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Vladisvok Destino

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Posts posted by Vladisvok Destino

  1. [quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1287888023' post='2491730']
    A sad shame, but I still think GPA should enter the political atmosphere, this neutrality stuff is really ridiculous and only hurts the game.

    Attitudes like the above do far more to harm the game than neutrality ever will.

  2. [quote name='camerontech' timestamp='1287760465' post='2490627']
    By "calming" things down you mean being told by the UPN to stand down and not get involved, it wasn't a little game, it was called standing up for ourselves, something USN used to have a reputation for doing. I wanted to cancel treaties because they were weighing the alliance down and most were nothing more than treaties of convenience. You valued those treaties more than your own freedom.

    No, with your actions you made it perfectly clear what was going on.

    One second you're threatening Brain over some made up BS you concocted with Freelancer, at the time people believed that you were simply a gullible fool who had made the mistake of falling into one of his traps, and maybe we would have believed that. Then you made the mistake of running away to Brain as soon as you couldn't get your own way, why would you do that if you honestly believed what you had posted before? You showed you were far deeper into Freelancers little game than you had admitted to.

    You proved you are a liar, a coward and a hypocrite, nothing more.

  3. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1287250232' post='2485965']
    Hurray! yet ANOTHER micro. Do people never learn?

    Good luck I guess, even though I dont really mean it (nothing personal, just the last thing needed is another new alliance.)

    If it's what keeps Septer (and anyone that might join this alliance) interested and active on P.Bob, then good luck to them, the last thing we need is more nations ceasing to exist because they're bored of the larger alliances.

    Hopefully this works out well for you Septer.

  4. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1286943764' post='2483236']
    You say this is an ODP but uhm i dont see any ODP clauses unless im getting old and missed it

    I think they're probably referring to this section:

    [quote]Central coordination of military affairs shall be organized by the interalliance government formed by the parties of MicroFusion. [b]If one alliance of MicroFusion is to be in a state of defensive war with another alliance, the other participants of this agreement have the option to enter the conflict.[/b][/quote]

    (bolding mine obviously)

    Also o/ Erik and his evil twin Kire :P

  5. Also, that is a lot of government members. o_O

    It's all part of Kait's evil plan to pretend MA has democracy :o

    Kait: "Look, democracy, you get to pick so many government members"

    Voters: "Oh cool, can we pick MoFA?"

    Kait: "No, I appoint that one"

    Voters: "Oh, ok....how about MoD?"

    Kait: "Appointed"

    etc, etc :P

    In all seriousness though, theres some very good people on that list so I'm sure MA will do well. (I would say o/ Marcus , but I'm fairly sure he doesn't read the OWF enough to notice it <_< )

  6. Enough with your lies Hoo!
    <VanHooIII> Hizzy! I beseech thee!

    <Hizzy> you what? I don't swing that way dude.

    <VanHooII> You fool! You shall merge into the bosom of the RoK!

    <me> do I have to?

    <VanHoo> No, but it is strongly recommended! y/n/maybe later?

    <Hizzy> no thx

    <Hoo> k fine :( also I like to wear women's clothing

    True story.

    No topic involving Hoo would be complete without logs :awesome:

    An excellent move for all involved, although I still stand by:

    [14:28] <%Malkav[AoC]> it's a topic about Hoo, but it doesn't involve a merger

    [14:28] * %Malkav[AoC] does not approve :P

  7. Nice :P

    I'm from TOP and I like stats.

    Someone do some individual bloc stats and then stats of them together.

    I'm too lazy.

    That sounds like the sort of thing I like to do :)

    Superfriends: 1401 Nations, 24,968,086 NS, 99.33 Score, 3,535 Nukes

    Teen Titans: 154 Nations, 1,724,174 NS, 7.52 Score, 164 Nukes

    Combined total: 1555 Nations, 26,692,260 NS, 106.85 Score, 3,699 Nukes

    (All numbers are right for individual alliances at the time of posting, the poster is not responsible for any gerbil related interference in numbers once Hoo wakes up <.< )

  8. Wow, a year of Mila already :o doesn't seem that long :)

    The nation of Alotampia adds a lot to this game for those honored enough to have had dealings with it, and to those who haven't, I mock you now for your loss.

    The nation of Malkav is proud to now have been trading with Alotampia for 115 days and looks forward to many more days of access to your highest quality gold and cattle supplies.

    o/ to many more years of Milaness on CN

    :wub: Mila :wub:

    edit: my first first, couldn't have been in a better topic :D

  9. You've GOT to be kidding me...

    LMAO. I agree with Pomi on the blasphemy.

    Death Pony always manages to out do himself with dorkdom. :wub:

    While I hate to disagree with Mila, this is certainly a step in the right direction for apocalypse :P maybe next they'll move onto a decent girl.

    :wub: Mila :wub:

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