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DoE: The Republic of Mozambique


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note: No longer contradicts thenb's history.

Background Information

On August 21st, 2010, the government of Mozambique crumbled with the assassination of then-President Miguel Torenza by a rebellious militant group known as Os Soldados de Liberdade. This group had long been openly opposing President Torenza, citing questionable run-off elections and lowering human rights standards as reason for impeachment. Originally a group encouraging peace and non-violence, Os Soldados de Liberdade became corrupted with the rise of power by Obed Mujanidad. Obed came from a poor family in northern Swaziland, though showed strong intellect in school. At age 20, he moved to Mozambique with his wife and children. Here, he attended college in Maputo and graduated with a degree in law. He became dissatisfied with the government of Mozambique and tried to run for President in 2005. However, being poor and from Swaziland, he barely made any impact and was not even included on the official ballots. Obed later joined Os Soldados de Liberdade and rapidly rose through the ranks due to his intelligence and forceful nature, becoming leader in January 2010. He completely transformed Os Soldados de Liberdade from a peaceful group to a militant insurgency. After the assassination of Torenza, Obed proclaimed himself as the sole ruler of Mozambique. The former government of Mozambique fled into nearby Swaziland where they were granted safe haven by Jobuk Wade, the President of Swaziland (Swaziland had recently changed from its monarchy rule). Despite Obed's claim to the throne, he met little cooperation from the citizens of Mozambique. Many other power hungry tyrants challenged his claim with armies of their own. After years of conflict, the former government of Mozambique was still unable to gain its power back and to restore order in Mozambique. However, that soon would change. A very wealthy business owner from South Africa named Ethan Malcolm decided that he would help the ousted government if he was promised a position in it once it had been restored. He allowed the government to use his funds and materials, and held a massive PR campaign in Mozambique hoping to convince the people to overthrow the tyrants plaguing their country. He also convinced a number of smaller warlords to support him and the ousted government. Being a clever man, his campaign was overwhelmingly successful. He led the converted warlords, with the help of the Swaziland Army, against Obed and the other tyrants. Since many of the tyrants were also fighting each other, this successfully defeated the militant armies and many of the tyrants, including Obed, were captured. Restored, the Mozambican government retook its place as the leadership in the war torn country. Led by Fredrick Jeffnin, the Prime Minster during Miguel Torenza's presidency, they negotiated a deal with Swaziland. Grateful for their help, Jeffnin suggested a union of Swaziland and Mozambique. They agreed, with the name remaining The Republic of Mozambique, but with Jobuk Wade as the leader. Fredrick Jeffnin became the Prime Minister, and Ethan Malcolm was appointed as an adviser to the President (effectively becoming a 'third-in-charge'). However, the other war lords were not completely finished, and there remains internal fighting to this day.


President Wade steps up to the podium. As soon as he does so, the crowd below explodes in applause and the flashing lights of cameras flicker all around. TV cameras are set up in nearly every place possible: windows of nearby buildings, openings in the crowd, and even on the rooftops of said buildings. Security guards line the stage upon which the podium is placed upon. President Wade clears his throat and opens his mouth to speak, and the crowd becomes silent.

"My brothers and sisters, today is truly a glorious day in the history of Mozambique! Today, the rebels and the tyrants have been vanquished, gone from this world in all places but history books. Now, together we must work to rebuild this land, instilling in it the ideals of freedom, democracy, and peace!"

The captivated audience, who had not made a noise while President Wade was speaking, once again breaks out in a tumult of applause. A couple of blocks down, a man with no hope left in his life attaches to himself a vest laden with bombs. Back at the podium, President Wade continues his speech.

"From this day on, we shall restore our glorious nation to its peak potential. We shall overcome the recent strife of war and blood. We shall rebuild the destroyed buildings. We shall reconstruct our economy into one that all nations will envy. We shall restore peace and tranquility onto this land, and we shall grow to be united as one, a symbol of teamwork and strength to the world around us!"

Again the crowd burst into shouts of joy and hope. The man with no hope puts an overcoat over his heavy shoulders, despite the heat. He begins toward the massive crowd assembled. However, this is not his destined to be his destination. After a block or so he turns left, into a bank. Despite the rally, daily life's pull is too strong. Many people are inside, trying to withdraw or deposit their unused cash. On the podium in front of the crowd, President Wade once again continues on with his speech.

"I promise you people that I will not let you down. I will do everything in my power to encourage democracy and peace. Though I cannot do this alone. What is a leader if no one will listen to him? I need your cooperation and willingness. If you can give me that, I will give you in return law, order, and prosperity."

For a final time, a loud noise ripples through the sky. However, this time it is not the crowd. Flames shoot into the air from somewhere north-west of the assembly. The cheers turn into screams, and a mad scramble begins below the stage. All cameras, video and picture, turn to this distraction. Dumbfounded, President Wade stands behind the podium, mouth agape. Ethan Malcolm, however, is quicker to react. Sitting in a seat near the back of the stage during the speech, he jumps up from his folding chair, sending it crashing to the ground. He turns to the chief of police standing nearby and whispers instructions. The police chief nods and orders his guards to do one of two things. The first is to head towards the flames. The second group, however, will head into the buildings around the stumbling mass to stop the media from broadcasting too much. After their orders are received, the guards melt into the crowd, being careful not to injure any of the frightened citizens.

That night, President Wade is unable to sleep, for he knows how badly the media will embarrass him the next day.

Edited by maicke
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