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Posts posted by fluffyewunga

  1. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' date='26 April 2010 - 03:29 AM' timestamp='1272248963' post='2275308']
    Once again, this is NOT what happened.

    We did NOT leave because of the merge failing. The merge failed because we left. Get it right. None of you "insiders" were actually "inside", so instead of acting like children and playing the guessing game, shouting out random stuff and going "OH YEAH, SAY THAT NOW!", act like the adults most of you pretend to be and wait for facts.

    As of my last intel (about 45 seconds ago), the name UCN will not be used in the new alliance.

    Edit: Darkfox wasn't "In retirement" as he suggests, but had actually left the alliance.

    You can't stop them using the name if they wish. UCN will live as it always has, with the support of its allies. Just becasue u continue to say it is dead does not make it so.Your power to decide anything for UCN stopped the momnet u remmoved it from your AA. The membership, who as a democracy u where there to serve, have decided. Now would be a good time to step back with good grace and let it go.

    I see 55 people remaining on the AA of the 64 quoted to me 4 days ago as the current memebrship. I'd say that is a pretty clear mjority vote for UCN to contiue.

    o/ UCN

    May it equal and better it's past glories.

  2. [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/2/21/Usnflag2copy.png[/img][img]http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll40/Skiyk/Sig.jpg[/img]

    A little while ago a group of Nutty Koreans came to us asking if we would look after them. After much discussion we decided that we can deal with some nutty guys. Whats the worst they can do?

    So here we go:

    [quote][b][left][size="5"]USN – NNK Protectorate Agreement.[/size][/left][/b]


    USN likes NNK and we'll help them grow.


    As of the ratification of this document the Nutty North Koreans alliance is afforded full protection from aggression by the United Sovereign Nations. The USN shall bring the full support of her diplomacy, economics, and military to bear upon those that aggressively attack NNK. An attack upon NNK shall be considered an attack upon the USN. Should USN be attacked, any request for aid shall be considered by the appropriate NNK governing bodies, but they are under no obligation to become involved.


    NNK agrees to take no aggressive military action without the consent on USN during the period of this agreement. USN agrees to never request military support from NNK in the case of aggressive action.


    NNK agrees to sign no new mandatory defence/Aggression pact without the consent of USN.


    This treaty shall remain in place until one of several conditions are met. The first and foremost goal is to allow time NNK to grow. Should NNK attain a membership of 50 nations & 350,000 nation strength, then that goal shall have been achieved, and this pact shall become null. Should NNK become the aggressor in a conflict without the agreement of USN first, then this treaty shall become null. Should NNK be involved in any other aggressive actions (including but not limited to spying and similar activities), this treaty is to be declared null upon the ruling of the USN government. This treaty may be cancelled by either party following a 48 hour grace period starting with the notification of the other party. This treaty will revert to a NAP upon the conclusion of the grace period for a further 72 hours

    Signed For USN

    Admin Council

    Vladisvok Destino

    High Council

    Security General: Borimir Resurrected
    Minster of Recruitment: rylejed
    Minister of Internal Affairs: ninia22
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gofast2006
    Minister of Economics: Dexomega

    For NNK

    Heads of State:
    Kim Jong-Il Justin Bieber
    Head of NNK:
    Dear Leader Chief Buttscratcher (IA): Gorchin
    Dear Leader Chief Nutscratcher (FA): Vesta
    Dear Leader Dietitian (MoE): Sarikitty
    Dear Leader Personal Trainer (MoD):
    Teh Squishy Dear Leader Translator (MoFA): Pikachujc / Pimpleman
    Dear Leader Official Piss-On (MoIA): Britwarlord[/quote]

  3. [center][img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/2/21/Usnflag2copy.png[/img][/center]

    Having just completed the High Council Elections for the April/May 2010 term I present USN's govenment for this term.

    Admin Council

    Vladisvok Destino

    High Council

    Security General: Borimir Resurrected
    Minster of Recruitment: rylejed
    Minister of Internal Affairs: ninia22
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gofast2006
    Minister of Economics: Dexomega

  4. [quote name='juslen' date='25 February 2010 - 02:47 AM' timestamp='1267066255' post='2202436']
    Imagine that, peace is reached, yet those who were actually fighting against them show more respect than those who sat on the sidelines. The way I see it.. peace was obtained, don't care what color it was or by what terms they are all the same to me. Congrats to all those INVOLVED including USN.

    edit: bad words :D

    Belittling USN is some people's Favorate passtime. It's conpensation for their own inadequaties

  5. [center][img]http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa49/sarta_kath/Usnflag2copy.png[/img][/center]

    USN hereby leaves the field to the forces of Stickmen, FOK and VE. We agree not to re-enter the current conflict and will not aid any nation/alliance still involved. We'd like to thank all those we have been fighting for a clean and fair fight and leave with no ill will.

    For USN

    Alliance Council

    Cora (aka fluffyewunga)
    Vladisvok Destino

    High Council

    Security General: Borimir Resurrected
    Minster of Recruitment: rylejed
    Minister of Internal Affairs: ninia22
    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Gofast2006
    Minister of Economics: Lokilockpiker

    For FOK,
    Uncle Harry, President
    Oinkoink12, Minister of Defense
    Tarenzi, Minister of Foreign Affairs
    DiviFilius, Minister of Internal Affairs

    For iFOK,
    ikMark, triumvir
    MikeTheFirst, triumvir

    For the Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes,
    p0rksab3r, General
    tiznoast, General
    Schrodinger, General

    For the Finnish Cooperation Organization,
    Iosif Moldov, the Commissioner of Foreign Affairs and the Entirity of Commissionary Council

    For the Viridian Entente


    Solaris, Lord of the Entente
    Impero, Duke of the Entente
    Ryuusei, Secretary of Defense
    Goldielax25, Secretary of the Interior
    TypoNinja, Secretary of State
    Kayvaan Shrike, Secretary of Economics

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