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Everything posted by thor90

  1. bump from your friends in The Mafia
  2. parliamo italiano, le mie nazioni che capitale è nel paese della mafia di sent parlare, i boschetti del limone di scicily. venuto controllili fuori
  3. A bump from your friends in the mafia
  4. tommy guns and old cars and a whole lot more
  5. Deleted I am moving to a new fourm.
  6. hello everyone, I am a nation who is around 50 days old, I am focusing on tech farming for some of the larger nations but in order to get an extra aid slot I need to purchase an improvment, I missed my NMA with the mafia and any aid that I recieved will be used to build my nation so I can in turn pay it forward and aid other nations. Thanks in advance http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=181492 Steelrzs
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