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Posts posted by iKrolm

  1. Public: Should the Fasci Empire continue to act militarily hostile in the Philippines region, propaganda actions will be taken against the forces of the Fasci Empire.

    Classified: As part of said propaganda , the following pamphlet will be dropped out of small planes onto military encampments within 50km of the Selenarctan/Fasci border.

    To The Catholics of the Fasci Empire:

    The Nation of Selenarctos does not support the actions taken by the Fasci Empire government against Christians. The Nation offers protection and amnesty to all Christians who peacefully surrender to Selenarctan forces. For further instructions on surrendering, please tune any conventional radio to 100.3FM.

    To The Commanders of the Fasci Empire:

    The Nation of Selenarctos does not wish to fight the Fasci Empire. We will not strike first, but should forces under your command enter or attack The Nation your forces will be destroyed, you will be captured, and you will stand trial for war crimes. For further instructions, please tune any conventional radio to 99.5FM.

  2. OOC: Sorry about your friend.

    The Philippines are no longer uninhabited, however.

    Exec, King Chris isn't in North America anymore.


    Public Actions:

    Due to concerns over the the past history of aggression stemming from the Fasci Empire, all available Ground Force units of The Nation of Selenarctos are being mobilized to the Selenarctan/Fasci border on the island of Luzon and the armed forces are at DEFCON 3. The forces on the border include all 1,500 Ground Forces and 72 Bionix II AFVs of the repurposed annexation force. An additional 5,000 soldiers are on their way to the border along with all 12 NDII Defender tanks, and will be fully deployed in defensive positions within the next 48 hours.

    Public Message from the Selenarctan Foreign Intelligence Force to the Fasci Empire:

    We do not wish to enter into a war with the Fasci Empire, and will gladly receive a diplomatic envoy from the Empire should wish to send one. We will not, however, tolerate the presence of Fasci Empire forces on Selenarctan soil, and we promise protection to all Christians currently in The Nation and who are able to enter The Nation.

    Secret Message from the Selenarctan Foreign Intelligence Force to NDII Systems:

    We politely ask that you postpone the sale of weapons systems to the Fasci Empire until relations between The Nation of Selenarctos and the Fasci Empire are worked out.

    Public Map (for reference purposes):


    (click for larger version)

  3. OOC: It's the northern part of an island I already own, and its not really a country anymore.

    It was King Chris or something... I think.
    Does he even exist anymore?
    Then it was King Chris or whatever.

    Who seems to be inactive.

    And he's been there forever. Purge time.
  4. OOC: EDIT: This post is now outdated, please start with this post.

    Dispatch from the Central Government of The Nation of Selenarctos

    Unless there is significant opposition from the international community, with in the next 7 days forces of The Nation of Selenarctos will enter the northern half of the island of Luzon to bring stability since the collapse of the Fasci Empire. Little to no opposition is expected, so a majority of the annexation force will be composed of units from the Selenarctan Domestic Force to ease the transition. The following attack plan will be followed to minimize the loss of civilian life:

    Total Annexing Force:

    1,500 Ground Force divided into 3 attack groups:

    Attack Group Cyan with 500 infantry

    Attack Group Purple with 500 infantry and 72 Bionix II AFVs

    Attack Group Blue with 500 infantry

    4,000 Domestic Force divided into 8 district commands with approximately 500 policemen in each command.

    Annexation Plan:


    Attack Group Cyan, Purple, and Blue will advance quickly along their respective paths, spreading out to cover the maximum possible terrain given the troops available. Purple, utilizing its AFVs to advance the fastest, will effectively split the territory in half and prevent rebel elements, should they prove to be present, from regrouping in the mountains in the center of the island. All attack groups will be closely followed by the Domestic Force elements, which will remain in their assigned districts after the annexation force has passed through.

    All current residents of the districts will be granted full citizenship to The Nation, however officers, commissioned or otherwise, responsible for the persecution of the Chrisitians will stand a fair trial for their involvement in this crime. Non-officers who peacefully surrender to the annexation forces will be granted amnesty.

  5. Signed for The Hansiatic Commonwealth:

    Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hansa

    OOC: Slight misspelling of Hanseatic.

    IC: The Nation of Selenarctos obtains with regard to Yamato's entrance into Pax Pacifica.

  6. The Nation of Selenarctos will be rerouting planes and boats form Andonia, and all visiting Andonians must report into one of The Nation's hospitals for a mandatory health inspection. The Nation would like to purchase a supply of masks and asks if there is any word on whether the disease is susceptible to antibacterial drugs?

  7. OOC: Yeah the weight was probably too high because I was unsure what a 'heavy' weight for a hip-fired gun would be...ive changed it to 9 kg

    IC: The 7.62 x 54 AP-FMJ rounds go for 2 USD (Undercity-secured Dollars IC, really USD RL) each, with a discount of 1000 rounds for 1750

    Each individual Ripper costs approx 900 USD

    At this time, The Nation is looking for a shoulder-fired, non-electric assault rifle.

  8. OOC: I take it you dont like the Rippers?

    You haven't provided a price quote yet. Also, it seems just a little on the heavy side.

    Various Vinilandese corporations are willing to supply the necessary raw materials:

    Lumber - $10 million

    Plastics - $80 million

    Steel - $15 million

    Aluminum - $30 million

    Tin - $75 million

    Stainless Steel - $20 million

    Glass - $5 million

    Copper - $6,5 million

    Brass (scrap) - $1,5 million

    Industrial Electronics - $80 million (OOC: Can you please be more specific what you mean by industrial electronics? =/)

    Artificial Textiles - $30 million (OOC: It's measured by foot in the sources I found... and I actually have no idea how many feet of textiles equal a kilogram)

    Natural Textiles - $40 million (OOC: See above)

    Industrial Chemicals -$300 million (OOC: There are a crapton of industrial chemicals, which have exponential price variation amongst themselves, =/)

    Oil: $450 million (for a billion liters)

    Energy: $400 million (10 GWh, not counting the five years) (OOC: Where are you at?)

    Total: $1,545 million

    Final OOC note: Dare I say, your requested amounts seem to be somewhat arbitrary... :mellow: And since I'm unsure whether if anyone in here knows prices for industrial hardwares, you'll either get a godly deal or be badly ripped off.

    $160/kg for Industrial Electronics seems a little much. If you are willing to accept $30,000,000 ($60/kg) for the same industrial electronics, your offer is accepted assuming the currency transfer details can be worked out (OOC: read: your prices are in RL USD, which come to 1/2 NSC). Please route all shipments through the Port of Isifth until additional port facilities come online.


    In the Philippines.

    Chemicals: Exactly why I specified 'industrial chemicals' instead of the specifics :P, same reason for industrial electronics.

    Textiles: Hindsight, meters would have been better than kilos for that one...

    They were kinda arbitrary as I did look for a very comprehensive list of raw materials but could not fine one*, etc. Figure given this plus small amounts of assorted stuff will be enough to build a small self-sustaining industrial base to expand upon.

    *edit: realized I left this out and it didn't make sense without it

  9. OOC: This is the old factbook, and is no longer updated. To view the new factbook, please click here.

    OOC: Feel free to PM me for any reason, but please do not post here.


    The Nation of Selenarctos

    General Information:

    Formal Name: The Nation of Selenarctos

    Informal Name: Selenarctos

    Government: Constitutional Dictatorship

    Approximate Population of Selenarctos: 18,000,000 citizens (68% Urban)

    Approximate Technological Effectiveness of Selenarctos: 1.3

    Currency: National Selenarctan Coin (NSC) (OOC: 1NSC =$1US IRL)

    Approximate Annual GDP: 3,580,000,000,000NSC (OOC: as of 12/13/09)

    Capital City: Manila

    Nationality Demographics: 83% Filipino, 5% Kyokujitsujin, 12% Other.

    Religion: Selenarctos possesses no national religion.

    Religious Demographics: 72% Catholic, 5% Muslim, 5% Other Christian, 18% Other.

    Maps, Cities, Corporations, etc.

    Diplomatic Agreements:

    Pax Pacifica (MDP) (original Pax Pacifica thread)

    The Sydney Accords (The Sydney Convention)

    The Asian Union (ODP)

    Treaty of Bangkok (NAP+economic)

    Canceled Diplomatic Agreements:

    Southern Tang NAP/Free Trade Agreement, Southern Tang disbanded

    Selenarctos/Troina NAP/FTA, Troina disbanded

    Observer: Asian Unity Pact (MDoAP) (First AUP General Congress, Second AUP General Congress), AUP Disbanded

    Past Military Operations:

    Annexation of Northern Luzon, Canceled

    Northern Luzon Campaign, Successful

    Yamato Defense, Canceled

    Classified: XM1203 Artillery Test (Sands in the Wind War: Raochin/Rebel Army & Novak)

    Missiles Over Mandalore (& rebuilding Mandalore; related: Enough is Enough, Missiles Over Furon)

    Other Threads of Importance:

    The Constitution of Selenarctos

    The Founding of Selenarctos

    Military & Industrialization Contracts

    Moon Landing

    Selenarctos News Thread

    Military Upgrade

    PRC Annexation of Borneo/Golgatha

    1050mm Cannon/Drydock Construction

    Navy Construction

    Breakup of Singacorp/Singapore Protectorate

    Meeting in Singapore (Sumatra/Singapore Tunnel)

    Mars Landing

    Important Government Positions in Selenarctos

    Benevolent Dictator for Life: IKrolm

    Economic Division

    First Director: Francis Mumar, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 10/30/09)

    Second Director: Antonio Pilar, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 6/15/09)

    Bureau of Labor Chief: Monique Javellana, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 6/15/09)

    Security Division

    First Director: Marcelo Bonifacio, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 6/15/09)

    Second Director: Alejandro Tiempo, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 6/15/09)

    Sea Force Commander: Zaira Lhuillier, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 6/15/09)

    Air Force Commander: Luis Trillanes, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 9/23/09)

    Ground Force Commander: Joey Celerio, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 6/15/09)

    Domestic Force Commander: Rio Agbayani, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 9/23/09)

    Foreign Intelligence Force Commander: Gabriela Roxas , Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 10/30/09)

    Popular Division

    First Director: Pacita Arellano, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 6/15/09)

    Second Director: Tim Toribio, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 10/30/09)

    Bureau of Social Welfare Chief: Tomás Tolentino, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 12/8/09)

    Bureau of Criminal Law Chief: Joseph Panlilo, Date Inaugurated: (OOC: 9/23/09)

    Former Officials:

    Air Force Commander: Edilberto Ayala, Term: (OOC: 6/15/09-9/23/09)

    Domestic Force Commander: Levi Nievera, Term: (OOC: 6/15/09-9/23/09)

    Bureau of Criminal Law Chief: Carlos Cosico, Term: (OOC: 6/15/09-9/23/09)

    Economic Division First Director: Stevan Roces, Term: (OOC: 6/15/09-10/21/09)

    Second Director of the Popular Division: Martin Tagalog, Term: (OOC: 6/15/09-10/30/09)

    Foreign Intelligence Force Commander: Tomás Nakpil, Term: (OOC: 6/15/09-10/30/09)

    Bureau of Social Welfare Chief: Juan Santos-Viola, Term: (OOC: 6/15/09-12/8/09)

    A Brief History

    leading to the founding of Selenarctos.

    Predecessor: The Philippine Free State

    Following the fall of the Philippine Free State and subsequent anarchy in the Philippine Islands, a coalition of Pax Pacifica nations led by Greater Aotearoa moved in to secure order in the area. It was during this time our ruler IKrolm emerged onto the political stage. Originally a citizen of Greater Aoteroa, he was born on Easter Island and escaped some 5 years before the formation of Selenarctos but little else, including his exact age, is known. IKrolm quickly gathered the support of various, critical factions (many of which are signatories of the Selenarctan Constitution) including major industry leaders and upstanding Filipinos. Once he felt he had secured the support of a majority of the population, IKrolm initiated negotiations with Greater Aotearoa and the Pax Pacifica block to free the Philippine Islands. Largely through these negotiations, The Nation of Selenarctos was born.

    Armed Forces of Selenarctos

    Max IG Soldiers: 85,131

    Max IG Tanks: 8,513

    IG Planes: 105

    IG Navy: 51/61

    Sea Force:

    Active Personnel: 40,000

    Reserve Personnel: 10,000

    Ship Breakdown:

    (1) Manaul-class Aircraft Carrier (C-01)

    (10) Spruance-Class Destroyers (DD-101 through 110)

    (15) Polo-class Destroyers (DD-111 through 125)

    (8) Duwende-class Light Stealth Frigates (LF-301S through 308S)

    (4) Sirena-class Attack Submarines (AS-1U1 through 1U4)

    (2) Cyclone-class Patrol Ship (P-001 and P-002)

    More Information on the Vessels of the Sea Force

    Anti-Ship Missiles:


    P-700 Anti-Ship Missile

    Max Range: 625km

    Max Speed: Mach 4.5

    Guidance: Inertial, Active or Passive Radar, Satellite-Based Targeting

    P-5 Anti-Ship Missile

    Max Range: 750km

    Max Speed: Mach 0.9

    Guidance: Inertial, Active Radar, Remote Course Correction


    120 land-based, air-camouflaged P-5 and P-700 launch facilities are located along on Selenarctan Coast lines. They are armed with 1,800 land-based P-5s and 720 land-based P-700s ready to launch at any given time plus another 1,800 P-5s and 360 P-700s in reserve.


    Air Force:

    Active Combat Personnel: 15,000

    Reserve Combat Personnel: 10,000

    (21 Squadrons) F22 Air Superiority Fighter

    (11 Squadrons) F35 Strike Fighter

    (5 Squadrons) 2O37 Strategic Bomber

    (10 Squadrons) Predator C UAV

    One squadron consists of 6 planes.

    More Information on the Planes of the Selenarctan Air Force

    AGM-114 Hellfire Missile (Air-to-Surface)


    Max Range: 8,000m

    Average Unit Cost: 68,000NSC

    Hellfire Missile Variants in Use:

    AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire

    --> Primary Use: Armored Units

    --# Warhead: tandem HEAT shaped charge

    AGM-114M Hellfire II

    --> Primary Use: Buildings/Light Vehicles

    --# Warhead: Fragmentation or Inciendary

    AGM-114N Hellfire II

    --> Primary Use: Urban Targets, Ships

    --# Warhead: Thermobaric Metal-Augmented Charge

    AGM-114P Hellfire II

    --> Primary Use: High-Altitude Aircraft

    --# Warhead: tandem HEAT shaped charge

    Other equipment, etc:

    Information on Surface-to-Air Missiles maybe found under Heavy Weapons of the Selenarctan Ground Force.


    Satellite Radar Network: 10 radar-equipped satellites which provide 24 hour global monitoring of missiles and planes. More information here.

    Sonobouy: plane-dropable, active-sonar bouy designed to scan an area and transmit data through a satellite uplink. 33 sonobouies are kept deployed in the main shipping lanes/channels around Selenarctos to monitor for unauthorized passage through Selenarctan waters.


    Ground Force:

    Active Combat Personnel: 100,000 trained soldiers

    Reserve Combat Personnel: 50,000 soldiers

    Man Portable Weapons of the Ground Force

    Vehicles and Heavy Weapons of the Ground Force

    Domestic Force:

    Active Personnel: 30,000 police officers

    Active Rapid-Response Personnel: 3,000

    The standard rifle of Domestic Force Rapid-Responce units is the SG 551 SWAT assault rifle. (link) (link)


    SG 551 SWAT short assault rifle for police/special forces use, fitted with Trijicon ACOG scope, tactical light and front grip; modern production version with ful-length Picatinny rail on top and folding iron sights.

    Large Vessels:

    (3) Cyclone-class Patrol Ship (Information near the bottom of this post.)

    Light Craft:

    Air-Cushioned Landing Craft (LCAC)

    (10) Predator A UAV


    The Predator A UAV, originally manufactured by the Selenarctan Strategic Defense Corporation for the Air Force, was transferred to the Domestic Force after the introduction of the Predator C and is most commonly used for surveillance of waterways or, if necessary, tactical support of Rapid-Response Personnel.

    Foreign Intelligence Force:

    Foreign Embassies: 6

    Embassy Location: New England

    Ambassador: Lorna Roces

    Civilian Embassy Personnel: 12

    Embassy Security Personnel: 10 (Active Ground Force on loan to the Foreign Intelligence Force)

    Embassy Location: Great Lakes State

    Ambassador: Joseph Mapúa

    Civilian Embassy Personnel: 14

    Embassy Security Personnel: 10 (Active Ground Force on loan to the Foreign Intelligence Force)

    Embassy Building

    Embassy Location: New Yuktobania

    Ambassador: Nikita Putin

    Civilian Embassy Personnel: 13

    Embassy Security Personnel: 10 (Active Ground Force on loan to the Foreign Intelligence Force)

    Embassy Location: Arctica

    Ambassador: Pablo Nakpil

    Civilian Embassy Personnel: 9

    Embassy Security Personnel: 10 (Active Ground Force on loan to the Foreign Intelligence Force)

    Embassy Location: Disparuea

    Ambassador: Lorna Bayle

    Civilian Embassy Personnel: 17

    Embassy Security Personnel: 10 (Active Ground Force on loan to the Foreign Intelligence Force)

    Embassy Location: Libya

    Ambassador: Solita Manalo

    Civilian Embassy Personnel: 16

    Embassy Security Personnel: 10 (Active Ground Force on loan to the Foreign Intelligence Force)

    Embassy Location: Tropico

    Ambassador: Fidel Magsaysay

    Civilian Embassy Personnel: 6

    Embassy Security Personnel: 10 (Active Ground Force on loan to the Foreign Intelligence Force)

    Domestic Embassies: 4

    Nation: New England

    Ambassador: Miley Lucas

    Nation: New Yuktobania

    Ambassador: Nikita Putin

    Nation: Arctica

    Ambassador: Martin Carter

    Nation: Disparu

    Ambassador: Dorothy Enright

    Nation: Troina

    Ambassador: Lila-Jean Jackson

    Additional Info: 10 marine guard.

    Nation: Libya

    Ambassador: Muhammad az-Zaruq Rajab

    Please Note: While Ambassadors maintain diplomatic immunity, all other embassy personnel are subject to Selenarctan law. A recognized country may request equivalent punishment be carried out within it's own facilities.


    Foreign Intelligence Operatives: 20

    Foreign Intelligence Agents: 350


    Border Policy: Open borders. Selenarctos reserves the right to search and/or seize any suspected illegal or intentionally harmful cargo passing through or into Selenarctan waters. All persons entering Selenarctos must present a valid passport or equivalent documentation, or file for refugee status. Those entering by passport without a work permit will be given a visa valid for 90 days and, for visits lasting between 80 and 90 days, a second visa will not be issued for 30 days after the date of departure. Intentional failure (as determined by a court of law) to exit the country or entering illegally is a federal offense.

    Water Boundaries: Selenarctos claims territorial sovereignty over all waterways within 12nm of any of our numerous islands/internal waters and exclusive economic use of waterways up to 200nm offshore. A map of Selenarctan water boundaries maybe be found here.

    Water Policy: Open water. Ships registered to any nation may sail unhindered though waters claimed by Selenarctos. Ships sailing within the Selenarctan territorial waters or entering any docking facilities are subject to search and/or seizure. Unallied military vessels moving through Selenarctan waterways are required to file a course at least 24 hours beforehand with the Domestic Force. Ships not registered to a recognized nation may be stopped and searched at the digression of the Security Division.

    Air Boundaries: Selenarctos claims the airspace within it's exclusive economic waterways extending upward from the earth's core (meaning it expands slightly as you go up) to an altitude of 100km above the earth's surface.

    Air Policy: Open air. Any civilian planes may fly through Selenarctos airspace, provided they maintain an altitude at least 5,000 meters above the ground level. Unallied military planes, planes flying lower than 5,000m, and planes with the intent to land must file a flight plan with the Air Force at least 24 hours in advance.

    Sensitive Data Policy

    Per Security Council Resolution 287, (summary)

    All sensitive documents and data shall, at all times, meet the following regulations. Failure, intentional or otherwise is punishable by law.


    Sensitive documents shall be marked Classified by the order of _(insert name here)_ on an otherwise blank cover page, followed by a second blank page and ending in two blank pages. The header of each page shall also mark the document as classified Ink used to print such documents shall not appear on a magnetic resonance imagery, X-ray, millimeter wavelength imagery or any other non-invasive scan.

    Physical Transport/Storage:

    All physical documents are to be stored in dual-lock boxes (requiring one physical key and one 12-character electronic password to open). For particular sensitive documents/groups of documents, armed guards may be allocated.

    Electronic Transport/Storage:

    Documents are to be kept encrypted at all times based on the following standards:

    Economic Division Classified Documents: 128-bit encryption scheme

    Popular Division Classified Documents: 128-bit encryption scheme

    Security Division (excluding the Foreign Intelligence force): 512-bit encryption scheme

    Foreign Intelligence Force (including dispatches): 256-bit encryption scheme

    Destruction of Physical Documents:

    Upon the end of their usefulness, physical documents are to be shredded and burned with the binders/folders/other means of storage they were stored in.

    Electronic storage devices are to be wiped and re-written with random 0s and 1s 7 times before losing the designation of classified.

    Release to the Public:

    Every five years, electronic copies of classified documents shall be reviewed by the appropriate authorities within their division of origin. If cleared for release, the documents shall be moved and made available through the appropriate division's website.

    Assets Currently Deployed in the Singapore Protectorate:

    Ground Force:

    4,000 infantry plus support personnel and equipment

    200 BXII AFVs

    Naval Force:

    1st Task Force: DD-109 SS Cosico, DD-110 SS Roces & DD-123 SS Kapre

    --> DD-116 SS Tikbalang is standing in for DD-123 until the SS Kapre is complete.

    Air Force:

    105th Interceptor Squadron

    106th Interceptor Squadron

    307th Remote Squadron

    308th Remote Squadron

  10. The following can be provided for $65 Billion by the Melvin Republic. It will be the lowest price you will see on this planet, since we specialize in domestic industries and have recently begun a mass-production initiative in the basic munitions listed. The first set of products can not be provided at a competitive price, however.

    Could you provide separate prices, and specs for military hardware?

    Additionally, with what currency are your price quotes in?

  11. Ingalls Shipbuilding bids for the 10 Spruance class destroyers at 1.4 billion ARD (OOC: 1 ARD = 0.5 USD RL) per ship totaling 14 billion ARD with all weapons and weapons control systems installed or 600 million ARD per ship for 6 billion ARD without weapons systems.

    The Nation will purchase 10 DDs with weapons and control systems installed for 1,400,000,000ARD. The money will be transferred shortly, please advise as to when delivery can be expected. For record keeping purposes, are these ships new or used?

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