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Emperor Marxus IV

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Posts posted by Emperor Marxus IV

  1. Despite this being a noble cause we have, sadly, entered a time where NAPs have been deemed pointless. A global NAP would be nothing more than a token treaty reminding us that it is peace time, and we have several treaties that do this already. Also you say World peace treaty. Anything global in CN is, sadly, destined to fail. Finally if it were a group of nations, would you be better of being called an alliance? I may be over tired but that's a whole lot what like that seems to be.

    Edit: Also I would think this is the wrong section as it doesn't seem to be a news report.... correct me if I'm wrong.

  2. Burton, you know a coup can't work.

    I am the Don.

    My word is law.

    I am root forum admin.

    Most importantly, I am a fun/good guy who the family members respect.

    The only way a coup would work would be if they split off and made their own alliance....but that isn't really a coup now is it.

    Also Burton, I like nukes, they build character and give my skin a lovely green after glow.


    Emperor Marxus IV of The Cameco Corp for his complacency in a leadership position

    OGMWTFBBQ? a) Serberus was only rude after you refused his orders constantly and B) he was a senior cabinet member and you should have respected his wishes. Also this was like 4 months ago... way to hold a grudge bud.

    I think FIST may agree that Burton's problem stems from insubordination, ignorance, and a stubbornness level that is quite inconceivable.

    Burton, you did many great things for our alliance and we respected that. You are ruining a good reputation and making yourself look like an $@! hat. You have insulted me when I approached you with respect so now the gloves are off. Have fun being ZI'd (I know you are quitting buy Zi'ing people never gets old).

  3. From what I have Observed:

    - Ivan Moldavi

    - Z'ha'dum

    - Mary the Fantabulous

    - mpol

    - Kaiser Frederick II

    - Ejayrazz

    - Prodigal Chieftain (You can't say he didn't contribute to the game and its history. Plus I smile reading his final post over and over)

    - Arctic

    - Airme

    - Sir Paul

    - Electron Sponge

    - Tygaland (always seemed to post only when it would contribute... plus I love the STA state of the alliance updates)

    There are some old school CDS/LOSS/GATO/Legion people I loved too but I can't remember them atm

  4. Eh this is easier than attacking you for your tech :awesome:

    What alliance are you in? The Mafia

    Is your alliance allighned to any purple alliance? Mebe, you'll never know!

    What is your nation strength? 31,337.217 (Ever the bigger boys need free tech).

    How much do you value yourself? I R KING OF THE WORLD (this is my 5th nation, if I have to start again I'll shank a !@#$%*).

  5. Good Luck from myself and the rest of my family.

    The Chicago Outfit

    The Mafia

    Cosa Nostra

    The Mobster theme is gaining popularity :awesome:

    I'll consider myself a trend setter for personal pleasure.

    Again good luck,


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