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Ilya Murometz

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Posts posted by Ilya Murometz

  1. 1. You misinterpret my point. I wasn't suggesting they might join the other side, I was suggesting they miught not join at all if it wasn't going well. However, this is severely old ground and has been covered already

    2. Well I should count myself lucky that your guys funded my loses to NV and GLOF

    3. Maybe its my unique case again, but I have your guys first strike nuke to thank for that - probably fed up of losing his GA's :P

    1. If you think that this war wasn't going to go well for Karma, after the infamous post was made by Finster Baby, you are either misinformed or really misinformed.

    2. I could say the same about the MCXA nations I am fighting. I'm in Defcon 5 too, and still winning. And I'm not hiding my nation behind "private" like some people (read maxfiles).

    3. Actually nukes were going to fly as soon as it was known that MK enter the conflict. MK was the first alliance to challenge NPO's policy of no nukes, and they challenged it successfully. So all of you radiated people - blame MK :P

  2. If one was to study up on VE history, one would notice that VE keeps their protectorates in reserve for the first round. Same as NPO does with nations going to peacemode. Pandemic is a protectorate! It was going to fight and help out VE.

    I call bandwagoners...

    163) Pandemic 23 members 5 nukes

    are you sure you really want to do this?

    When are you coming out of peacemode to be the awesome threat that you are? You fought Viridians, please describe how well you did.

    Is the six day delay to build a six day warchest?

    It's a seven day delay to wait for a slot to expire. BTW, I started with a 30 day warchest, and now I have a 35 day warchest.

    Call me cynical but I can't help but feel they wanted to make sure the side they were joining was doing well in the war before they jumped in with this defensive clause they have.

    Considering they only had one treaty, they could only join one side. If you can only join one side, doesn't that make it a tad hard to pick and choose?

    A smaller alliance whose players are a bit more casual and less organized than the behemoth alliances could easily have a hard time fully prepping for war and jumping in right away. So that could justify at least a few days right there.

    Plus, it's entirely possible VE asked them to sit out for a bit to see how things played out, so that when they did come in, they would be able to hit with the strongest possible impact, rather than simply being neutralized early on. That way, they actually help VE out more than if they simply declared on the first day to satisfy all of the CN eLawyers.

    Of course, that's just me attempting to use logic, as opposed to immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusion because I want to bash the people declaring war on me.

    Oh CN, will you ever change?

    I agree therefore I qoute!

    Yeah it's not like VE's MDP partners were attacked or anything. Filthy bandwagoners.


    It amuses me how many people jump on the bandwagon declaring Pandemic to be bandwagoners.

    It's only bandwagoning if they do it. See also "my spies said you spied".

    It amuses me that if it wasn't for NV and GLOF VE would have been slaughtered in a few days, yet they are the ones doing the most mouthing off. Shame your alliance isn't showing as much class as the other guys we are fighting.

    I'd respond, but Impero does a better job, therefore I qoute:

    Oh come on now, its no secret your alliance was not in a state to slaughter anyone, however you have been adding to my members war chests quite nicely (NPO should truly thank you). I'll refrain from saying more, because believe it or not I still like MCXA, however in the future you should watch your words much more carefully before putting on the false bravado of a tough guy, especially seeing as the only VE member you will see running his mouth will be me.

    Also, let me reiterate for those of you who missed my post before or are intentionally ignoring it. Pandemic was ready to enter on our behalf as soon as they found out MCXA declared on us, however I felt it would be tactically prudent for them to coincide their entry with the first expiration of slots. They have a legit treaty, and were more then happy to invoke it from the first moment they could, so @#$%ing get off it and stop ignoring simple facts.

    I was merely suggesting that from my experience, VE have not put up as tough a fight as the otehr alliances. I fully expect your allies to jump in and fight with you.

    Your experience seems to be very unique.

    Sorry, is this MCXA telling us we're not performing in this war?

    I'm a Viridian, and even I'm surprised at how well we're standing up to the Pacifican war machine.

    We are losing the war! Can't you see it? The other side has placed themselves in anarchy as a devious tactic. There is a master plan!

    Sarcasm aside, I want to thank NV, GLOF, OV, GOD, RoK, Pandemic and many, many others for fighting side by side with Viridians. Thank you Brothers :D

  3. I love how you come to existence right after NATO "died."

    Me too! :awesome::P


    Cookie to anyone who remembers that.

    Yes, I recall that. It got 10 for the idea and 1 for execution.

    We are white team

    You should state that in your declaration, and try to get TGE as a protector. They're also on the white team. Because when this war's over, you are going to need a protector.

    Overall Rus' was born in the middle of a war, and the Russian Empire on Planet Bob is born in the midst of war. Interesting to see how this plays out. Keep in touch. Udachi :D

  4. Excellent Graph! Echelon declared on VE, other then that well done :D

    I think the PR campaign was over before it even started :v:

    Pretty much. The sides are called Karma and The Hegemony. The was is called Karma War. Can you possibly get a bigger PR victory?

  5. Fighting on the Karma side, I have no wishes to see any alliances disband. If we force alliances to disband, how are better then the Hegemony? Now huge reps, like those imposed on MK/per nation by NPO - those I'm in favor of, not because it will hurt the Hegemony, but because it will benefit Karma and assure Karma's leadership. But forcing communities to be destroyed is sad.

  6. Ok, actual question.

    What is your policy on Red Sphere tech raiding? Cash raiding? Because it seems to me that there are some nations that feel they can just get by on the Red Sphere, tech-raiding from the Red Sphere and not getting hit back. Also there are rumors of hidden NPO banks *waits for Mogar to pick up on the rumor* that are on the sphere, but not directly affiliated with NPO.

  7. Surrender terms already? :(

    My point exactly. I'm almost finished anarchying all of my 6 opponents, got 5 so far. The rest of my division's also doing pretty damn good! We're having such fun :(

    Also - white peace? WTF?! When was white peace given in a Great War? That's like asking the Soviets to be gentle with the Nazis. If no alliances are destroyed in this war, and I hope none are, then Karma will give much better terms than NPO and Co. ever has!

    Edit/clarity: I'm not saying that Hegemony are Nazis or that Soviets are Karma. What I am saying is that it would be extremely foolish to talk about white peace alliance-wide terms in a Great War.

  8. VE's been hit hard?

    Why didn't anyone tell me!

    (Sarcasm aside, I am in VE, have six wars going and winning them all)

    And we don't have 8 year old girls and 90 year old men, we knew the storm was coming, so we sent them all to GPA instead :P

    (Clarification: we sent all out people that didn't want to fight to GPA)

  9. I am a member of the MCXA. I no longer want to be, after what I have seen and read recently.

    Everything that happens around the NPO is utter !@#$%^&*. When they're not dominating CyberNations, they're undermining others' ability to play it. When they're not destroying alliances mercilessly, they're cowering behind rules and allies. And who suffers more from this than us, the individual nations utterly beyond control of our own destinies.

    From what I've gathered, what happened was that !@#$ went down between Karma and the NPO - due to both sides having a multitude of alliances, hilarity ensues. PLEASE correct this, as I know it will be wrong.

    What I want is for this insanity to stop. I've been part of alliances previously that have been utterly crushed because of management incompetence, and their willingness to send the small nations to their dooms by not even providing warning of any diplomatic troubles. I've seen friends of mine give up on CN altogether, just because of the !@#$%bags in the big chairs who don't know what the $%&@ is going on.

    Is ANYWHERE in this !@#$storm safe for me, or nations like mine? Does anything ever happen in CN that doesn't revolve around the NPO in some way?

    For the love of god, if there are any GOOD alliances out there, you've got another potential member right here. I'm sick of being pushed into hopeless conflicts by cowards and idiots.

    Oh Puh Lease! You stay informed all the time, not when your alliance is in trouble. Cybernations is a political game. You are responsible for what your alliance does. If you don't like it, leave, but not when it's so damn blatantly obvious you're going to go to war. Here we go, MCXA deserters, here they come.

    A more likely scenario, is that your were ghosting MCXA, (shouldn't be that hard) and suddenly found out that you're no longer safe. How many posts do you have in MCXA's GA? Also, MCXA didn't "go bad" overnight. There was a huge debate on what to do in MCXA's GA, and I don't recall you participating. Seriously, if you want to leave then go after the war, don't be a deserter. There are enough of those here already.

  10. Welcome to Spacetopia News, the network for people who'd rather be on update then study for the finals :P Today's topic is the war. There has been great speculation, whether Q and 1V will back up NPO. I have two theories and they both say yes!

    Theory #1: The Ruse: The cancellation thread was all a clever ploy by alliances, and while everyone attacks NPO, they will be able to take other alliances out. Too clever? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

    Theory #2: Oh Crap: This theory states that the alliances like infra more then spine, but will want to keep one of the above. It's not secret, and heck the Karma coalition made no secret of it, that said alliances will be rolled one by one. Figuring out that infra is going to be lost anyways, that's what happens when you have one B/S CB too many; (Tattler logs, come on!) The alliances decided to keep their spine and attack.

    Either way, expect attack at update.

    In other news, Spacetopia would like to honor Mogar, for being the first IRC reporter. Perhaps a JPIAT (Journalistic PIAT) is in order.

  11. Karma Sutra War.

    Allow me to explain: Karma is a name of the anti-NPO coalition. Sutra, a reference to Kamasutra, is the act of screwing correctly. Thus NPO is being screwed correctly by Karma. Truly, there is no better name :P

  12. As one of the first to engage in this war, prior to cancellation the epic, I have to say that NPO nations going against my division are fighting with honor.

    But these logs? Wow, just wow! So now I am supposed to feel bad for you cause Athens posted their CB 4 minutes late? (i.e. should have been posted 2 minutes prior to attack, not 2 mins after, but still, not like in those 4 mins something would have changed)

    *brushes logs aside*

    Onwards Viridia!

    Onwards Ordo Verde!

    Onwards Karma Sutra Coalition!

  13. I hope MHA rolls you.
    Well... Everything has got $%&@ed up today.

    Oh this is just rich... Have fun GUN.

    Not entirely sure if you people are trying to be making fun of GUN here for entering the war, but, as a person who actually wrote the treaty, along with my Jade counterpart - it's an ODP! And considering that back then GUN didn't sign MDPs, (due to that pesky thing called BLEU peace terms and recovery from said terms) and ODP was what GUN and JADE got. We would have signed an MDP right there and then, had certain circumstances been different. So while there may be no love lost between NPO and GUN, most likely due to the Colonel Cooper Affair, where Colonel Cooper played the role of Seth, this declaration is actually legit and not bandwagoning. Ask anyone who worked in OV FA if you don't believe me. And Jade merged to become Ordo Verde. Just a bit of background, to those thinking that GUN's bandwagoning here.

    And yup - the Jaded Gunz Pact - the name - was my creation. :P

  14. Ok, I'm seeing other alliances mentioned here, say ODN for instance. The difference, for all of you ODN bashers, is that ODN stated they were going to try to be neutral BEFORE the war began. What's next? We blaming Sparta? GRE? FOK!? VE? Oh, wait, VE's been blamed too! Damn that VE alliance, actually having the balls to stand up to the B/S war declaration, that was first published in the Tattler! Didn't anyone catch that? NPO declares war using information published in the Tattler? E/S - stop publishing "quality" CBs!

    Seriously though, stop blaming other alliances, that went neutral, or pulled away from NPO, BEFORE the damn war began. But if someone finds a way to blame FAN for this, please PM me, with the hilarity.

    And guys, I think when the general members of said alliances are going to find out about this thread....

    Sorry for butting in, but it needed to be said.

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