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Posts posted by Njord

  1. I have officially resigned, upon request, by the Communist Party of Cybernations. I harbour no ill will towards my former comrades, at least those who are truly my Comrades. As for the rest, whatever.

    You say I am an enemy of the Orders? Excellent. When I get back from my vacation on the 10th of next month, I hope to continue being a pain in your arse. You have tried ever since the Second Polar War to get rid of me. Haven't you learned that you will never stop hearing me opposing your Fascism? I will oppose you in the streets, at every turn. Radio Free Pacific will be re-launched, guerrilla attacks will begin, and I will not stop until either A) the Game Ends or B ) NPO stops its blatant imperialist arrogance.

    To the shadows... :jihad:

    Just throwing this out there, but a lot of attention seems to be on Sindorin for making the post, as it should be. Much less attention mind you is being payed to the alledged mastermind of these actions.

  2. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

    For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

    Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,

    This day shall gentle his condition:

    And gentlemen in England now a-bed

    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

    - William Shakespear, Henry V

    Cheers to a long friendship, may we ne'er cross blades in battle, but always share in victory; reaping the spoils of war from the bloodied defeat of enemies.

  3. There was never any doubt as to the ease of modifying a single post to alter the content, but rather to modify an entire conversations worth of posts, maintain a writing style, and have the posts flow cohesively. Some of those threads went on conversationally for 3+ pages. That is where the difficulty lies.

  4. I vote this thread gets back on topic, which was (I believe) OOC threats, and the passing of RL information to known radical, and violent anti-fa organizations.

    All this "logic of a witch hunt !@#$%^&*" and Slayer lyrics is very far removed from the initial point.

  5. Don't worry GPA.

    anyone who has belonged to NoV or NoR knows full well what you are dealing with. The flaming will stop eventually for you though, as there is no way in hell that anyone could accuse GPA of being Nazis.

    Actually if I remember correctly, the same arguments were used not to long ago against NoV, when a 24 hour grace period was granted to turn over Q collective and a couple others for ZI as a result of Spying.

    People in CN just generally seem to come to the defence of LSF regardless who the opposing side is. I really haven't the slightest clue as to why.

  6. oh lol

    Yes I am sure that some have been. But as was stated in a previous thread it would take way too much time and effort to have each post in a thread edited as cohesively as those which were presented. Quite frankly I could care less about the IC editing, and stuff which is obviously done with the sole intent of getting a quick laugh. What I was more reffering to is the passing of RL information to ARA/JDL/antifa/ (insert random extremist organization here) with the intent of causing physical harm.

  7. Only working under the assumption those links are legitimate. That information was presented by someone who just hijacked an alliance's forums. I have a horrible suspicion may not be of the same outstanding moral fiber as you or I.

    I just don't buy that the person who hijacked their forums, would have been able to write so cohesively for the length of those threads, had he/she been editing premade posts. To be completely honest, each time I have been forced into dealing with the LSF membership I have gotten remarks along the lines of what I read in those posts. Perhaps if every time I had a run in with them they weren't calling me a nazi, and threatening me with some form of future redemtion I wouldn't be so bitter towards them, but as things stand I don't doubt the authenticity of those threads.

  8. Man up doitzel, from the side which screams so much about OOC attacks you sure seem to deny anything right away when it's convenient. This is beyond a simple OOC joke, because his info and address being put for public information is too far. I could care less about his IC persona and I hope admin can find some way to deal with them at least in-game. The borders of CN have been breached, the new world you guys have created have no limits, and you guys better stand tall because all this OOC stuff and hate seem to have no bounds.

    Edit: For the record I don't know or care whether what he's saying is true or not, but the fact that IRL stuff is getting brought up is evidence enough something needs to be done.

    ^I bolded the part that I agree with utterly

  9. You know the LSF forums got hacked right?

    This seems to be the only defence stated that has any value at all. and yet if one quickly reads through the other thread (the "LSF is not dibanded" thread) they will find multiple reasons as to why the condemning evidence so recently made public IS NOT FABRICATED.

    The LSF membership of the time should certainly get some form of administrative punishment considering they not only are in violation of TOS etc. but have taken part in what would be considered illegal in most western countries.

  10. This isn't a war.

    This is walking into their back garden where some bad roots are growing, rooting 'em off, spraying some pesticide and moving on.

    Martens claps several times.

    Very epic.


    We were right about blowing LSF up, even more so today.

    I never doubted it... in fact I encouraged it thoroughly throughout, even with your short termed departure to LSF

  11. Stands to reason, I guess. Y'all gotta stick together...

    I guess the Nazi flaming can begin now.

    I truly hope not.... :blink:

    From the links provided under the "LSF is not Disbanded" thread, there is certainly enough to justify this cancelation and more. I hope this doesn't degenerate to that he said, she said nazi vs Commie crap.

    Good decision FCO, Better late than never.

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