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Kevin McDonald

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Posts posted by Kevin McDonald

  1. I like this new design, looks sleeker. Don't care about the technology stuff behind it. All of you need to stop complaining, or start donating your time and money to make something you do like. Ingrates.

  2. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1344752916' post='3021141']
    Yeah, when two people still in love break up they get back together 100 times. Bad analogy. If you're still in love, why did you say relations have soured? You're contradicting yourself while trying to be clever.

    And sometimes they don't get back together. As well, I meant soured as part of the broader idea of the relationship moving in separate directions. What would you call it?

    As for the personal attack, yes, probably uncalled for. It's an emotional time. (Insofar as anything on this planet can be considered emotional.)

  3. Starfox, you have no clue what you are talking about. VE and GOD were great allies, and continued to be so right up until the end. However, the ties that created that alliance have gone sour. Yes, we were great allies insofar as we held to the letter of the treaty, but recently the spirit has gone away. VE will always be considered amongst GOD's greatest allies. The relationship has simply run its course. You've never heard of two people who were still in love breaking up? It happens all the time. Two people love each other dearly, however their interests and paths diverge. Such is life.

    Now, take your head out of your ass, and your comments out of this thread.

  4. [quote name='Kevin McDonald']
    Ha! You're like a religious zealot... you honest-to-goodness cannot even see how awful you are. I don't even know how to respond. You are exactly NPO. 100%. You saw an opportunity to flex your muscles and did so. The method makes not one iota of difference. All that matters is the ends. And don't worry about wishing that your alliance would begin to EZI or force colour moves. Continue down this path and you'll be there the next time war rolls around.

    [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1339771047' post='2984817']
    Well this is a rather self-fulfilling prophecy. If you're going to threaten to EZI MK down the road, how am I supposed to not consider such [i]ends[/i] for this war?

    Erm, I meant that if MK continues down this path, MK would be at the point where they begin to EZI by the next war. Not that GOD would be EZIing MK this time around, sorry for the misunderstanding.

  5. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1339730181' post='2984301']
    You accuse us without hypocrisy without basis. Going to war is not an act MK condemns. The issues we had with the NPO were far more extensive than them rolling the occasional alliance. Saying we're hypocrites and worse than they ever were is stupid when you consider that we haven't actually done any of the things we actually had a problem with. Memory really does dull things over time apparently, when people think a legit declaration of war is as bad as any of the things I listed.

    I do agree with you in wishing MK would start doing those things though. At least then people saying we're as bad as the NPO ever was would have some actual foundation to base their argument upon. But unfortunately our government has more morals than that, and for some reason wants to at least toe the line of the post-karma world, rather than do the full reversion that we commonly get accused of.

    Ha! You're like a religious zealot... you honest-to-goodness cannot even see how awful you are. I don't even know how to respond. You are exactly NPO. 100%. You saw an opportunity to flex your muscles and did so. The method makes not one iota of difference. All that matters is the ends. And don't worry about wishing that your alliance would begin to EZI or force colour moves. Continue down this path and you'll be there the next time war rolls around.

  6. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1339729283' post='2984278']
    Oh okay. We'll make a point of forcing improvement/wonder decoms and imposing a viceroy or three at the end of this war. Maybe we'll send CSN over to Pink and EZI xiph when this is done too.

    So sad. Yes, why don't you do all this? It's funny you consider yourself better than alliances that have done this in the past. You're not. If GOD is guilty of this in the past, as many alliances are, at least GOD has maintained consistency in their actions through the years, and even matured in time. Accuse us of being monsters in that past, but you CANNOT accuse us of hyprocisy. It is YOUR hypocrisy which I am accusing you of, and again, is the only issue I take with this.

    When you come up with a plausible way to deny that this war is simply a way for MK to flex its new power, go ahead, until then, you remain a hypocrite and have lost all possibility to ever use the "well at least we didn't do this card." You are NO BETTER than any alliance who has done anything of the sort in the past, and in fact, are quite worse, because most of those alliances never gained their power by pretending that wasn't what they are about. If you're going to do something, own it. I have absolutely no delusions about what GOD has done in the past, and I can live with myself. I would ask you to take that same stark look at what your alliance has become, and if you are comfortable with it, then so be it. But own it one way or another.

  7. GOD turns 5 as I come up on 4 years in this game. And while I've only been in GOD a year and a half, it is the longest I have been in one alliance. It's also the first alliance that I've been in that I haven't had a leadership position in since I joined NADC way back in 2008 and was with them for a few months. It's an alliance that I've truly found a sense of community in, and if it wasn't for all the great people, I would already be sitting on my own AA, "retired", with a few friends protecting me, as I always planned.

    Congrats to our fine alliance, and I know we'll be around at least another 5 years.*

    [size="1"]*Unless Xiph quits, and then we'll fall apart.[/size]

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