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The Northern Talks

comrade nikonov

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"Heh. My name is Dong."

"I have been ordered here by the great Emperor himself to strengthen our ties. We wish to expand ties on all levels. For example, I would like to propose a joint high-speed maglev rail to link our nations and their major cities. This could be expanded later to include many other Asian nations. Also, we would like to discuss the possibility of a military defense treaty. Another point of interest would be the request of the Emperor himself to establish free-trade relations with the Kingdom of Cochin. It will be advantageous to us both.

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" A magnetic levitation train could be considered, but would the volume and quality of trade truly justify such a massive investment especially across the difficult terrain in question? The Kingdom is currently upgrading the railway network in Tibet province and perhaps we could discuss linking of the standard gauge railway networks between our two nations for freight and passenger transport? We do not consider a MagLev network between the nations to be a justifiable investment for now.

Regarding military defense, Cochin is reticent about committing its troops to theaters that are presently unknown. A No Aggression Pact and Free Trade Pact could be a viable solution for now, but a mutual defense framework would have to wait for a later date. But that still does not negate the option of military cooperation. Our defense forces could conduct joint exercises and familiarization exercises which would definitely increase the comfort level between our two nations."

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"We see your point about the maglev. Establishing a high speed rail link, (OOC: see Tianjin-Beijing rail) would be more economically justifiable. We can get a NAP/FTA drafted, and plan a joint military exercise. We see the futures of Cochin and the Tang intertwined, in the ebb and flows of Asian politics."

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"For the Kingdom, at the moment a conventional rail corridor is more acceptable. And so we are agreed on the NAP/FTA. The Kingdom of Cochin is indeed very glad to have arrived at this rapport with the Southern Tang. As soon as a draft copy is ready I will get our King to sign it."

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"PREAMBLE: In the common spirit of bilateral ties, the Kingdom of Cochin and the Southern Tang Empire agree to the following"
In the interest of both nations, no nation will infringe the sovereignty of the other.
Trade between both nations will have no tariffs inflicted upon them.
A conventional rail link will be established with regular trips between the two nations, duty free.
In the spirit of cooperation both nations will conduct joint military exercises in the future.

Wang Xiaoming, Foreign Minister


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