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Military Reorganization

king of cochin

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The Kingdom of Cochin declares the reorganization of the Royal Cochin Defense Forces to make it a leaner and meaner fighting machine. Old and less serviceable assets and equipments shall be dismantled or sold to other parties. With the reduction in numbers greater technological capabilities would be built into the systems that are being retained.

Royal Cochin Navy

Aircraft Carrier (Cochin Class)

A01 - CNS Sakthan

A02 - CNS Cochin

A03 - CNS Trichur

A04 - CNS Malabar

A05 - CNS Travancore

A06 - CNS Venad

Destroyer (Amindvi Class)

DS01 - CNS Amindvi

DS02 - CNS Trinity

DS03 - CNS Hannibal

DS04 - CNS Nelson

DS05 - CNS Bhima

DS06 - CNS Hunter

Cruiser (Kavaratti Class)

CR01 - CNS Kavaratti

CR02 - CNS Horemheb

CR03 - CNS Yamamato

CR04 - CNS Excalibur

CR05 - CNS Endeavor

CR06 - CNS Talwar

CR07 - CNS Ranger

Frigate (Nilambur Class)

FR01 - CNS Nilambur

FR02 - CNS Guderian

FR03 - CNS Konev

FR04 - CNS Patton

FR05 - CNS Billiere

FR06 - CNS Sekhon

FR07 - CNS Maneckshaw

Battleship (Kannur Class)

BS01 - CNS Kannur

BS02 - CNS Cariappa

BS03 - CNS Rommel

BS04 - CNS Asoka

BS05 - CNS Genghis

BS06 - CNS Attila

BS07 - CNS Tamur

BS08 - CNS Akbar

Landing Ship Tank / Helicopter Carrier (Kottayam Class)

H01 - CNS Kottayam

H02 - CNS Rokossovsky

H03 - CNS Kirov

H04 - CNS Vatutin

H05 - CNS Emden

H06 - CNS Rapier

H07 - CNS Swift

H08 - CNS Sivaji

Attack Submarine (Zulu Class)

SZ01 - CNS Urumqi

SZ02 - CNS Bishkek

SZ03 - CNS Almaty

SZ04 - CNS Lhasa

Missile Submarine (Mike Class)

SM01 - CNS Kashgar

SM02 - CNS Gosree

Missile Boats - (Karachi Class)

MB01 - MB100

Royal Cochin Air Force

The Royal Cochin Air Force shall decommission the 14 Mig29 Regiments numbering from RF23 to RF36, giving the RCAF a total combat strength of 42 Regiments. The Su30s too will soon be decommissioned.

The decommissioned vessels shall be subject to a massive Shoot Ex in the Arabian Sea in the next few days when the combat power of the new Royal Cochin Navy shall be expressed.

We give notice to all regional navies to keep away from this coordinate 12° 2'2.86"N, 59°14'32.22"E to avoid any unfortunate incidents. We shall also be issuing a merchant navy warning to any and all civilian vessel which shall be sailing in those seas.

These exercises would be conducted in international waters and any interference would be very unfortunate.

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"Zargathia would like to inquire if some of the aircraft intended for decommissioning would be for sale. However, our future pilots and engineers would have to be trained in Cochin as part of the deal as Zargathia currently lacks such facilities. Would Cochin be interested?"

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Kingdom of Cochin would willingly sell some of its Mig29s to Zargathia. Your pilots and technicians can be trained on Mig29s at our state of art facilities under Training Command.

How many planes would Zargathia be interested in buying?

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"We would be interested in purchasing fifty Mig29's and, if possible, twentyfive Su30's. Though we currently only have a fraction of the pilots required, it would nevertheless be an investment in the future."

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Mig29s at 9 Million each and Su30 at 37 Million each, the total order value would be $2.115 Billion. This cost would include training for your personnel. Annual Maintenance cost for the 75 aircrafts you choose to buy would be $300 Million.

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"Hmm... If possible, we would like for the pilots to be trained prior to delivery, that should give us the time to build additional hangars and military airfields to support the aircraft as well."

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"Excellent, we shall transfer the money in smaller amounts over the course of the next couple of weeks for security reasons, but the initial amount should be accounted for by the time the first trainees arrive."

The first batch of money would arrive on the account of the Cochin Treasury, one million. Every ten minutes a similar transfer would arrive, 24 hours per day, which meant the money would be in one week from now.

Edited by Amyante
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The Home Fleet of Royal Cochin Navy were all in position. In shooting range was the series of ships stripped of all pollutants and valuable equipments and now towed to be worthy targets. Close to were another fleet which was blockading some Cochin soldiers.

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We commend our allies for naming a class of ship after one of our cities. We don't quite know why that is, but it is a nice gesture. The CNS Karachi is welcome in the Port of Karachi anytime you please.

OOC: :awesome:

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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A whole week of Shoot Ex had livened up this part of the Arabian Sea. The Shoot Ex started with the Mig29Ks from the carriers shooting their POSID AShMs at some targets, closely followed by KUB cruise missiles. These systems were engaged by the CIWS systems aboard the target ships as it was deemed vital to make it as realistic as possible. Massively synchronized naval battles ensued with several tons of ammunition being expended on the collection of ex warships now being fast terminated as useless rubble.

While the Shoot Ex was being conducted on way replenishment operations were undertaken by the replenishment ships of RCN who transferred tons of ammunition to negate the depletion in stores occasioned by the Shoot Ex, thus enabling all RCN ships to have full combat load at the end of the exercise.

After the shootings came the time for the frogmen. Diving specialists from Royal Cochin Navy, Commandos from Royal Cochin Special Forces and Marines dove underwater with explosive charges to destroy any useful technological item remaining with the sunken ships. The MetalStorm CIWS Guns received particular attention. All the large sized rubble were laden with explosives over the next hour by the teams of Underwater Demolition Teams. RCN deep sea divers equipped with Merlin suits also were deployed to demolish some wrecks in deeper strata of the sea.

Once all the timed explosives were placed, command was issued to all submersibles in the region to clear out and precisely at 0000 all the timers triggered creating a massive explosion that underlit the seas from beneath giving a spectacular view to the RCN ships on the surface.

This was followed by a synchronous sounding of horns and firing of ceremonial guns in honor of all the warships being sunk.

Edited by king of cochin
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Task Force reorganization

Task Force 01

A01 - CNS Sakthan

DS01 - CNS Amindvi

CR01 - CNS Kavaratti

FR01 - CNS Nilambur

BS01 - CNS Kannur

H01 - CNS Kottayam

H02 - CNS Rokossovsky

SZ01 - CNS Urumqi

MB01 - MB10

Task Force 02

A02 - CNS Cochin

DS02 - CNS Trinity

CR02 - CNS Horemheb

FR02 - CNS Guderian

BS02 - CNS Cariappa

H03 - CNS Kirov

H04 - CNS Vatutin

SZ02 - CNS Bishkek

MB11 - MB20

Task Force 03

A03 - CNS Trichur

DS03 - CNS Hannibal

CR03 - CNS Yamamato

FR03 - CNS Konev

BS03 - CNS Rommel

SZ03 - CNS Almaty

SM01 - CNS Kashgar

Task Force 04

SZ04 - CNS Lhasa

SM02 - CNS Gosree

Task Force 05

A04 - CNS Malabar

CR07 - CNS Ranger

FR07 - CNS Maneckshaw

BS07 - CNS Tamur

BS08 - CNS Akbar

H05 - CNS Emden

H06 - CNS Rapier

H07 - CNS Swift

H08 - CNS Sivaji

MB21 - MB50

Edited by king of cochin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Royal Cochin Navy today announced the commissioning of the first two Sabre Class Fast Attack Corvettes.

CV01, CNS Sabre was built at Cochin Shipyards, Gosree and CV02, CNS Cutlass was built at Bosaso Shipyards in Bosaso.


The Sabre class corvettes have a displacement of 650 tonnes, a length of 72.6m, a beam of 10.4 m and a draft of 2.5m. They are powered by a radically new diesel turbine engine from Cochin Shipyards. They have a top speed of 44 knots. Sabre class corvettes would be armed with POSID AShMs , anti air defense missiles and specialized submarine hunting equipment.

They are to be dedicated Anti-Submarine Warfare platforms of the Royal Cochin Navy.

Speaking at the commissioning address here at Bosaso, the Chief of Naval Operations, Vice Adm. KP Marakkar also hinted at the imminent upgrading of all present Karachi class missile boats. Line diagram of the modified Karachi class Missile Boats was displayed at the ceremony here at Bosaso Naval Base.


The Vice Admiral said that a total of 8 Sabre class corvettes would be commissioned into the Royal Cochin Navy, four of them being built at Bosaso and four at Gosree. With the ships in varying stages of completion Cochin Shipyards hope to launch one corvette every two months. The Missile boat upgrading would meanwhile commence at Cochin Shipyards docks in Ratnagiri. The first batch of 5 upgraded Karachi missile boats would be deployed to Makanrushi.

Edited by king of cochin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Four more Sabre class corvettes were launched today at RCNB Gosree by Gen. Mahesh Varma, Commander of Royal Cochin Defense Forces.

The call signs of these ships are

CV03 - CNS Kirpan

CV04 - CNS Katara

CV05 - CNS Talwar

CV06 - CNS Urumi

Like the other ships of the class these four too have been named after famous classes of swords, this time from the Indian Subcontinent. CNS Kirpan and CNS Talwar were made at Gosree while CNS Katara and CNS Urumi were built at the Bosaso Shipyards. Both Katara and Urumi had undertaken a preliminary sail from Bosaso to Gosree before their formal commissioning.

Gen. Mahesh Varma also announced here that all the Mig29Ks in service in various carriers of Royal Cochin Navy would be retired within a month to be replaces by the new JM2Ns. Most of the Carrier air regiments have already been issued the aircrafts and necessary conditioning training is being done by the carriers as well as the naval aviators. The aim is to avoid any lag in Royal Cochin Navy's combat capabilities during the time of transition.

Gen. Mahesh Varma also announced the upgrading of 25 Karachi class Missile Boats at the Ratnagiri shipyards. 15 of these missile boats have been deployed to Makanrushi Military Base. These high speed heavily armed boats are expected to provide a valuable addition to the defenses of Makanrushi and Shinsei Shikkoku Teikoku.

Before returning to Cochin, Gen. Mahesh Varma also visited the former PDC Super carrier Yudi which has now been berthed at one of Gosree's long term docks.

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The flight from Antarctica was long and boring. The passengers in this Merat flight were all trying to sleep ignoring the enormous whine of the 4 GAL RE350 Jet engines. The flight from Station Delta to Base Camp aboard the MH53s was not a fun ride, the high speed winds of Gangothri made every flying an adventure sport.

These people were working in Gangothri for more than 2 years now, with only occasional escapades to the Biosphere to alleviate the pains of life in Tundra.

Now with the successful test firing and validation of the rail gun project they were on to the next stage of development. To craft the railgun into a weapons package, a system that is hardy, reliable and combat deployable. It was for this purpose that these engineer soldiers were now flying to Royal Cochin Naval Base Gosree.

The blazing ground and the scorching sun of Gosree was a far cry away from the barren cold wasteland of Station Delta. The moment they exited the dry processed air of Merat and breathed fresh warm tropical air of Baloch they were re energized.

The busy airport of Gosree City is a whirlpool of activity as usual with a flurry of white, blue and green tunics of navy, air force and army all around them. A Tatra truck came by then to pick these 25 soldiers.

These soldiers wore insignia of Strategic Command, but were actually all members of Quarter Master Command. A SC insignia usually stops an inquisitive person to conduct further enquiries, after all what is the point in asking about a service which is sworn to absolute secrecy?

Brig. Gen. Rudrapratap Singh entered the truck along with the other 24 soldiers. A officer of his rank usually drove around only in sedans with flag pennants clearing the route. However this flag officer did not put much regard to the trappings of power and rank. He enjoyed being with his men, to the point that he was willing to subject his aging bones to the rigors of a truck ride.

The Tatra truck drove them straight towards the airport lobby where they signed their arrival. They were immediately escorted by a RCN Commander to a convoy of 7 Axe jeeps that would take them to their destination.

Sitting in the front left passenger seat of the Axe, Brig. Gen. Singh breathed in the aroma of a true military city. Closed to all civilians this was a city of soldiers, for soldiers and run by soldiers. Everything that happened over here is classified. As he was going towards the naval base he noticed the signs towards the Deuterium Tritium Plants being set up by E.ON.

Foreign civilians working and living in Gosree?

Much had changed!

The convoy slowly made its way towards the secure docks. These docks are the long term berthing docks where damaged or to-be-decommissioned ships waited for their dry dock slots or scrap yard. However one of the ships docked here was neither crippled nor old. It was a rather new warship, the likes of which did not exist in the Royal Cochin Navy. That was why this particular ship merited berthing in one of the fully covered berths.


The super carrier Yudi is a Poseidon class Aircraft carrier, made in the more technologically advanced nation of Citadel. It was handed over to Cochin by the now defunct regime of the Progressive Directorate of China which had inherited it from the Southern Tang which bought it from Citadel. An army of engineers from Royal Cochin Navy, Quarter Master Command and Cochin Shipyards Limited were swarming over this vessel ever since it came here from the coast of Cochin Chinese Protectorate. Various systems of the vessel was being meticulously studied for possible recreation for implementation in Royal Cochin Navy ships.

The team led by Brig. Gen. Rudrapratap Singh joined in the fray. The team went up the scaffolds towards the ship's superstructure where they were conducted by a sailor towards the gunnery placements. There Brig. Gen. Singh saw the four 40MJ Rail Guns that formed the principal armament of this war ship. This rail gun design would be studied and aspects of it would be recreated for the weaponisation of Cochin's own Rail Gun program.

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The last two of the Sabre class corvettes were launched here at Royal Cochin Naval Base Ratnagiri by Vice Adm. KP Marakkar, Chief of Naval Operations. The call signs of these ships are,

CV07 - CNS Mameluke

CV08 - CNS Shashka

With this production run, all 8 Sabre class Corvettes have been inducted into Royal Cochin Navy. This was also occasioned by the flag sailing of the 50 Karachi class Missile boats refitted at the Ratnagiri Shipyards. The much improved missile boats are to play a vital role in Royal Cochin Navy's fast attack capabilities.

Gen. Mahesh Varma also spoke about the 8 new submarines being built by Cochin Shipyards. This effort would give a great boost to the revenues of Bosaso and Gosree while also adding much needed fire power to Royal Cochin Navy's submarine fleet. The Commander of RCDF also hinted at the imminent induction of rail guns into the arsenal of Royal Cochin Navy and Royal Cochin Army. Prototypes have been successfully tested and combat weaponization is being carried out by Quarter Master Command and MetalStorm Inc.

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