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The rule is one bump per hour. If you are going to be a regular here, you should get used to multi-posting and talking to yourself. We have all gone through it lots of times, am I right Thaliak?


Is that me I hear, or someone else? After so many monologues, it's hard to tell.

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Why yes, of course this is you that you are hearing. You are also reminding yourself to go ahead and credit $10,000 into Lars' bank account today.

$10,000? That's a waste of an aid slot. Surely you - I - mean $3 million. But why am I crediting Lars' bank account again?

Edited by Thaliak
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Of course! I will send Lars $3mil, 50tech, and 2,000 mean killing machines now.

Killing machines? The cyborg research project must have born fruit! Why didn't I remember? That absent-minded scientist hasn't sent me a report in three months...

It's for his 21st birthday, silly me.


If I send him money on his 21st birthday, he'll be socially obligated to use it in a drinking bout. Unless the drinking age is lower in his country?

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Killing machines? The cyborg research project must have born fruit! Why didn't I remember? That absent-minded scientist hasn't sent me a report in three months...

If I send him money on his 21st birthday, he'll be socially obligated to use it in a drinking bout. Unless the drinking age is lower in his country?

Cyborgs? I mean scary-looking puppies.

My other voice appears to be thinking and I've got nothing else to say. Therefore, I'll steal a monologue. To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether it is...

... there's always MasterCard®.

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I am not sure if I am aware, but if either of me change the avatar this whole page will not make sense anymore.

A sad but unavoidable truth. Fortunately, with a few more bumps, it won't matter. As great as our applicants are, I don't see any reading 1,500 bumps.

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You remind me of a weird version of Gollum and Smeagol.

Lars did sift through most, if not all, of the pages once.

Heh. I did too. Read the whole recruitment topic for the five alliances I was considering joining. Vanguard's was the longest (!). Err, that wasn't the deciding factor though.

(Biggest waste of time ever. Vetting is a good thing, insanity is not. But it was my first time at home for more than 10 consecutive days in over a year, so....:P)

Edited by Faramir Kenobi
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Lars did sift through most, if not all, of the pages once. That was after he was in though.

How do I know this? Do I have general telepathy or just an odd connection with Lars? I hope it's the former. If I had the right personality, I could become a great diplomat with an ability like that. As is, I'd get more insight into applicants.

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How do I know this? Do I have general telepathy or just an odd connection with Lars? I hope it's the former. If I had the right personality, I could become a great diplomat with an ability like that. As is, I'd get more insight into applicants.

Wish granted. I have telepathy and the secret is out. Now I am being chased across the states by the government for possessing such powerful ability. Grrreat job there, Thaliak's other voice.

I wish for a delicious and succulent home-made burger, 2 feet high.

Edited by Lars Jorgens
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I found Vanguard by stumbling upon this article and seeing what it had to offer. And what it has to offer is something very great for young and aspiring nations as well as those interested in playing this game within a smart and articulate group of people.

I'm glad I found it, and now I'm bumping this topic to share this with all of you. :)

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I found Vanguard by stumbling upon this article and seeing what it had to offer. And what it has to offer is something very great for young and aspiring nations as well as those interested in playing this game within a smart and articulate group of people.

I'm glad I found it, and now I'm bumping this topic to share this with all of you. :)

This post made me smile. Glad you're enjoying Vanguard so far. You've impressed us, too. ^_^

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