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Emperor Marxus IV

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Posts posted by Emperor Marxus IV

  1. From what I understand, the International Protection Agency's acronym is the name of a beer, which is completely unintentional.

    But, I mirror some people who say coming up with the acronym first is made of phail. Not knocking on my alliance's close friends over at FIST, but they came up with their acronym first, and look at what it means. Federation of Independent Sovereign Territories. Kinda repetitive. ;)

    IPA= India Pale Ale which is a type of beer (for Atlantic Canadians and lovers of good beer Keiths is a good example).

    I believe a acronym is cool if it fits with the alliance theme. I don't think acronyms should be forced if it just sounds stupid.

    My first alliance, The Trade Federation was just shortened to TTF, in no way a silly word, but a short way to list the alliance. Second alliance, the Allied Coalition of International Defense had, in my opinion, a cool name and great acronym. Now I am just in the Mafia, which is a word. No shortening that there,

    So ya I've seen all ranges of the name game. My favorites are names like the Legion, Grämlins , and Mafia. Its why I refer to the NPO and NpO as Pacifica and Polaris. Just sounds cooler.

  2. A boy is at home where he sees a masked man. He runs straight, takes a left, runs straight, takes another left, runs straight, takes another left, and ends up home where the masked man is waiting for him. What is going on?

    In the park homer I would guess.

    Also did anyone explain the cupcake in delta's (excuse me if I'm wrong) avatar?

  3. Imperial Announcement from The German Empire

    Greetings Citizens of Planet Bob,

    On this very Sunday October 28th, in the year 2007, The German Empire has passed the Imperial Citizen and Member Count of 100 and passed the Total Alliance Strength of 400k. This is a Historic land mark for our small Empire, and we wish to continue this Growth of Members and Strength.

    We would like to thank our Friends in CN, for their Support and Help. We would like to thank FOK who has helped us stand where we are today. We :wub: you FOK! There are plenty more of you out there in CN, you know who you are. We hope to continue this Rate of Growth, and wish that Prosperity and Peace continues to Dominate CN for plenty of more months to come. :)

    So let us take out the Beer Steins and Roll out the Beer Kegs! Let us Celebrate, either you be Friend or Stranger!

    For The Empire!

    Congrats friend. And lets see our success continue.

    Hail the Kaiser.

  4. yeah. someone decided to screw you over there.

    Eh one of our council members resigned because he couldn't stand the awesome (ya rly.. he stated our growth as a reason for resigning :S).

    O well we will be back there in a day :awesome:

    Don't poop our party.

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