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Posts posted by Grinder

  1. And there were, what, ten, fifteen members that actually stayed around?

    I'm not classifying you as a "fork" of the Federation, just another splinter from an old, failed alliance. But Fed split into three groups, and one of those groups were MCCFers. The other two went to TAGA, and then MDC, and AIN, which eventually died, rebirthed as The Republic, merged into Atlantis, died and rebirthed as Hyperion.

    Like it or not, Feds joined you.

    So have former members of just about every other alliance. You seem keen on trying to make this like all of those "splinters" (synonym for forks) are legacy's of Federation, which I doubt any of them, like us, feel they are.

    We are our own legacy, man. If you really want to split hairs, I'm pretty sure that back when I initially started playing, I was green and joined the GGA, but that was a long long time ago...almost as long ago as my 2 weeks in the Federation.

    Please, stop trying to piggy back our success as yours. MCCF started from scratch and grew because of its own members' skills, not because of anything we learned in Federation except to be honest with our members in our attempts to merge with other alliances.

  2. I call MCCF/MCXA, AIN and TAGA/MDC the three forks, because the vast majority of Feds went to one of those. Even if they're no longer members, weren't there several Feds back in MCCF? (Republic of Tea, Mars05 come to mind.)

    Those two, Sam, and myself are all there was out of the 600-some-odd eventual members, and those 2 are no longer with us, nor even playing the game that I know of, and Sam and I both feel the same: we're no fork of anything.

  3. Congrats everyone. MCXA I like. They seem to have a knack (the last few weeks excepted) of staying out of drama. I respect that. But a consequence of that is that I hardly ever hear from them or know anything about them (except that they took out wootsauce :( ). How about a press conference or something. What of it MCXA?

    Feel free to query me anytime: TFS|MCXA

  4. lol, poor Atrophis. He walked right into that one.

    Obligatory, One Vision is so awesome I can even feel their awesomeness in my nether regions. I get all tingly just thinking about how awesome all 4 of these alliances are. It makes me feel funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class.

    Ha-HA...Garth Algar...

  5. Well actually just 2 out of over 600 are ex Federation Members. That would be me and teefus. But yeah, the past always catches up ;)

    Very true...and I still don't consider myself to have really had any part of Federation except for inheriting a position on an already sinking ship that the captain didn't want to go down with. To me, the Federation I was in (not to be confused with the current Federation) was more like MCCF or MCXA version 0.1, and MCCF is like MCXA 1.0, and MCXA is 2.0 (with the MDC merger being the expansion pack...the same MDC all those Fed leaders over me abandoned Federation to).

    But yeah, it's all a matter of perspective. I will say thanks to the Federation for introducing me to Sam, though, but not much else.

    Meh. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

    If I were you, until I come out of peace mode and actually pick myself up from your fall, I wouldn't be so keen on opening my mouth about such things.

  6. o/ new Councilors Sadi and Logan!

    o/ new minister Taun! Best MoD we'll have had since Celt held the office!

    o/ all returning Councilors and ministers!

    o/ Jose being a crybaby about me not mentioning him despite him being a former councilor from a previous nonconsecutive term!

  7. BLEU does not fall apart with the departure of 2 alliances. With TPC and SOUL merging to form SOLID and the recent additions to the BLEU Economic Treaty, BLEU still grows.

    Like I said before, Echelon and MCXA are still welcome allies of SOLID.

    o/ Blue Team Unity

    And every member of Bleu is still a welcome ally of MCXA, and I imagine Echelon echoes those sentiments.

    There's no conflict here: just 2 alliances that see a need to grow in a certain way and a need to spread wings outside of Bleu in order to do so. No where did either say they left on bad terms, and no where did either rule out returning once it is prudent to do so.

    It's like the Avengers: super heroes step off the team all the time, but still remain good friends with the rest of the team, and frequently many of them have returned.

    o/ Echelon

    o/ Bleu

    o/ friendships being strong enough that they don't have to be defined by or tied to a single treaty.

  8. Most apologizes MCXA and EDEN. The BDC does not condone this notion of "buying alliances" in any way, shape, or form. Pmac does not represent the government and was acting on his own accord. He has been talked to and the situation as been dealt with. I hope that we can put this behind us and have great relations in the future.

    o/ MCXA

    o/ EDEN

    o/ BDC

    We appreciate that, and understand the intent of it being a joke, and thank the BDC for taking our response seriously. Of course, we don't intend any negativity to come from this either and it is indeed behind us. :)

  9. the funny thing is, he is a member of our government...=( but anyways, it was no meant to offend, it was simply a joke. we'll keep pmac in his cage from now on.

    congratz guys.

    Thanks. I don't mean any bad blood either, but after what's happened the last couple days, I'm not really in much of a joking mood when it comes to alliance relations, y'know?

    o/ no hard feelings

    o/ BDC

  10. Can I talk to the leader of EDEN and MCXA about possibly purchasing EDEN? My first offer is $50,000,000 CN money.

    I'm half serious, half joking. I wonder if you could actually buy an alliance these days... I mean, if you could, that would be crazy!

    Let me know.

    BTW, congrats on the existence. The fact that I want to buy you means you guys kick butt already.

    o/ EDEN

    o/ MCXA

    Read Max's post above this one: they're not for sale, and we take a bit offense that someone would even jest at such a notion, especially with one of our protectorates, and ESPECIALLY with an alliance that is ran by two great friends and former senior government members of the MCXA. They are a sovereign alliance that is owned by no one else but themselves.

    We take our protectorates, along with all our allies by treaty, seriously and anything but lightly. These are more than business agreements, these are friendships and mutual partnerships in our eyes.

    I recommend that you leave the posting on these forums to members of your government. MCXA's friends are not bartering tools in any sense of the term. There is no price on any of our friendships.

  11. What about Article VII©?

    If BLEU names three senators under that article, its member alliances are bound to elect all three. By implication, that means that before the senate reset, BLEU must decide how many senators it has the votes to run.

    That only binds their members to vote for their candidates. It does not lay claim to the senate seats. If anyone else is elected, then that means someone else is elected. All that article does is prevent their members from voting for a non-Bleu candidate.

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