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Burning Glory

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Posts posted by Burning Glory

  1. [quote name='Son of Taeper' date='17 July 2010 - 03:50 PM' timestamp='1279399822' post='2376210']
    Mmm, I'm thinking you could be correct here.
    LE cadet are looking for a good war and to be honest, it's been hard work for the past few weeks.
    If you could give me a list of alliances that we could hit it would save me a lot of work.
    Is there a particular nation size we should hit? Any particular average NS or do I just go on total NS.
    I could look at more than one alliance but I would appreciate the ground rules before engagement.
    RE and TPC look good to me as they are pretty well established. I don't want to take on the Superfriends as they are a new alliance and need to settle in before we go in 6 on 153 (we might have 7 members by then of course which may be seen as cheating).
    Just some guidlines would be nice if you get the time.
    You could even join us if you fancy some experience on the battlefield either attacking or defending as you don't appear to have any experience in either area judging by your stats.
    We intend declaring just after tiffin if that helps.
    Call me.

    LOL, This was funny! You sound like me several rounds ago SoT. I learned a long time ago you just can't please every one, no matter what some one's going to get mad or ticked off.
    I just try to have fun playing the game and encourage my peeps to do the same, you see we believe you can be competitive and still have fun :P

    I hate When your at war already with an alliance thats a fairly even/fair war and other alliances jump in or even worse seeing an alliance commit that act then whine and complain when it happens to them a round or two later....only with fair odds.

    Great work guys!


    *PS we knew you were joking about the VS TPC :P

  2. [quote name='ReadyFireAIm' date='15 July 2010 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1279238782' post='2373784']
    CDT fought a 1v1 war with OP two rounds ago. And a 1v1 war with LE last round. You're just sore that CDT also happened to attack TPF (and I think TPC once) in previous rounds. Seriously, you're the last person that should be calling others out for this.

    Thats right, you did hit OP the round before....Forgot about that, but didn't they just come out of a war or was already
    waring with another Aliance, either way, it was the only war all round you were in :P Also you never hit TPF, BUT yes you
    did hit TPC but as stated in my post only after we were at war with 2 or 3 other AA's, and you waited 3 or 4 days to make
    sure you had WC's and a healthy build up of troops. Not to mention you had more nukes than us, you know the same very
    thing your complaining about now. Only difference is they didn't wait till the war was mostly over before the other alliance jumped in...Call it honor :smug:

    No worries though, I don't hold grudges as what I said, "What comes around goes around" besides I think we won that war anyway,lol!

    Really though, lighten up its only a game.


  3. Huh...I'm Gone for most of last round and the entire first part of this round and all
    everything changes....Alliance's gone, alliances changing names, and new alliances be started. Feels like i've missed several rounds :P

    [quote name='ReadyFireAIm' date='14 July 2010 - 10:35 AM' timestamp='1279121722' post='2371001']
    Go back to playing SE if you think 4 alliances vs 1 is a good tactic (Le, LE cadet, Nordic Ballers, Betamax). Around here it's called cowardly. Enjoy the nuke :)
    I had to laugh when i saw this post from you CP....I mean this coming from the one of the kings of curb stomps. The person who loves to jump on the bandwagon and call it a fair fight.
    I'm not trying to disrespect you here, just pointing out the facts. CDT had become one of those alliances every since pops left you to run CDT. I've pointed it out before in post from several rounds ago. I was actually surprised when I saw you guys hit LE last round and as far as I can remember it was the only war CDT had ever been in where they didn't follow some else's lead or have backing from another Alliance or 2 ;)

    Again man, I'm not picking on you nor am I trying to be mean here. I just think that you should think your actions through before you do them or spout out injustice when it happens to you. Not saying that I think this isn't a fair fight, for the most part it is, numbers, NS and all.

    I hope the next time you join (Bandwagon) a war that had been going on for 3 or 4 days prior to you jumping in with a fresh war chest and all the glories of not being in a WAR, you'll think twice about it. As I've said before what comes around goes around and rather its a revenge DOW, or just because your one up on the list it doesn't matter...war is war and when it comes to your door you have no choice but to fight it.

    And for the record, you can change your AA name, merge, fly a different flag or color but it doesn't erase your past or give you a scapegoat from war...

    Have fun peeps, GL to both sides!!


  4. [quote name='JimKongIl' date='12 April 2010 - 08:54 PM' timestamp='1271123646' post='2258090']
    BG, with all due respect, RnR has 10 nukes and TPC has 458. TPC's strength is 782,000 and RnR's is 125,000. Were you guys hoping to finish the round without any wars? This is TE, treaties really have no place and they make the game less enjoyable for everyone. War is good and peace is the enemy of TE. Stop signing so many treaties every round and you won't find yourself in this situation.

    Where have you been? We have been in several WARS and its been non stop since our first...Wait I take that back, we had a 2 day break.
    Didn't part of our crew help LE out with a defense/WAR earlier this round when you were hit?
    Its not about who's going to win here, its about morals and honor...you don't have a treaty with someone and then attack them.
    All AA's have treaties, some hide them, some don't...Even if you ask for assistance from a friend, its more less a treaty.
    I for one think it makes the game more interesting, and contrary to your belief we don't have that many treaties.

    Good luck with your current war :)


  5. [quote name='Dom Zak' date='11 April 2010 - 03:25 PM' timestamp='1271017533' post='2256548']
    Sorry for the late posting, RL time constraint.

    Recently, previous to The Flying Kiwis declaring upon TPC, they were being raided pretty badly by them. Our MDP treaty with Kiwi was activated and we had not choice but to follow it. We enjoy the Kiwi's company and we haven't seen a big TPC presence on our Forums. We felt that it was best that we sided with the underdog in this situation because we were in their situation at one point with OP, if you recall. We have no ill will toward TPC (TPF and Cobras) from any round and TPF were amazing when we first started out. It is sad to write this today, and I hope that we can repair our relationship with TPC soon.

    Dom Zak
    General Destroyer

    Thank You and lets all have some fun.

    Problem is You have had a treaty with us for the past 3 or 4 rounds, you ignored that to go with a new treaty partner.
    You road our shirt tails this entire round while 3 AA's came to me and asked if you were still under our protection as they wanted WAR.
    Then to make matters worse, WAPA who came to TFK's defense of a war (that TFK escalated) and TFK both asked for peace and white peace was given.
    Now 2 days later after you collected taxes you DoW TPC and then TFK after asking and getting White Peace re-Dow's TPC.
    Sad that both AA's lack honor, even worse that RNR betrayed friends/treaty partners!

    At least TFK didn't betray friends, RNR has now made a bed they will have to sleep in...who will trust you now?


  6. [quote name='Bionic redhead' date='21 March 2010 - 08:00 AM' timestamp='1269176411' post='2232089']
    IIRC you were left with 008, who did the nation audits. At the same time you lost your MoFA, MoD, PoF, PoA and MoR. I kinda doubt you were going to run foreign affairs, defence, recruitment and newbie training all by yourself.

    I guess I should congratulate our replacements. They held our jobs for a whopping 2 days before you replaced them with OLC's gov. Interestingly enough, with the exception of darth pollard, aren't all our replacements just members of your personal cheerleading squad?

    Now I'm glad you mentioned my job. I'm pretty sure anyone else could have done my job, just without doing anywhere near as good a job as I did (especially as I took all the hatchery stuff with me when I left). The idea of you doing it is pretty funny though, you'd get overloaded with work for the first 2 (crucial) weeks at the start of the round. But it's also that overload of work that caused me to stay around long enough to be around for you to take all my masking powers away: I had to finish off a last batch of hatchery graduates (yeah, I was nice enough to do that for you).

    But anyway, if we want to talk about who could have done who's job, then what about yours? Considering how little you were around and how little you spoke to the rest of the gov, you were equally replaceable. Heck, any time in the last two rounds you could have been couped. Me, hiddenshadow and clash nearly did it in round 8 and the gov who left nearly did it this round. We decided to be nice instead. If you can't do a job, then you should use common sense and move aside to let someone else do it for you.

    Edit: and if this merge was just for the good of OLC and TPF, then why is it that with only one exception (you), all the gov positions went to former OLC members? Don't you rate your replacements that highly?

    LOL! BR
    Don't get so up set that you lost your position and never ever think I could get couped as it would be the biggest mistake you ever made.
    There are far to many loyal TPF members as well as friends and allies that would ever let that happen. You see it takes an over whelming number of nations to see that through and 3, 4, 5, or 6 nations just don't do it.
    As much as I'm trying diligently to be polite and as respectful of you and understand that your upset you were pushed out, your making very hard to keep the kid gloves on :)
    I'd like to take the time to go into your incoherent babbling and temper tantrum with a reply but I just can't do it. There is no reason to post here on OWF of your incompetence, TPF/OLC/TPC business, or other things that have no business here.
    However i will tell you that you just don't get it. OLC is TPF and all of OLC gov was TPF gov before OLC.
    I hand picked all of them except HS for their skills, friendship, and commitment to TPF....They deserve and earned the positions!
    Also as far as I know, JB is still in Gov and Bibs is also filling in as well.

  7. [quote name='Bionic redhead' date='20 March 2010 - 07:41 AM' timestamp='1269088861' post='2231230']
    I like how BG didn't mention that the only reason this merge came around is because BG finally pissed off the rest of the gov to the extent that they all left. Only after this did BG realize that his lazy backside can't run TPF by itself.

    BR, you are sadly mistaken and immature. Since you don't know what your talking about, I'll fill you in. Not all Gov left, and after the ones who did leave I had 7 or 8 more stepping up to replace them. Darth, Heat, boogie, and reckless were the first to step up, and 3 or 4 others offered shortly after. There are many loyal TPF people and anyone of them could have done your job.
    Don't forget I did your job before you came, and for several rounds while you were there, I could have done it after you left as well....Besides it wasn't until after your powers were reduced that you left ;)

    Truth is, RL comes first. This is a game and being as my time playing will be so sporadic, I choose the merger because I thought both AA's would benefit and be happier from it.


  8. [quote name='Zikawe' date='08 March 2010 - 10:15 PM' timestamp='1268108466' post='2218823']
    [center][size="5"][font="Arial Black"]Statement from the Office of the Jesus[/font][/size][/center]

    [i][center]Five, four, three. "There is no way, I will resign. It wouldn't be fair. Not to the good workers I work with, not to my clients, and especially not to me. Let's not forget who this whole resigning business is about, anyway. If I could leave you with one thought, remember... it wasn't me. They're trying to make me an escape goat. If I am fired, I swear to God, that every single piece of copier paper in this town is going to have the F-word on it. The F-word. You have one day."[/center][/i]

    [center]-Michael Scott[/center]

    Hello friends!
    I Mark Benford of MurderIncSucks have for a while now been the official Jesus of Murder Inc. Due to that rank I feel I have a special place to respond to this deceleration of war. I will do so in the same way Osama Bin Ladin issued his rational, in a list:

    1) I condemn the attacks on Murder Inc by outside forces as unjust.
    1.1) See 2
    2) Murder Inc. may only be attacked by direction and with approval of MI's Jesus.
    2.1) Murder Inc. has no government as far as I can tell.
    2.2) Only I may order attacks on MI.
    2.2.1) I had 3 government members attacked.
    2.2.2) I had Elborrador attacked.

    In the end however I must announce my overwhelming approval for Pork Shrimps operation against Murder Inc. On the night I had a few government members taken out I tried to get Elborrador to attack you as I thought it would entertain me, and clearly it would have.

    Sadly however I cannot support you in this operation. Black Team senate evily reset before I could start a sanction war, although if your on black team you will know I was successful in annoying and pissing off most of the team, so much so that two people attacked me over it.

    And let me leave you with a parting statement,

    [i][center]You're all spineless cowards. MI is back to show you how to play the game. lets be clear from the start. We are going to recruit from your alliances, we're going to force membership as a condition of surrender and we're going to break some !@#$, get used to it.[/center][/i]


    Oh, and one more.

    [center][i]Dear TPF,

    your leader is a comlete and utter f-in moron. Until he is removed from that position of honor, we will burn your nations to the ground.[/i][/center]


    Were coming for you! :smug:

    Note: That post went badly. Sorry. Confusion asked me to make a post and I tried, and it failed. But what do you expect?

    [quote name='Zikawe' date='08 March 2010 - 10:22 PM' timestamp='1268108844' post='2218829']
    Sounds to me like your being a sissy, and so is all of TE. Every round I watch as your alliance tries to prevent war after war, its really lame. You should be preemptively hitting OP not trying to persuade them to stay out.

    And MI is weak and pathetic and don't frekan forget it. We will suck at war all night long, but atleast MI entertains me. I mean what other alliance lets you systematically attack all of its government members and has no response. Epic.

    LMAO!! CG as always you entertain me, this deserves its own topic...Lets call it Pork Shrimp Murdered Propaganda :P


  9. [quote name='elborrador' date='08 March 2010 - 04:44 PM' timestamp='1268088580' post='2218411']
    Murder Inc. Will ask for no alliances help dismantling Pork Shrimp.
    I Think this is honorable, not to mention it sounds like an acceptance to a duel of skill and whit :)
    Anything else would have made MI look like a weak and pathetic bunch, and I know this is not the old MI group I once knew :P

    [quote name='elborrador' date='08 March 2010 - 05:58 PM' timestamp='1268092989' post='2218524']
    the fact that you're under writting these shenanigans displeases me greatly BG. While i have no intention of asking for help against PS (lolseriously?) your aggressive stance on the issue is dualy noted.
    Elb you know I like you, but you got this all wrong. I have no play what so ever in this and in fact didn't even know they planned it...Heck for that
    matter I didn't even know they declined the protectorate they have always had with TPF since like round 4 or 5.
    For the record I was one of the few who wanted to see the old MI back, and declined a few offers (none with our allies)to hit you guys.

    All I can say is PS is a good group of guys, they are honorable and great worriors...But they take no orders from me or anyone else, they do how
    ever keep their word-friendship and fear no one (taking after my own heart).They have not asked for any asistance, but yes my aggressive stance should
    be noted as i'm serious as I've ever been. They are our friends who have stood by TPF for many rounds, even with out a protectorate WE HAVE THEIR BACKS.

    But since you/ MI has taken the honorable stance I knew you would against a 28 member AA it really doesn't mater.

    GL to both of you


  10. AH.....I was wondering why our friends at PS was hitting MI. Seems my old friend Elb was sending threats at them.
    This should be a good fight, PS are highly skilled fighters but MI has the numbers.
    To be exact MI at 74 and PS at 28....Now with that said, let me say PS is a TPF protectorate and even though I didn't know about
    aal of this, I will back them against another AA who thinks this should turn into a curbstomp.


  11. [quote name='HisK Owns You' date='16 February 2010 - 04:58 PM' timestamp='1266361094' post='2186379']
    l2r? I was saying TPF has never been a fair alliance. And you're talking about Fark not being in a fair fight with OZ. It's really funny. :rolleyes:
    Hisk, your one of the most childish people playing TE. You have not only violated TS's agreement that MHA and TPF wouldn't war EVER....But you are also
    one of the weakest leaders in TE history. TPF has always been honorable, IN FACT, When you threatened LC for helping to defend TS I could have ordered TPF to destroy
    MHA and it would have been the easiest war TPF ever had and you know we would have killed you hence your running around to other AA's for help. I chose to give you respect
    as a new leader and work on getting this peaced as an agreement with thia to not hit MHA. You have dishonored MHA and resorted to bottom feeding.
    It no wonder you waited to hit us while we were waring with 3 other AA's and have long since exhausted our WC being in war for over 9 days now, while you guys plumped
    you self up, put on your big boy pants and pushed out your chest....No worries though, TPF remembers and what comes around goes around!


  12. [quote name='Fisher X' date='10 February 2010 - 08:52 PM' timestamp='1265856759' post='2173726']

    13 new nations for TPF since the war started, totally 32,000 NS might help you explain the difference in loss numbers. LE nations have remained static. Not complaining, only pointing out a difference that closes the gap.

    But, a 73 to 44 gap remains. Salute! We have fought many rounds together, and I can honestly say TPF is much improved in their fighting ability and tenacity. Infra monger AA's typically peace out to protect their infra, which happened in the past with TPF. NOT THIS TIME. Also, to a member, the wars have remained, winning or losing.

    I have nothing but respect of the opponents this round. We've drove each other into the ground, fighting the whole way. It's been fun!

    I found both AAs had large war chests and the most HNMS's of any AAs in the game. Also, the blitz found many TPF nations sitting at DC1 and quite a few online. It was a great defense.

    All in all, it has been fun!


    *back to the fallout shelter*

    [quote name='Fisher X' date='11 February 2010 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1265947926' post='2176467']
    Stats don't lie ;) They flocked in from Pork Shimp and NONE among others. Only was was a new create.

    Alliance Date Created Strength
    2/7/2010 23:45 12/23/2009 0:45 6,276.63
    2/7/2010 23:52 12/23/2009 0:13 4,475.58
    2/7/2010 23:46 12/23/2009 0:14 4,244.33
    2/7/2010 23:46 1/13/2010 22:54 2,794.54
    2/7/2010 23:46 12/23/2009 9:20 2,556.03
    2/7/2010 12:39 1/24/2010 19:04 2,011.33
    2/6/2010 23:08 1/22/2010 8:33 1,901.81
    2/6/2010 5:52 1/18/2010 15:56 1,626.25
    2/7/2010 13:14 2/7/2010 12:58 1,341.95
    2/10/2010 15:10 2/10/2010 15:09 1,208.02
    2/6/2010 10:41 12/23/2009 16:18 1,104.40
    2/5/2010 5:00 2/5/2010 4:43 904.607
    2/8/2010 9:27 2/5/2010 8:45 829.361

    Not trying to belabor the point, however, when you point out LE large alliance strength loss against TPF lack of loss; I think it is more than relevant.


    Problem with that Fish is of those nations, several are not hitting LE and of those added nations, they are just stopping in to go rouge and hit other nations.
    most leaving before it affects our total NS anyway. Our stats now are pretty much TPF with no extras.
    Fars as our past wars with LE, one of which you blitzed us we war'd pretty evenly...The other 2 times TPF blitzed LE, you had others jump in to hit TPF and
    since our goal was to war 1 vs 1 to see who was the better fighting AA, We agreed to peace after the 3rd day. Why war against three aa's when at the time
    TPF only had a hand full more members than LE before RD and Fark hit us. I found that even though RD and Fark jumped in, it was noce of LE to agree it wasn't
    a fair war and also agree to peace.

    At any rate this war has gone the distance and been TPF vs LE, Thanks for the war and the kind words :)


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