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Status Updates posted by Walford

  1. #YouMightBeALIberal if you think Mussolini & Germany's National Socialist Workers Party ideology farther from yours and closer to ours #tcot

  2. RT @jjauthor: "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it." -Ronald Reagan #tc

  3. #YouMightBeALiberal if when your ideas inevitably fail in practice, you blame those who didn't believe in them - and you disdain faith.

  4. #Leftists share with #Islamists that lying to the Infidel is not only tolerated, but obligatory. Anything for The Cause.

  5. #Collectivism's purpose is not to eliminate poverty; it is to eliminate wealth -- and at that it is most apt. #tcot #tlot #socialism

  6. RT @agent656: If you Tweet all day on your Iphone but hate the evil corporation and capitalists that created it #YouMightBeALiberal

  7. RT @irritatedwoman: If ‘Bless You' is Banned in Public Schools then So Should the Constitution http://t.co/HLABd9xnXA

  8. If you look up what "teabagging" is, I would think people fond of doing that would tend to be @TheDemocrats. #YouMIghtBeALiberal #TeaParty

  9. The real #Islamophobes are #lefties who are afraid to report on their atrocities at home and abroad.

  10. RT @BlanksSlate: $150k raised for Ofc Wilson. $100 recently given in name of Michael Brown "I dindu nuffin but mayn now i do somtin" http:…

  11. RT @LibertarianSass: Al Sharpton's playbook: -head to scene of racial unrest, -create MORE racial unrest,-collect paycheck,-leave w/o a…

  12. #YouMightBeARacist if you think the law should be on the books - and enforced - equally regardless of race. #tcot #tlot #tlot

  13. # YouMightBeALiberal if you think rioting, looting, molotovs, shooting is not excessive, but police using tear gas, armor in response is.

  14. The dogmatic clerics of #SecularHumanism will brook no competition for souls - "Bless You" Leads To Suspension http://t.co/cSVemAXGzh

  15. "Guards can keep my enemies away, but will do nothing about my friends." - Gaius Julius Caesar

  16. A frank discussion on #RaceRelations and how the #knockOUTgame might not continue to be one-sided forever: http://t.co/P8qO9V6UdS

  17. Actually, @bobbeckel, it is the people engaging in the behaviors who are "perpetuating stereotypes" not the cameras recording it. #Ferguson

  18. Remember @GOP is the Party of Abraham Lincoln. @TheDemocrats is the Party of Jim Crow. More freedom or more gov't? http://t.co/uKLI1N10WT

  19. "@BarackObama says #rioting due to poverty/racism. Black crime rate was much lower in the '60s. Was there less racism then?" @jasonrileywsj

  20. RT @MMFlint: I mean "strong armed robbery." A sweet white kid steals a bag of candy, it's called "shoplifting." 1 in 11 Americans have shop…

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