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Posts posted by Zulchep

  1. Congratulations on the new Charter, and special congratulations to those selected for the Consulate!

    Yes, the New Pacific Order was clearly trying to destroy Legion.

    Of course they were. They're the evil empire. :awesome: Darth Moo :awesome:

    I for one welcome our new red overlords.

  2. untitled4bl1.jpgNewflag.jpg

    Tyga's Angels Pact

    The undersigned representatives of the Siberian Tiger Alliance (STA) and the Angels of the Realm (AotR) agree that in all circumstances, unless certain conditions listed in Sections 2.2 and/or 5.1 come into effect, that the STA and AotR will enter into "Tyga's Angels Pact" as outlined in the following.

    Article 1

    1.1 The STA and the AotR will show respect and good will towards the member nations of each respective alliance.

    1.2 This will prohibit flaming, and flame baiting on the CN forums but will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

    1.3 Alliance leaders will be expected to alert the other organization party to this agreement should this article ever be infringed upon.

    Article 2

    2.1 The STA and the AotR will not conduct espionage or aid in espionage against the opposite organization party to this agreement.

    2.2 Alliance leaders and representatives will be expected to alert the organization opposite to this agreement should espionage on either party be detected.

    2.3 Active espionage against either organization party to this agreement shall render it void.

    Article 3

    3.1 The STA commits itself to the defence of AotR through direct military action as well as, though not limited to, financial and political means.

    3.2 AotR may commit itself to defend the STA through direct military action as well as, though not limited to, financial and political means although it is not obliged to.

    Article 4

    4.1 AotR hereby promises to move to the white team and give all its white team votes to a senator of STA’s choosing. All members of AotR will be told to vote for this senator every month for as long as this agreement is in effect. The senator may be chosen by STA and may change as long as AotR is informed of the change at the beginning of the elections.

    Article 5

    5.1 This pact may be cancelled after 5 days notice, which must be received and discussed privately and in a diplomatic manner.

    5.2 This pact must be renewed every two months from the day it is ratified by both alliances.


    Siberian Tiger Alliance

    Crown Prince Mishka of Tygaland (Supreme Chancellor)

    Rocco31fb of Nation of Rawk (Chancellor)

    Shardie (Secretary to the Supreme Chancellor)

    Nicky Firenight of Zulchep (Consilium Tigris)

    Boomhower of Octoid (Consilium Tigris)

    Lammoth of Condatis (Consilium Tigris)

    Dirol of The Jin Dynasty (Consilium Tigris)

    Uhtred of Norse (Consilium Tigris)

    Angels of the Realm

    Knightedseagul of Rockbury (Primearch)

    Takeda Shingen of Kai-Shinano (Primearch)

  3. I found a Legion member trying to leave for STA:

    <a href="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=74982" target="_blank">http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=74982</a>

    Nation Name: Great Lakes Union

    Ruler: Sovereign Steve

    Seniority: 2 days, lol (he was legion last time he PM'ed me)

    Let's just say I'm trying to help out the New Pacific Order. Oh, but I still want to stay on your ZI list. The ZI couch is really comfy.

    Hi there. I'm Nicky Firenight of Zulchep, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the STA, and a long-time friend of NPO and Valhalla.

    GLU left immediately after the disbanding of The Legion, before terms were set by NPO and a Viceroy installed. He left through proper channels and protocol and joined our alliance with Valhalla's permission.

    Find someone else to troll.

  4. ... Excuse me? Wedge, please. Take your fight with Legion elsewhere. STA may be a friend of both Legion and Valhalla, but we do not appreciate you putting words in our mouths.

    However, we DO appreciate this show of support from The Legion. Even though, yes, we could have easily dealt with TCB, they volunteered their assistance as a show of friendship.

    Again, this is no place for fighting.

  5. You something about this seems very familiar.... did Legion not fight a 5 or so nation alliance and end up with the small alliance delcaring vicory over Legion during GW3?

    Yep. 4chanpartyvan of MyCuntry declared "war" on The Legion for...some reason. I can't remember. I think it had to do with some guy she knew who also knew Wain outside of the Cyberverse, and he attacked her, then got attacked back for being a rogue. Something like that. Anyway, United Earth Sphere Alliance. It consisted of maybe three people, then dropped to JUST her... And she was sitting in peace mode.

    See image here, it explains pretty much all of the events.

  6. Pact of Extraordinary Protection

    The undersigned representatives of the Siberian Tiger Alliance (STA) and the League of Extraordinary Nations (LEN) agree that in all circumstances, unless certain conditions listed in Sections 2.2 and/or 4.1 come into effect, that the STA and LEN will enter into Pact of Extraordinary Protection as outlined in the following.

    Article 1

    1.1 The STA and the LEN will show respect and good will towards the member nations of each respective alliance.

    1.2 This will prohibit flaming, and flame baiting on the CN forums but will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

    1.3 Alliance leaders will be expected to alert the other organization party to this agreement should this article ever be infringed upon.

    Article 2

    2.1 The STA and the LEN will not conduct espionage or aid in espionage against the opposite organization party to this agreement.

    2.2 Alliance leaders and representatives will be expected to alert the organization opposite to this agreement should espionage on either party be detected.

    2.3 Active espionage against either organization party to this agreement shall render it void.

    Article 3

    3.1 The STA commits itself to the defence of LEN through direct military action as well as, though not limited to, financial and political means.

    3.2 LEN may commit itself to defend the STA through direct military action as well as, though not limited to, financial and political means although it is not obliged to.

    Article 4

    4.1 This pact may be cancelled after 5 days notice, which must be received and discussed privately and in a diplomatic manner.

    4.2 This pact must be renewed every two months from the day it is ratified by both alliances.


    Siberian Tiger Alliance

    Crown Prince Mishka of Tygaland (Supreme Chancellor)

    Rocco31fb of Nation of Rawk (Chancellor)

    Shardie (Secretary to the Supreme Chancellor)

    Nicky Firenight of Zulchep (Consilium Tigris)

    Boomhower of Octoid (Consilium Tigris)

    Lammoth of Condatis (Consilium Tigris)

    Dirol of The Jin Dynasty (Consilium Tigris)

    Uhtred of Norse (Consilium Tigris)

    League of Extraordinary Nations


    The Great One- Consul

    LtSox-Tribune of Foreign Affairs

    Illuminatus-Tribune of Foreign Affairs

    DeadKenny-Tribune of War

  7. For every one "troll" that is brave to speak out against the tyranny of the Orders, there is 10 Order trolls in return.

    Tyranny? You mean being there for their allies, cancelling pacts when they need to, and attacking people that deserve it?

    Lemme guess... You were in GOONS, weren't you?

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