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Everything posted by maguko

  1. But then the movie comes grinding to an abrupt halt. Still waiting...
  2. I feel like this is one of those moments in a movie where the lead raises his fist in the air and shouts for victory. Only nothing happens afterwards.
  3. Home stretch - two more trade partners and we're done. Come on!
  4. Solomon is out and needs to modify his post to reflect such fffffffffffff
  5. I don't think that will fly. I'm the pigs supplier in this circle, and I'm not about to leave.
  6. I could keep this up for weeks, until you people start responding on your own.
  7. CN Razzies Voting Booth (Unofficial) Instructions This is for meta-analysis of the voting booth threads and polls. Please select the poll and accompanied thread that you feel is lacking most in style, content, and/or maturity. We are looking to improve the quality of future polls of this nature, and greatly appreciate your feedback. Threads The links below will direct you to their respective threads Voting Booth I - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51723 Voting Booth II - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51721 Voting Booth III - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51720
  8. I hear I can bump this after 24 hours of no responses.
  9. HOME STRETCH BABBEH YEAH Two more sources and we finish Cattle Pigs Fish Wheat Sugar Spices Lumber Marble Aluminum Water Iron Uranium Two MK members are filling right now ZoloFighter providing Sugar and Uranium - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=204870 Solomon is out I'll do my best to update in a timely fashion. I reserve the right to rearrange people at my discretion. Replying with your resources is not a guarantee of a slot, but I'll do my best to not be a jerk. In turn, if you have to back out while this is coming together, please PM me. The Aqua part of this is not negotiable, as well. Just so I'm clear. As a note, I'm filling this from within my alliance as well. If slots are marked out without corresponding posts, that's why. For reference, this circle provides the following benefits: Thanks.
  10. If your cattle/pigs supplier drops, send me a message in-game asap.
  11. Hi, I'm maguko. I run Dog Eating Bees. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=183084 I'm on Aqua, and my team color is non-negotiable. I have Cattle and Pigs. That, too, is non-negotiable, but for reasons beyond my control. I'm looking for a stable long-term 3BR or similar. Strongly prefer Aqua circles with Uranium. No money offer necessary; I will consider the first complete circle that responds. I am a reliable trading partner, however my trade partners have gone elsewhere over the last month or so. Respond in-game ASAP with offers. Thanks. Also I'm the guy running the circle in http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51380
  12. If you find yourself needing a cattle/pigs, message me in-game asap
  13. Yeah but when it makes you decom all your nukes, it really hurts your NS. Benefits and drawbacks...
  14. This man communicates the fears of all of us in IDIOT right now.
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