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Mobossa Tele-Comunication


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"Come on people! I have to have finished report handed to King Tek in the next hour and I see no sign of a report on my desk." He shouted into the administrational chaos that consisted of Monbossa Secret Service. Tobec mumbled grumpily to himself at the though he probably should have objected when it was decided information officers would also do the the cover job of setting up a communications system that up until recently had never had any need of. A static sound from the intercom on his desk buzzed, leaning forward he flicked the switch.

"Sir, I'm going to the cafe do you want anything." The voice of his sectary came through.

"Be a wonder and get me a coffee, I don't care about type, just strong."

"Will do sir." The line went dead. Tobec offered a blessing to god over the fact someone could do their job around here. At that moment Sloud Gou, a short man he had obviously been enjoying seal too much due to his large waist, head of the International affairs division choose to storm in his office, file in hand and a flustered look to his face. He looked up at Tobec expectantly. "This had better be damn important." he growled before gesturing Sloud should start.

"As you know earlier this week several nuclear missiles were launched supposedly by the SSR Remnant at the Michuraza capital. One of these was confirmed as a definite hit and killed millions."

"This is all very interesting but, if you don't get to the point soon I am going to strangle you with that belt."

"At least one missile wasn't destroyed or hit its target." Tobec was about to reply when he realised what Sloud was saying.

"Go on."

"One missile didn't reach its destination. An hour ago we received a message from a contact in Zagathia that a group of locals found it."

"Because their a terrorist group under the name of The Cult of the Damned, responsible for the attack on Newton." Tobec's face went grim at the thought of fanatics holding a nuclear weapon in their hands.

"What contacts do we have with the Zagathia government? We must be able to send them information."

"Sir, I think you are missing the bigger picture. Our contact claims that the group have currently no plans on how to move it out of the country."

"That has no-"

"If we send in a team quickly we can remove the terrorists and take the bomb for ourselves. Monbossa will be able to stand as tall as the other countries."

"Do you have any idea, of what risk we will be putting our country in we do this!?! We will be starting a war if anyone finds out as to what we're doing!"

"I'm not saying we have to do this, but please present this idea to the King when you speak to him. If he says no that will be the end of it and we can contact the local government." Tobec sat deathly quite trying to think of all the ways this could go wrong. Sighing, he looked up at Sloud.

"I will do what you ask, but these reports better be damn accurate."

"They are sir." The door opened and his sectary came in to give him his coffee.

"Your dismissed." he said before taking a big gulp of hot coffee.

An hour later, he called Sloud to his office.

"We are go. You are personally responsible for this mission though, and the King demands results immediately."

"Yes sir!" Tobec watched him leaved and made another symbol of god. This time for mercy on them all.

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