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Posts posted by Taget

  1. I would like to congratulate The Resistance on their valiant war effort. Your resilence will go down in history right along with Zanzibar and their brave resistance to the British in the Anglo-Zanzibar war. They like you held on as long as they could before sadly conceding defeat. May the spirit of Zanzibar always live on in you!

  2. I am not completely against reps. There are situations like say starting a failed curbstomp where I do think it is justified. But in most situations it isn't.

    It is also counterproductive. People are gunshy about war... which on the whole most of us want. Adding punative reps into the mix only enhances that. I also just plain don't like the idea of kicking someone when they are down. Better to extend a hand and help them back up. And hopefully have as good a fight if not better next time around.

    War is never going to be "fair" but showing some good sportsmanship about it can at least make things more fun for the winners and the losers.

    Also white peace does not always have to be the outcome in a no reps scenario. There is nothing wrong with one side admitting defeat. And actually a period where they are under the protection of the winners can afford the losers a cooling off period for rebuilding.

    But I've never liked extortion and never will.

  3. [quote name='Azreal' timestamp='1340121628' post='2988908']
    Not really his point is that TLR placed pressure upon us to take a certain course of action, are you denying that happened?

    TLR members expressed their individual opinions. As did other members of other C&G alliances. But we fully understood it was the place of the International to make the ultimate determination on this matter. We'd never deny them that. And we and the rest of C&G would've backed The International 100% if they had made the opposite determination. The International spent a lot of time debating this and talking things out with LSF and made the best evaluation of the situation they could.

    As for the attack on RnR. RnR was chosen to do the attack on MK because it put C&G in an awkward position. We have no problem with that. They chose a course of action they thought might best benefit their side of the treaty web strategically. We faced a situation where one ally a member is allied to attacked another ally of a C&G member. It's an uncomfortable situation. TLR and GATO went with the ally being attacked over the one doing the attacking.

    RnR are good folks and will be afforded a fast and painless exit to this war when they've had enough.

  4. I'll take the highly unpopular position of actually liking low level treaties as a basis of building relationships. I would've started at a higher level than a simple NAP. But why not? Most alliances are too casual in committing themselves to each others mutual defense with treaties being left as dead letters. Nothing wrong with starting simple with exactly what you intend to do. And moving up as things warrant from there.

    So a congratulations to both CSN and Dark Templar.

  5. [quote name='Slayer99' timestamp='1339327856' post='2980218']
    First, I really don't care that much about Planet Bob...I've been gone for 3 years. I came back to stir the pot a bit and it looks like the butthurt is still strong (some justified, some not).[/quote]

    Things have been boring and lacking passion for a long time. Why I do wish you'd come back. We need you. You've already made things fun with your brief appearance. :awesome:

    Anyway glad you made it back for the TPF anniversary. Hope to at least see you some on irc.

  6. In a less static and calcified world i might condemn Tetris on being foolish and/or unreasonable. But I just can't. Because I like most of you know exactly why they are doing this. They are very bored and want some war to liven things up.

    My only objection is that it is quite unfair that only they get to have fun. So I issue this plea. Someone please defend the poor innocent defenseless newbies in the Peoples Republic of Independent States so that this war can break open far and wide and the rest of us can have some fun too.

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