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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. [quote name='Byron Orpheus' timestamp='1280195341' post='2390607']
    Also, let me take this moment to say how much we ex-GGAers all appreciate the vultures that have been messaging us with recruitment letters:

    The Conservative Underground
    Guru Order

    Those are the ones I have received. Stay classy.

    Surely you can forgive the vultures for starting on the carcass so quickly; they've been circling for years.

  2. [quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1280101468' post='2388919']
    Beefspari appears to have been consistent.

    Beefspari was the one who [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89629&view=findpost&p=2388676]offered[/url] the 'compromise' of not declaring any future wars against Solders of Legion but finishing current raids after CptGodzilla claimed on IRC that Monos Archein was protecting SoL. Upon posting notice of that protection to the forums, the GOONS stance changed, and GOONS offered peace in the current raids. There is an inconsistency at least between Beefspari's initial stance upon being informed of the protection and GOONS' final stance after this thread was posted.

  3. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1280098763' post='2388843']
    Oh of course, but this seems like an examination of a routine matter solved normally. Seems rather silly to me.

    When one party [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89629&view=findpost&p=2388543]publicly states[/url] they were ready to escalate the conflict to all-out war, I would disagree that "routine" is an accurate characterization of the situation.

    [quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1280100047' post='2388877']I believe that would be the difference between members and government.[/quote]

    Not being familiar with the structure of GOONS, I assumed that [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=397425]"High War Adjudicator"[/url] was an office of some importance in issues of war, and at least not simply a regular member. Perhaps a GOONS member can clarify.

  4. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1280097581' post='2388800']
    If that's the case, what in gods name is the issue? Or is it just people freaking out again whenever GOONS name is mentioned in public :x

    It is quite common in our public discourse to examine the actions of various alliances in recent conflicts in an attempt to determine if anyone was right or wrong. I'm not sure how you haven't noticed this yet in your time in the Cyberverse.

  5. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1280094331' post='2388740']
    Missing one thing. GOONS implied he was lying

    [4:34:00 PM] <Beefspari[GOONS]> I'm compromising as far as making sure that your guys don't get raided in the future. I'm offering that because the raids as far as I can see are valid since no protection notice exists.

    Well, that was my interpretation as well as to why they didn't halt the raids immediately, but why, upon this announcement, did GOONS decide he wasn't lying? Is someone more likely to lie via IRC than on the forums?

  6. [quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1280094092' post='2388734']
    Seems pretty much on that line.

    Alright, so why is there a difference in GOONS' response when CptGodzilla informs GOONS via IRC as opposed to the forums? Nobody can fault GOONS for the initial raid, but it seems odd that there is such a noticeable difference in GOONS' response depending on the mode of communication.

  7. Let me get this straight. Being something of a spectator here, I would appreciate if either side can clarify what I interpret as the events in this raid:

    [list=1][*]GOONS members find no information indicating Soldiers of Legion is a protected AA after taking reasonable steps to find such information.[*]GOONS proceeds to raid Soldiers of Legion.[*]CptGodzilla informs GOONS via IRC that Monos Archein is protecting Soldiers of Legion.[*]GOONS states they will finish the current round of raids but not re-declare.[*]CptGodzilla informs the general public via these forums that Monos Archein is protecting Soldiers of Legion.[*]GOONS offers peace.[/list]
    Is this correct, or am I missing something?

  8. [quote name='Beefspari' date='23 July 2010 - 11:51 AM' timestamp='1279911075' post='2386287']
    Yes. Not writing the essay means the war continues. Writing it means they can go free. If that's not a benefit I don't know what is.

    You're hopeless. I've seen people be deliberately obtuse on these forums, but you deserve a medal.

  9. [quote name='Beefspari' date='23 July 2010 - 11:43 AM' timestamp='1279910617' post='2386256']
    I would love to see if this logic flies anywhere else. Having someone else write your homework, do your community service, serve your jail time, as long as it's DONE right? It's also okay to lie about it. Or try to make ridiculous claims like "Well the rules didn't say I couldn't get Jerry to do my community service and then take credit for it, so that makes it okay."

    Everything you listed at least ostensibly is supposed to have some sort of benefit for the person performing the task. Are you honestly trying to claim that asking someone to write an essay to get peace is supposed to benefit the author? It's a pathetic term you impose for a cheap laugh, and trying to pretend otherwise would be hilarious if not for the fact that you are somehow taking this incredibly seriously.

  10. [quote name='Beefspari' date='23 July 2010 - 11:16 AM' timestamp='1279908991' post='2386191']
    What went on was dishonesty. Someone who wasn't USSR did the terms on behalf of USSR and then lied about it. Had you actually approached me and asked if this was okay, I may have even said yes. The reason it was denied was because you did them for him, told him to LIE and NOT let us know you did it, and claim he did it himself. This is underhanded and a horrible example to be setting. You can come up with any reasons or excuses you want. It comes down to the fact that you lied and tried to cover it up and get away with it. If you had really cared and wanted to do this diplomatically and on their behalf, you would've asked me about it, not told him to lie.

    Oh for christ's sake, do you actually care who wrote the damn essay? That's quite possibly one of the stupidest and most worthless peace terms ever to grace this earth. It's remarkable that you can actually keep a straight face while telling Schattenmann he is setting a "horrible example" by fulfilling a term for someone else that is, which ever way you spin it, a complete and utter waste of time that benefits absolutely nobody. If all you want is a quick laugh then it doesn't matter who wrote it, be it Schattenmann, the raid victim, or Admin himself. The fact that you weren't informed that someone else wrote the essay really shouldn't matter in the least because it's a moronic term to impose in the first place. The only group setting a bad example at all in this situation is GOONS, but then again we've all come to expect that.

  11. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' date='20 July 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1279644860' post='2380814']
    If an alliance doesn't have a strong enough stomach to tell an aggressive alliance to go swivel, and they opt to [i]disband[/i] because of it, that is probably better for them. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. It is, like I said, a matter of adaptation.

    Wonderful, every disbandment that occurred under the NPO-led hegemony was neither right nor wrong. It is a relief to see we have abandoned all pretense of superiority to the old hegemony.

    [quote name='Epiphanus' date='20 July 2010 - 09:59 AM' timestamp='1279645172' post='2380825']
    Besides, MK, unlike those we are being compared to, do not force people to disband their alliance. Nor is the raiding of red in any way comparable to forcibly disbanding alliances.

    There is no such thing as forcing an alliance to disband. When an alliance disbands it is because they see disbandment as preferable to whatever appears to be on the horizon. Buckling under the pressure of war is certainly an instance of survival of the fittest.

  12. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' date='20 July 2010 - 09:49 AM' timestamp='1279644543' post='2380805']
    That's not what survival of the fittest means, Bob. It's not about might makes right; it's about successfully adapting to a set of circumstances given your environment.[/quote]

    It is exactly the same. Any alliance that disbands under the weight of war or terms can simply be said to not be fit enough to survive in the world in which they existed.

  13. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' date='20 July 2010 - 09:40 AM' timestamp='1279644027' post='2380783']
    There's a big difference between denial of the right to exist and raiding unaligned nations.

    TDSM8 disbanding? Survival of the fittest! VE disbanding? Survival of the fittest!

    The 'survival of the fittest' line is absolutely no different from the might makes right doctrine preached by the hegemony in its heyday. It's saddening to see it preached by alliances that fought to overthrow them.

  14. [quote name='the masheen' date='19 July 2010 - 11:52 PM' timestamp='1279608726' post='2380208']
    Yeah, almost as laughable as claiming it's just to show that they're "The toughest kids on the block". I was simply pointing out that PC, GOONS, Umbrella, \m/, and MK are all friends and I'm sure they're having a good time raiding together. Having good times with your friends is a form of bonding.

    No, a show of power is the express purpose of this raid. There would not be an organized raid on Red if they didn't want to show they're too powerful for the NPO to attempt to enforce the Revenge Doctrine. I don't doubt they're having a good good time doing it, but the raid was not designed as a bonding exercise.

  15. [quote name='the masheen' date='19 July 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1279608265' post='2380199']
    Aren't you making an assumption based on no real facts there? When I read this I thought organized raids of colors was genuinely a pretty good idea. It's good for bonding of allies, better and more bountiful raids, and is just all around fun.

    No, I'm making a statement based on the intent of the organized raid as described by many of its participants. Claiming that this raid is a bonding exercise is laughable.

  16. It is a sad state of affairs when people feel the need to attack the defenseless in order to demonstrate their own power. Tech raiding is never going to disappear from CN but organizing raids not even for the purpose of profit but simply to show you're the toughest guy on the block is rather poor form.

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