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Electric Mango

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Posts posted by Electric Mango

  1. This was one of the best announcements I've ever read. Any alliance that does anything for the first time deserves some recognition. A lot of alliances do not like to shake things up because they're afraid of losing what has taken so long to build and it is refreshing to see something new coming into world. I wonder what future consequences this announcement should hold.

  2. I voted yes because all Vox did was carry on about how evil and horrible NPO was. According to them, NPO were a bunch of baby killers who were to blame for all of Planet Bob's problems. For one of them to switch sides would be going against anything they ever stood for and believed in.

    Either this person has no moral fiber or was seriously screwed over by Vox.

  3. I don't think we have to worry about world peace and Cybernations becoming peace stagnant with NSO still in business. They seem like they're here to shake things up, and I like it. I'll always be loyal to IRON and will never leave, at the same time I admire leaders like Ivan who are not afraid to "rage against the machine" and go against the status quo. The more nations that start wanting eternal peace, the more nations you will have who become bored and will itch for war. Planet Bob will never have to worry about life without war.

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