub:

  2. While is interesting see another alliance leaving Q I don't know why so much frisson because I can see in wiki that Sparta still have follow treaties:

    MDoAP with Valhalla

    MDoAP with IRON

    MDoAP with MHA

    MDP with NPO

    MDP with MCXA

    So whats change is that they are treatiened with NATO, TPF and OG anymore.

    Not really a big deal unless others alliances are planning leave Q soon.

    "An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on all signatories and will be met in defense by all other signatories with all means of assistance available. This assistance is mandatory and may not be overridden or mitigated by any means, including but not limited to conflicting agreements." (From Q wiki) - http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Con...Defense_and_War

    In short if Sparta has conflicting treaties they're no longer obliged to defend NPO, if that causes them to attack a treaty party. But I could be reading this wrong.

  3. FAN - don't give up, I need the hilarity. Plus, you never know, maybe one day EZI and PZI will be concepts of the past, and then we can ZI you, and you can show us how quickly you can rebuild and prosper. (I said maybe, Planet Bob is impossible to predict.) I'm not a huge fan of the Free FAN sign, but can I get a "FAN posts are hilarious" sign? I still remember the Yellow Dung Beetle Initiative.

    Oh and do have gun pron, I mean really, that's like your signature. And it's still not in the OP.

  4. So you're actually, seriously still protecting the alliance which has planted spies in MCXA, poached members from MCXA, deleted MCXA's forums (unless anyone actually believes that was a coincedence)?

    Hell, would TOP be amenable to protecting Vox Populi?

    I mean if you're going to violate the Mobius Accords GO BIG.

    I'm unaware that TSO deleted MCXA's forums. If you have proof, contact either Fresh or Gopher at once, because if TSO $%&@ed (messed) with our forums and said !@#$@#$ (messing) resulting in deletion, then we will end up going to war, or at least ZIing those involved in forum deletion. Otherwise, stop trying to provoke a war within the Continuum.

    Look, I don't doubt that MCXA is hurting. No question. I have a great deal of respect for Gopher. But, this is not about them. This is about TOP-TSO. MCXA will be fine. They have fine leadership that will steer and right the ship.

    Best Post Award!

  5. Ok, my post was misunderstood. I don't think TSO hacked MCXA forums. I do however believe that IRC = FTW, and I go on IRC and talk to Q members. TSO's reputation in Q is not stellar, to say the least, and this has nothing to do with the "forum maintenance". Thus, by helping us with our forums, TSO might score a few badly needed points in Q. That was my entire point.

    Edit: TSO's giving us money to get their diplomatic situation up a bit, might as well apply to the forums. That was just my crazy logic.

  6. Forgive me, but outside of us just being kind, how are we responsible for fixing YOUR forums? We didn't break them or take them down.

    Judging from what I know diplomatically, and I mean this in no offensive way, so if it comes up as offensive, forgive me - you guys need all the Diplomatic Points you can get, and this is a way of getting diplomatic points. It's not you duty, but it may win you some badly needed points.

    oh, sorry for my lack of informationand outburst :(

    That's cool. At least you apologized, that takes guts, I know from personal experience :D Shahenshah +1. Just for future info, the people who run from the alliance don't have posts defending the alliance in a non-whiny way, as Logan did.


    thanks, Ilya Murometz

    Always a pleasure Logan :D I'm sure our paths shall cross on IRC.

    Ouch, why the hostility? Hopefully I want have to pay MCXA to 'smooth the tensions.'

    As for Heft, a good post with valid points. However TSO and MCXA have made this clear that it was a gift and not a form of punishment, unless they have changed their mind?

    The hostility is explained by people constantly hinting to you that IRC = FTW, that most of the possible CB is already in the forums, you just have to read between the lines, that no one has to provide information to anyone on the public forums, (with a few exceptions, this not being one of them). You trying to make an argument that unless my alliance gives you X info, they have lost honor, is kind of provacative, no? But since you 'want' have to pay MCXA, you can start out by making a DoE that insults MCXA. Have you read TSO DoE at all?

    Some view it as gift, others as reps. The main point is that there won't be a war between MCXA and TSO and the relations are slowly improving, ergo the declaration/announcement.

  7. I was stating that you shouldn't able to buy yourself out of a war and if so, you weren't just in considering war in the first place. This has less to do with consideration of war, as to the fact that you took money to compensate for it. I would expect that having 90% of your gov drop out and leave with little notice, would be on the grounds of defending the honor and dignity of MCXA. However, in the end, that's the descsion of MCXA's to make not mine.

    My apologies if I came out as demanding or annoying, just engaging in friendly debate.

    Once again re-read my post.

    1. We decided not to war TSO, even though we had a CB. (Not every war is a CB, not every CB is a war.)

    2. In order to help their tarnished reputation with the Continuum, TSO offerred us money.

    3. The two above mentioned events are separated from one another.

    4. Money did not compensate war. It simply relieved some diplomatic pressure against TSO, and believe me there was/is still quite a bit of it.

    5. Considerations are not declarations, dictionary.com is your friend.

    6. You are not one to comment on my alliance's honor and dignity Jipps.

    7. The above post shows why you generally are left in the dark.

    Since i've seen this bandied about irc from more than one person i wish to clarify this, this was a final offer, there will be no additional payments made. 3 mill per mcxa nation (ghosts excluded) = roughly 1.7 billion. How it's spent, where it goes, that's up to you guys.

    Perhaps if our forums weren't "experiencing maintenance", we would all know that by now. Whatever happened with the forums, and I'm not blaming TSO for it, yet you guys should cooperate with our government in forum restoration, and if you are already doing so - that's another point for TSO.

    I'm not at all qualified enough to speak about this specific instance, but substituting reparations for all-out war is a relatively common occurence and is in fact generally considered laudable, as a "diplomatic" alternative to war. In most of these situations (and this part would seem to be true here as well), one party in the process would be assured of victory in any war, should it come. So then war is basically a punishing action. Reparations are also a punishing action, though considered a lesser one. So it's not that an alliance is "buying" its way out of being attacked, but that, through negotiation and attempts to come to an understanding, a lesser punishment (perhaps supplemented by other terms) is given instead of the greater punishment. Or, perhaps the offended alliance simply decides that whatever offense happened isn't really sufficient cause for the trouble of going to war, but is still deserving of some sort of punishment, in which case they would select the lesser. I can kind of understand where you're coming from, where it looks like it could be akin to a bribe, but, really, if they had wanted to go to war, then they would have, and I don't think any bribe would have stopped them.

    This man speaks the truth. If we really wanted war, TSO would have been rolled by now.

  8. As a soldier within the MCXA I'd like to say a few things - (the following are my own views):

    Sal Paradice - you sir are quite hilarious. :lol:

    Jipps - the whole point of considering war, is that you are deciding whether to start one or not. You aren't actually starting one.

    You can consider the war, then opt out of it. Considering means it could go either way. Rest assured the reparations had no effect as to whether we went to war with TSO or not. The reparations may have prevented a Cold War between MCXA and TSO, but it wasn't going to get hot. Why not one may ask? Well MCXA has this little thing, (and why I joined MCXA) is that we actually think of our alliance's future, before we fight, unless honor is at stake. You cannot be dishonorable for not wiping out an alliance smaller then yours (6-7 times smaller actually) simply because they insulted you. Now if they insulted and then went to war with your allies, that's a different story.

    Sam - please don't tell me the only reason you are paying the reparations is the kindness of your heart. TSO's status within a certain big block of nations was hurt, especially after the disastrous DoE, and this thread serves as a first step to begin healing the sitatuion. While on topic, are we getting more reps due to DoE? As Maxflies said, we'll spend them more prudently then that one mythical nation on Earth.

    It's not money for a right to exist, it's...ok think of it this way: if you flick off a police officer, and he pulls you over and writes you a ticket, instead of sending you to jail, would you pay the ticket? Is the officer dishonorable for writing you a ticket instead of putting you in jail, when your flicking off took place in the spur of the moment, when you were pissed off for unrelated reasons - should you go to jail for an emotion that didn't kill anyone, whose display you severely regret?

    I think it shows that MCXA has quite a bit of honor, being able to brush this incident off, without going all out like Bush did. I'm more proud of my alliance now, then I ever was before. MCXA dealt with this situation honorably, as did TOP, as did TSO - unfortunately not from the begining, but they cooled down after realizing the errors of their ways. Yes TSO still has negative honor points to clean up, but I think they can do so, it may take quite a while though, maybe even a year.

    That being said, TSO we expect more bailout cash B) Only difference here is that you are bailing yourselves out of your diplomatic fiasco. For further elucidation, see the 72 page fiasco, aka TSO DoE, and if you read between the lines, the CB is in that thread.

    Edit: what could have been the CB is in that thread. Sorry I just get annoyed with people going "tell me, tell me now!" Looking at you Jipps.

    Edit2: Regarding the Logan post, I have known Logan for quite a while, and to say that Logan lost honor in this affair, is to !@#$%^&* without knowing any of the facts. (Few know all the facts, but everyone knows some facts, or should know some of them.) Asking Logan first on IRC about it would be prudent.

  9. I await MCXA's, TSO's, or TOP's, well-written announcement then.

    Sometimes listening to MegaAros can be wise. But I'm guessing this thread will end up hitting 90 pages. I hope I'm wrong.

    I don't think MCXA would [attack TSO] either.

    I don't know but I've been told

    This man speaks the truth and it shall be placed in bold.

    Finally, should MCXA attack TSO, which is highly unlikely, you are most likely going to see TOP dropping the protectorate as MCXA does not wish a war with top, as far as I know.

    Ok, proceed with the speculations.

  10. If they've already got it sorted, why no forum post? The way it's looking, without a public announcement, TSO isn't going to regain any of its lost credibility anytime soon.

    They don't have it sorted out yet. That's why it's still in progress. And TSO made mistakes. Which is again, why IRC dialogue is key here, because that's somewhere, where mistakes can be rectified. This topic should never have been posted by TSO in the manner that it was posted by TSO. Half the credibility TSO lost is due to this thread. Thus, MCXA, TSO and TOP are careful about threads.

    Edit: and especially replying to this thread.

  11. Something tells me you're unfortunately right. Also, don't tell us your alliance defcon >_> (although I already knew anyway :ph34r:).

    As for the careful response, you are correct, but it also needs a quick one. A person can't hesitate like this. Being both quick and careful is required here.

    Something tells me that all the people needing an immediate response recieved it by now. Over IRC. And they have the courtesy to let MCXA and TSO sort it out through IRC, taking as much time as they need.

  12. Expected response.

    Yes, I expect something being done in IRC, but if Atlantis showed us anything, if you don't say anything on the actual forums, you may be randomly announcing your disbandment randomly one day due to your lack of treaties and terrible PR.

    Besides, a 69 page thread is something that's unprecedented. I don't even think De Profundis got this big, nor the cancellation of OoO. That demands a quick response in my opinion.

    Something tells me there won't be any disbandments. Also, all of our treaties are in full affect, and MCXA's Defcon 5, well most nations are. The thread is unprecendented, which is why it deserves a careful response, not a quick one.

  13. It's interesting how this topic is still here, and yet no formal response from TOP, TSO, or MCXA. Something going on?

    Maybe people don't want to war each other and are talking through IRC about it? Formal responses take time to draft, and this thread is not even a week old. The more unsual the circumstance, the longer the time it takes to solve it. Do you see any wars between MCXA and TSO that don't involve ghosts and say "peace declared"?

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