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o ya baby

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Posts posted by o ya baby

  1. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1340315536' post='2992145']
    My situation:
    In MK surrender terms topic I said, "Go $%&@ Yourselves".
    Smurthwaite punished me for that post with a 24 hour OWF ban.
    I disagreed with his application of NPL posting rules and informed him that I would not abide by the ban.
    Kem even said the post was not bad and was willing to overturn it if I admitted wrongdoing.
    I'm stubborn obviously and won't admit wrong doing where there is none.
    I was booted from NPL. It's fine; they can do what they want with their OWF posting rules and I don't have to accept.
    That is my situation.

    I do know 10 digit war chests make fighting easy for large nations once they get knocked down so the war in regards to my plan would be difficult but it is at least different than what is currently happening. The goal would be to shred MK tech levels as much as possible. Perhaps I assumed too much from what was my coalition, but I think it could be done if it was coordinated properly. How much tech would a 10k tech nation lose per day fighting 3 enemies? Conservatively...100 tech/day loss? 700 tech/week? 2800 tech/month? 4 months wipes out that 10k tech. YES, I know those are very rosy hopes and expectations. I would rather try this plan rather than continue the conventional plan that led in the past war to defeat and is leading to another defeat.

    The VietSF is the term I used to describe their plan when I heard it; it is not my plan (Banksy, you said I forget. No. [i]They[/i] forget). My plan would inflict more real damage to at least one AA compared to very little damage being inflicted to several AAs. Their plan is to destroy the lower tiers with nations that get knocked down and out of range of higher tier enemy nations and force attrition and war fatigue to the point that enemy nations 20k and below will be begging or demanding that their leadership bring the war to an end. Those smaller 20k and below nations may be easy to destroy but just as easy as they are to destroy, they will just as easily be rebuilt. Meaning that the long VietSF war they plan to fight will be pointless. There point is not to win the war, however, they do believe all they have to do is not lose and they think they can accomplish not losing with this, as I call it, VietSF war plan. I still like my plan better 20k nations their plan destroys will be rebuilt in 3-4 months, destroying MK tech levels if done with "zeal" (hey Heft ;) ) could take much more time to rebuild perhaps as long as a year or more.

    Banksy, I don't care if they don't want me in their coalition channels. They don't listen anyway. Proof is in this conventional war they are rolling out. NATO and Sparta join the war to do what? I assume they joined the war on MK to do damage. How can damage be done on an alliance using good peace mode tactics and that has many slots full already making declaring wars difficult. I surely would have advised against NATO and Sparta going in. This is where wars are lost. Piss poor planning. It would be similar if ODN and International declared on CSN. What would be the point? This is why your coalition wins because you roll out to war properly and your opposition fails because they roll out just to roll out and have no clear objective.

    I may not be as respected or whatever regarding military tactics and war planning, but I think I have more of a clue than those leading this failed coalition.
    you really think you have 4 months worth of nations to attack every single member of MK and ... win majority of their attacks... not get countered and pooped on...

    ok, you're delusional

  2. [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1340314313' post='2992125']
    Yeah? well, nobody is perfect.
    except us :smug:

    [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1340314358' post='2992127']
    so far every one of my 5 opponents has lost more NS than I have and I haven't done my attacks today or rebought (after someone nuked me with 100% of troops at home). these guys are useless.
    wow those guys are definitely going to make us FEEL THE PAIN

  3. [quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1340313815' post='2992112']
    MK Yesterday: "lol we're going to crush you"
    MK Today: "lol we're doing as much damage as you are"
    MK Tomorrow?
    thank you for your selective reading, mr dahl

    but the fact that he has less than 33% of the tech of his opponents and is keeping up with them in daily damages is quite pathetic for your front and makes us look amazing

  4. [quote name='Ravnica' timestamp='1340313558' post='2992106']
    I'm giving as much as I'm getting in damages, mostly. The only real difference is that they have two to three times my tech. :awesome:

    The day after the war, I'll be sure to send the tech I owe.
    you don't have to even bother with that

    i'm sure all of these alliances we're about to smear would LOVE to send the tech you owe people, and then some! :smug:

  5. [quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1340313092' post='2992097']
    Ah....I read it again, and I'm pretty sure you said what I think you said. EDIT: either that or you have a terribly constructed sentence.
    no, i'm pretty sure you're just seeing things that you want to see so you can try to make terrible points

    fact of the matter is, all of your alliances are going to go into trash can.. well, they're already in the trash can... we're just going to step on you guys with our feet and make you go deeper into the trash can.

    i hope you guys enjoy paying reps :smug:

  6. [quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1340312858' post='2992093']
    What? So in the event of a VietSF incident, you'd wreck your own alliance over pride?

    I'm sure SF and the rest of the world will make a note of that :P
    you might need to learn how to comprehend the things you read before you start responding

  7. [quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1340312293' post='2992090']
    VN has a good point.

    Least not forget, there was a reason Umbrella put all their nations in PM that were in range of FARK hits. I recon MK will be bawwing up a storm in no time. They're trying to be smug now, but a few weeks from now? I'm not sure. if MK has to keep aiding their lower tier, that's going to impact tech flow to their upper nations. I'm not sure how much negative impact that will really have on their coalition, but I'm certain it will be enough to result in plenty of bawwing to go round for everyone.

    At the end of the day, it may come down to which coalition wants to kill the other coalition more. I'm going to guess SF may be the winner there. At this point, it seems MK/Umb/NG has much more to lose than SF.
    lol at you actually thinking MK cares enough about tech over destroying you guys' terrible aliances to ever stop aiding our own nations to import tech

    i guess this just goes to show you how much worse your alliances are than ours for that thought to even cross your mind

    and in a few weeks, your alliances will be either disbanded or piles of ash so... we'll probably be laughing

  8. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1340311541' post='2992084']
    Despite protestation from them, you can't discount the attention span factor in MK. They did indeed lose interest in DH/NPO to the point that many didn't bother fighting back despite having 1bn+ war chests. There isn't a way to take down their top tier due to UMB/TOP/NG having the balance of non-neutral ns at the top.
    there isn't a way to take down any of MK

    sorry to be the bearer of good news

  9. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1340229780' post='2990608']
    Veteran of Great War 1, Great War II, Great War III, the Unjust War, NoV-LSF War, GATO-1V War, War of the First Coalition, Vox Populi Resistance Movement, Karma War, TPF War, NpO-\m/ War, The Second Unjust War, and many more to come.
    Former GGA Minister of Defense, GGA Minister of Internal Affairs, GGA Vice Chancellor, CDS Minister of Defense, CDS High Council, >_< Co-President, >_< Vice President, TRS President, Co-Leader of Guns of Glory, Supreme Commander of EoTRS Military, IAA Imperial General, Triumvir of Vox Populi the 1st, Vox Dei of Vox Populi, Member of Senate I and II of Vox Populi, \m/ Triumvir, \m/ Minister of Foreign Affairs, and whatever else I forgot.

    This guy means BUSINESS
    he's been around the block BRO


  10. [quote name='VladimirLenin' timestamp='1327981521' post='2911249']
    Yep. And it's precisely because of this potential defense that you don't see a bazillion other people saying what I'm saying. It's political genius, as it takes everyone's mind off what else is going on.

    I, for one, don't need to flaunt it when I donate to charity because doing it makes me feel good [i]in and of itself;[/i] the satisfaction of everyone else knowing isn't relevant.

    But if you all feel the compulsion, please continue with your little "we [i]really do[/i] care about people OOC" charade.

    Edit: And yeah, I'll bow out of the thread so as to not cause more drama. Normally I'd praise any alliance for doing this, even if it were MK at virtually any other time. I'm just stating what everyone else is suspicious of/has in the back of their mind.
    Get out.

    What kind of scumbag brings CN politics into a charity thread? durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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