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Posts posted by Njord

  1. Interesting... This is something new and on quite frankly could go a couple of different directions.

    They could find that the current structure is difficult to manage, and as such will eventually do a complete merge... or they will reemerge as seperate alliances.

    They could also treat it in a manner (as mentioned previously) of a Federal Republic. Each "alliance" who merges becomes a seperate state to the greater overall nation.

    Either way, I wish those involved the best of luck. Good on you for trying something new.

  2. Taking a perma-ZI over incarnations should only be done when the player in question can be shown to be carrying an OOC grudge. Otherwise it is in itself an OOC attack. No-one but Admin should be able to stop people playing the game. Using OOC information (IPs and whatever) might even be in breach of data protection laws and things.

    Receiving aid from BAPS would usually be an act of war, but I don't believe if say an IRON nation did it you would demand perma-ZI there.

    I agree with this one hundred percent.

    It seems however that some of the larger alliances have come to the opinion recently that any one who opposes them IC not only merits being destroyed IC but also forfits their right to play the game as a new character at any given time in the future, even to the point of saying "Well we meant to put so-and-so on a perma-zi list but never actually got around to it, and as such anyone who feels that so-and-so has the right to play under a new character is obviously showing us malicious intent."

    just my observation though

  3. GPA internal issues remaining internal FTW

    however, Z'ha'dum made a good point on page one. As president of GPA if you feel that the laws of your alliance are no longer adequate, then hold a referandum to make them better suited to the current context. At least that will prevent the same issues from being raised each time.

    Good luck on sorting !@#$ out GPA. I really think you may need it.

  4. I think The Titanic War is my fav. however I also like this one:

    How about the "We Know They Exist But Just Can't Show You The Proof, But Trust Us, It Really Is For The Best (Just Please Don't Think It's For Another Reason Such As Oil Or The Domination Of The Blue Sphere)" War in honour of George W Bush.

    for the lulz

    NADC BLEU War will more than likely be the one to stick though and really, you can't beat functionality.

    Edit: Sorry wrong button

  5. A MDP web that was not so extensive and convoluted that it would make more sense to make a web of treaties that didn't exist.

    A time in which it was the norm for an alliance to not be a member of several different power blocs simultaneously.

    Casus bellis that were thicker than note paper.

    Wars with less than 20:1 odds.


    this a million times.

    In addition, I miss the lulz alliances. It was good to have that choice there of either taking the game uber seriously, or just having fun with it and seeing where that would lead.

    I miss the Left vs Right Drama. You all may have thought the NoR/NoV commie wars were annoying, but damn were they fun for us.

    I miss being able to belong to a nationalist alliance without being ZId for being nazis.

    and last but not least, I miss watching that $%&@er DLK get ZId for a third time after he $%&@ed over my alliance.

  6. I was just wondering as to what took place between the CPCN and Sindorin to give him the impression that he (Sindorin) was acting in their (CPCNs) favour, if any.

    As for comments of hidden nazi agendas, and wanting NPO support, I could care less. This is more just a personal observation than anything else. I just felt that if there is a larger issue which lies behind these actions, neglecting it would be comparable to attempting to cure leprosy with a circulatory meds. Treating the symptom, not the disease.

    Really I could care less what happens as a result of this, as I am neither a member of CPCN, or of the NPO. Deal with things as you see fit, I just felt it fair to point out relevance in what was apparently overlooked.

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