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Posts posted by koningderbelgen

  1. Treaty of Maastricht

    A tale of Belgium and Soviet Limburg:


    Flag of old Soviet Limburg


    Flag of The Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg


    The flag of the Kingdom of Belgium

    "A spectre is haunting Belgium... Revolution has broken out!" The Flemish newspaper "De Standaard" headlined several weeks ago. And indeed, the working class was fed up with the bourgeois game of trying to divide and rule them. It started with an uprising in the docks of Antwerpen but quickly, and with the solidarity help of Soviet Limburg, spread to the rest of Belgium. Because of the present situation, with the elections in sight, the government does not want to provoke more revolts and urged the police not to use force unless deemed necessary. The situation at present seems to be escalating. The "Belgische Werklieden Partij/Parti Ouvrier Belge" (Labour Party of Belgium) backed up by the unions and the intensified class struggle, lead the movement and despite their reformist approach they had a mass popularity, currently they and the "Katholieke Partij/Parti Catholique" are trying to avoid the situation in the south from deteriorating even further. Belgium faces a new reality now, an era of dual-power with the old bourgeois parliament on the one side and the emerging directly democratic workers councils on the other, the Labour Party balances between these two worlds, but soon will have to choose: will it defend the new order of workers power and socialism or defend a step-by-step program within the old but trusted framework of capitalism and their coalition with the catholics in parliament?

    Soviet Limburg has been in war with the Confederation of the Netherlands and Belgium for over a year now. With the first for declaring independance, with the latter for its goal of reuniting with Belgian Limburg into one federation. Both wars have had their heights behind them for months now and the war with the Netherlands ended in a stalemate and an uneasy ceasefire, the war with Belgium has been continuing up until now but Belgium simply doesn't have the firepower to cope with the Red Army and the old ruling class looks in vain to their effective loss of Belgian Limburg. And with the current revolution going on, they have completely other matters to attend to. The Belgian working class however defends and supports the will of the Limburgians to unite into their own republic, a feeling that got a great upswing with the solidarity support from Soviet Limburg to the recent uprising.

    With the elections now coming up, the workers councils are fed up with the war and the resources that are allocated for it, they desire peace and a mutual friendship between the peoples of Belgium and Soviet Limburg. The catholics in parliament, by far the biggest force still, weren't to eager on this at first but eventually agreed with the Labour Party to sign the treaty.

    The people of Soviet Limburg on the other hand have looked forward to this day for over a year now and their Commissar of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet are swift and simple in their demands: re-unification with Belgian Limburg! They get what they want and thusly the treaty is a fact and entails the following:

    Treaty for Mutual Understanding, Friendship and Recognition of Sovereignty

    The peoples of Belgium and Soviet Limburg will cease all hostilities towards each other and build on a fundament of mutual respect and friendship towards a bright future.


    The respective governmental bodies of Belgium and Soviet Limburg recognize each other sovereignty and define their border as such:

    - The arrondissements of Hasselt, Maaseik and Tongeren will be added to the Federation of Soviets in Limburg, which shall now be known as the Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg.

    - The only exception in this is the municipality of Voeren, which shall remain its official status of disputed territory. The respective governments of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg however choose to settle their differences peacefully in the spirit of friendship and co-operation.


    Passport union:

    The Kingdom of Belgium and the Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg suspend all border control and start a policy of open borders for each others grounds. All goods, persons, money and services shall be free to travel in both countries, of course under the restrictions of the laws of those countries.

    Monetary union:

    The Federation of Soviets in Limburg join the Kingdom of Belgium in aq monetary union to have the Belgian Franc. With this, it becomes the official monetary unit of the Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg. However, the Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg remain their right to set their own financial policy as according to their philosophy of "first serve the people, not the money".

    Iron Rhine:

    The economic railroad connection that connects the harbor of Antwerpen with the Ruhr industrial area, better known as the "Iron Rhine" is recognized by both parties as a topic of high priority. But due to the international nature of this topic, it will need to be settled in a later trilateral treaty with the German Confederation.

    Leopold Channel/West Waterway:

    The Kingdom of Belgium and the Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg will share a new channel which will connect Liege with Antwerpen through Limburgian territory. The costs of this project will be carried for 75% by the Kingdom of Belgium but with for all parties be free to use. The Belgian part will be named Leopold Channel, the Limburgian part simply as the West Waterway.

    Economic co-operation:

    Limburgian co-operatives have the right to settle in the Kingdom of Belgium with a friendly tax level of just 5.5% of the profit. In the industrial area of Antwerpen the taxrate is non-existant. Belgian companies and co-operatives have the right to settle in the Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg and will pay a friendly tax level of 10%. Of course, companies and co-operatives will have to abide to the laws of the nations they operate in.

    This treaty will be in effect as soon as the heads of the respective governments have signed this treaty.

    For the Kingdom of Belgium:

    Sylvain de Weyer,Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Provisional Government of the Kingdom of Belgium

    For the Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg:

    Emil Jacobs, chairmain of the Supreme Soviet of the Federation

    Flag symbolism:


    Flag of old Soviet Limburg:

    The three color of Dutch Limburg and the Limburgian Lion have been inherited from the old flag when Limburg was still a Dutch province, although the lion lost its crown in the flag. The lion has also been moved to the right though and faces a red star, symbolising a new communist hope for the future.


    Flag of The Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg:

    The white is part of the old Belgian Limburg flag. It also symbolizes a new fresh start. The Limburgian Lion symbolizes the strength and courage of the people of Limburg. The bigger red star symbolizes a united Limburg, federative but undivided. The red star also symbolizes the socialist reality of Limburgian society and its strive for communism. Also, the color schemes between the star and the white of the flag are inverted from the flag of Maastricht, the capital of Soviet Limburg.


    The flag of the Kingdom of Belgium:

    The vertical arrangement of the colour goes back to the days of the French Revolution which also sparked a short-lived revolution in Belgium against the Austrians. The colours that the small nation flew then were red, yellow and black as taken from the Flag of the Duchy of Brabant, while the vertical arrangement is due to French influence. The Belgian constitution however still says that the "colours of the Belgian nation are Red, Yellow and Black" as in a reversed order of the current flag (Article 193 of the Belgian Constitution)

    The crest on it is the official crest of the Royal Family.

  2. Head of the Federation: Emil Jacobs

    Nation: The Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg

    Alliance (if any): SPQR

    Reason for wanting an embassy in Brussels: establishment of diplomatic relations with Belgium.

    Request for travel permit outside of the City of Brussels: required, due to close co-operation



    Het Koninkrijk België/ The Kingdom of Belgium/Königreich Belgien

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Ministère de Affaires étrangères /Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken /Auswärtiges Amt

    To E. Jacobs

    Government House


    The Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg

    Your Excellency,

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reviewed your application and has decided to grant you an embassy in Brussels. The building that we have designated for the Embassy of The Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg is only a few minutes away from the Belgian center of government and is located in the very heart of Brussels. We have included the adress of your embassy and our permission to travel freely in our letter.

    Also has been decided to give the ambassador permission to leave the City of Brussels and travel through our country, without restrictions. Because of the tri-lingual nature of our country (with German being spoken by a minority) we would like to advise the government of the Republic to appoint a diplomat that is a well abled French speaker. Since that the form of Dutch that is being spoken in Limburg is related to the form of Dutch which is being spoken by the majority of our populus we assume that the communication with Flemish-speakers will not cause any problems.

    The Government of the Kingdom seeks the advance of diplomacy with other nation, rather then competition or warfare and the Kingdom of Belgium is a neutral nation, yet it is also a colonial power with an extensive colony in Africa (the Congo) that is privately owned by His Majesty Leopold II, King of the Belgians. Because of your political system we ask you to tread this matter with delicacy as Parliament is- for now- legally unable to seize the Congo for Belgium.

    Your sincerely,

    Sylvain de Weyer

    Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Provisional Government of the Kingdom of Belgium

    sovietlimburgsmallko7.pngEmbassy of the The Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg

    Palais du D'Egmont/ Egmont Paleis

    Place de Petit-Sablon/Kleine Zavel 8


    Head of the Federation: Emil Jacobs

    Nation: The Federation of Soviets in Re-united Limburg

    Alliance (if any): SPQR

    Reason for wanting an embassy in Brussels: establishment of diplomatic relations with Belgium.


    Request for travel permit outside of the City of Brussels: required, due to close co-operation.


  3. Real shame that I am not allowed to step in as I am a member of an alliance. And no, I would not advise you nazi's to attack me: it would mean that you get at least 60 more nations queuing in a line to quash you with everything that we have. I am quite sure that you are bright enough not to declare war on a alligned nation.

    I think that most of us here have a real good reason to hate nazism. They gave (in rl) hell to Europe, and murdered millions. To see people that are still believing in a ideology that caused so much harm as is as silly as an adult that is believing in Santa Claus and as dangerous as crossing a railway when a train is heading your way.

    "Gentlemen", please pardon me as I have far more important matters to attend then a few nazi's that are getting what they have rightfully earned.

    Leopold III

    King of the Belgians

  4. PM the GPA, they'd like to help you out.

    :awesome: Excellent choice ghehhehe

    I believe that there are enough wars as it is. And there is one kind of people that I dislike more then mercenaries: it is the people that hire them.

    They hire people to be blown to bits while they scavenge for the rests.

  5. Ruler: Botha

    Nation: Transvaal

    Alliance (if any): IRON

    Reason for wanting an embassy in Brussels: establishment of diplomatic relations with Belgium

    Request for travel permit outside of the City of Brussels: not required


    Het Koninkrijk België/ The Kingdom of Belgium/Königreich Belgien

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Ministère de Affaires étrangères /Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken /Auswärtiges Amt

    To Mr. P.W Botha, State President of the Republic of Transvaal.

    Government House


    Transvaal Republic

    Your Excellency,

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reviewed your application and has decided to grant you an embassy in Brussels. The building that we have designated for the Embassy of the Republic of Transvaal is only a few minutes away from the Belgian center of government and is located in the very heart of Brussels. We have included the adress of your embassy and our permission to travel freely in our letter.

    Also has been decided to give the ambassador permission to leave the City of Brussels and travel through our country, without restrictions. Because of the tri-lingual nature of our country (with German being spoken by a minority) we would like to advise the government of the Republic to appoint a diplomat that is a well abled French speaker. Since that Afrikaner is related to Dutch which is being spoken by the majority of our populus we assume that the communication with Flemish-speakers will not cause any problems.

    The Government of the Kingdom seeks the advance of diplomacy with other nation, rather then competition or warfare and the Kingdom of Belgium is a neutral nation, yet it is also a colonial power with an extensive colony in Africa (the Congo) that is privately owned by His Majesty Leopold II, King of the Belgians. Because of the location of your country and the fact that a section of your population is African, we advise Your Excellency and his Government to hide the fact from his population, since it could stir up troubles at home.

    Your sincerely,

    Sylvain de Weyer

    Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Provisional Government of the Kingdom of Belgium

    vlag_zuid-afrika.gifEmbassy of the Republic of Transvaal

    Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 26


    Reason for wanting an embassy in Brussels: establishment of diplomatic relations with Belgium


    Request for travel permit outside of the City of Brussels: not required


  6. Belgique.gif

    Het Koninkrijk België/ The Kingdom of Belgium/Königreich Belgien

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Ministère de Affaires étrangères /Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken /Auswärtiges Amt


    Application pour un embassade au ville de Bruxelles /Verzoek om een ambassade in Brussel /Anwendung für Botschaft in Brüssel.

    . Ruler:

    . Nation:

    . Alliance (if any):

    . Reason for wanting an embassy in Brussels:

    . Request for travel permit outside of the City of Brussels YES/NO


    All embassies must be located in the City of Brussels. Approval automatic for all OIN Memberstates.

    Embassy approval indicates mutual and reciprocal acknowledgement of official recognition of the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium. Non-OIN Nations must request a travel permit (subject to approval) for movement outside of Brussels.


    (Tous l'embassade doit être localisé au Bruxelles. Approbation automatique pour tout les États OIN.

    L'approbation d'ambassade indique la reconnaissance mutuelle et réciproque de l'identification officielle du gouvernement du Royaume de Belgique.

    Les nations de Non-OIN doivent demander une laiss de voyage (sujet à l'approbation) pour le mouvement en dehors de Bruxelles)


    (Alle ambassades moeten zich binnen het grondgebied van de stad Brussel bevinden. Toestemming voor vestiging word automatisch aan alle OIN lidstaten verleend.

    Toestemming zich te vestigen in Brussel bevestigd de erkenning van de Regering van het Koninkrijk België en die van de aanvrager.

    Niet OIN lidstaten dienen (naar gewenst-en onderhevig aan verlening door de Regering van Koninkrijk België) een verzoek in te dienen om zich buiten het grondgebied van de stad Brussel te mogen begeven.)


    (Alle Botschaften müssen in der Stadt von Brüssel sich befinden. Zustimmung automatisch für alle OIN-Nationen.

    Botschaftzustimmung zeigt gegenseitige und wechselseitige Bestätigung der amtlichen Anerkennung der Regierung von das Königreich Belgien.

    Nicht-OIN Staaten müssen um eine Spielraumerlaubnis (abhängig von Zustimmung) für Bewegung außerhalb Brüssel bitten.)

  7. Parliamentary elections in Belgium

    At December 1, the Belgians will go to the polls. Over the last week there has been a build-up of social tensions over working hours, the low wages and safety on the workfloor in the Borinage (around Mons, Wallonia) and in the port of Antwerp. Also the bi-lingual nature of Belgium and the way in which is French is being introduced, discriminating Flemish (eventhough this is officialy illegal) are also creating tensions.Many newspapers and foreign visitors think that the entire situation will influence the outcome. Last night, and with aided by the Church, the Belgian Workers Party was found (Parti Ouvrier Belge (POB)-Belgische Werkliedenpartij (BWP), Belgiums first socialist party. The Catholic Party has been asked by the Church to support the socialists rather then the liberals, in a unique turn of events. The Belgian bi-cameral parliament has 150 seats in the Chamber of Representatives (Chambre des Représentants/Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers) and 74 in the Senate (Sénat,Senaat,).


    stemhokje-leeg.gifCatholic Party (Parti Catholique (PC)/Katholieke Partij (KP)

    The Catholic Party is a conservative, pro-monarchy party that adheres to the word of God (as expressed in the Bible) and to the Roman Catholic Church. It's views in international politics are pro-neutrality and yet pro-colonialist (missionary work), on a domestic level she is against women's right to vote yet backs moderately conservatie yet social social reforms (end to child labour, maternity leave, paid sick leave (for 2 days), the 8-hour working day)and a free market. The Catholic Party favours a role of the Church in education and wishes to see state funding for church-owned primary and middle schools, as well as support for Catholic universities. Eventhough the party is pro-monarchy,it seeks to end the existence of the King's private colony in the Congo and claim it for the Belgian state. Most of their electorate consists out of the members of the Church, more fortunate workers, members of the German-speaking minority and farmers, yet the Church has asked farmers, shop owners and the more wealthy workers to vote for the Belgians Workers Party and has donated sums of money to give poorer workers the vote.

    stemhokje-leeg.gifLiberal Party (Parti Unitaire Liberaux (PUL)-Unitaire Liberale Partij (ULP)

    The Liberal Party is a strong advocate of the free market and strongly opposes social and economic reforms. They are pro-neutrality, pro-colonialist and support the King in his private claims in the Congo. They are also for the expansion of the right to vote (giving women the right to vote), yet demand that only people with a degree (and those that can pay 20 francs for "registration costs") have the right to vote. Whereas a Belgian week lone for a worker is a mere 6 francs. They strongly oppose government intervention in the education system as well as in any branch of the economy. They also oppose the existence of welfare and taxation for the wealth and also seek to abolish the inheritance tax. Most of their electorate are members of the aristocracy, the monarchy and factory owners.

    stemhokje-leeg.gifBelgian Workers Party (Parti Ouvrier Belge (POB)-Belgische Werkliedenpartij (BWP)

    The Belgian Workers Party was found only two days ago with the assistance of shop-keepers, more fortunate workers, charitable rich and with the assistance (!) of the Church. The goal is to side-line hardline socialists and communists and create a slight welfare state. Yet Marxist in it's foundations, the party does not seek a revolution unless all other forms of obtaining their goals have ran out and respect the Church for the charity that it does. The party seeks to nationalise key industries, hospitals, schools (unless Church-owned) and railways, introduce a 8 hour working day, introduce a week pay leave for workers, introduce a minimum wage,introduce paid sick and maternity leave, introduce unions and regulations regarding pay and safety, outlaw child labour and end the King's private ownership of the Congo. Also does it seek to create a income tax and introduce complusory voting for all Belgian citizens, regardless of sex and income from the age of 25 onward, and to introduce a one language policy in the different parts of the country. (French in Wallonia, Dutch in Flanders, and German in the Ostkantons), while maintaining a bi-lingual status for Brussels. In this way the hope to reach socialism without the violence of a revolution. In foreign policies the party is pro-neutrality and anti-imperialist.

  8. I think that spying operations in general are quite revolting. But performing spy operations against an alliance, without provocations and without the decency of declaring war first is truly disguisting. I hope that The German Empire finds those responsible and provides them with the leniency of swift military justice.

  9. Belgium_cofa.PNG

    Declaration of the Kingdom of Belgium

    Déclaration de Royaume de Belgique/ Verklaring namens het Koninkrijk België/Deklaration von das Königreich Belgien

    The Kingdom of Belgium wishes to present itself to the international community. We are a small nation based in Western Europe and a federation of three lingual groups with distinct cultures that wish to indentify themselves under the name of the lost state of the Kingdom of Belgium and it's people the Belgians. They are the Dutch-speaking Flemings, the Francophone Wallonians and the Germans of the Ostkantons.

    The Belgian people hereby pledge the following:

    - The way in which Belgium will be run will be along the lines of the federal constitutional monarchy, the King will have no governmental powers other then ordering the formation of a cabinet and the annual speech.

    - The term of the Provisional Government will end at the 1st of December 2007, at that day, elections will be held that will determine the course of the new government.

    - The Wallonians, Flemings and Germans will each be respected in their language and culture and be equal for the law. They will also be given equal power to organise their local affairs.

    - Belgium's foreign policy will be one of a rigid neutrality and will not join alliances that are known for their agression. Instead Belgium has chosen to dedicate it's strenght to the cause of the Organisation of Imperial Nations.

    - Belgium wishes to improve it's foreign relations with it's neighbours regardless of the policy of any alliances, yet refrains from any military partnership with said nations that could endanger it's policy of neutraloty and/or endanger it's relationship with the Organisation of Imperial Nations.

    - The Belgian Armed Forces will only serve for the defense of Belgium's territories, unless explicit government and OIN permission has been given for a campaign across the borders.

    Le Gouvernement provisoire de Royaume de Belgique

    De Voorlopige Regering van het Koninkrijk België/ Der Provisorische Regierung von das Königreich Belgien

    23th of November, 2007

  10. I believe that one of the problems on the forums are the IMG tags, there is no real proper RP going on anymore and I have quit RP-ing myself too.

    Also with all the wars going on in the world there isn't much to write about.

    The average post here by a treaty consists of "Private Channels FTW", the "Hails" and the flaming of other parties... also disagreeing with a policy is called flaming as well. Which shuts out ANY debate.

    The strong are the rulers, the others are being opressed. If one would look at the numbers that I made here and compare it two the accounts "The_Doge_of_Venice" on the old forum and my later name there "Sir Stamford Raffles", you'll only see a rapid decline in numbers.

    I have been here as "The Doge", and "Sir Stamford Raffles" since November now.. and those were the happy days.

    Personally I think that I am likely to delete my nation and leave CN before the end of this month.

    Edit: spelling

  11. Awesome! :lol:

    The situation can hardly be classified as "awesome".

    OOC: I respect mr. Salovega (I don't know his real name) very much and I hope that even though he is ill, he can still live a life of some quality , and that he receives proper medical attention to ease his suffering.

  12. Well.. what do you want us to do then: fight the none menace ?

    Or respectable alliances that just "harbour" LSF combattands without knowing it.

    I guess that they will come out of the closet anyways.. and face ZI and worse.

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