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Empire of Krieg's Military Thread

Colerich Krieg

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This thread is a continuation of my first Military Thread. It had too much OOC banter. I ask you please limit and respect this as an Archivical Thread. All past Military actions are still in effect and can be found here:

Old Thread, too much OOC.

Once again please only post if asked etc. Thanks.

Senate Meeting - Centralist Reforms

Reforms and Elections

Antarctic Landing etc

Pacts, Friendships, etc.

ODP, MDP, MDoAP, Military.

(Nations listed more then likely are also part of a Friendship or Economical pact as well.)



Central American Union

Imperium of Poliz

Nation of Nod

Oda Shogunate

Red Sands Accords (Top Secret)

Friendships, Economic pacts.


United Netherlands

Dragon Empire


Communist Diadochoi

Republic of Carthage

Holy Imperium of Man


New England


Promised Land


NAP (Dont Nuke Here)




Total Population: ~6,482,000


Threat: Guarded


Soldiers {Imperial Guard}: ~40000

Tanks {Imperial Armor}: ~400

Aircraft {Imperial Air force}: -

Naval {Imperial Fleet}: -


Tech level: 103.26 {Third World: 0-299}

Tech Effectiveness Multiplier: 0.8 {Third World Scale}


Up-to-date Military stations etc:

5 Airfields/Airstrips

7 Naval bases/Ports

12 Perm. Radar

{Classified} Mobile Radar

23 SAM Sites

{Classified} Mobile SAM Sites

{Classified} Underground Communications system wires

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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** UPDATE **

Imperial Armor Divisions roll out!

[[ 8% of 2679 (Working Citizens) = 214.32 ]]

[[ 10% of 1981 (Which is my Current troops + Max buy Troops) ((Troops)) = 198.1 ]]

[[ Rules state I have to take the lowest. So I have Approx. 200 Soviet Era tanks. ]]

The Empire has developed a line of soviet era German Leopard MBTs. Interestingly enough, the Spanish used the Leopard MBT as well.


The Leopard 2 is a German main battle tank developed by Krauss-Maffei in the early 1970s and first entering service in 1979. The Leopard 2 replaced the earlier Leopard 1 as the main battle tank of the German Army.

Cited: Wiki

The new Imperial Armor Divisons will begin taking Normal Peacetime Storage and Defensive postions. The Empire does not plan to produce any more tanks while at peace.

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General-Imperium Klauss launches a recruitment campaign for the Imperial Forces (AKA Helghan Armed Forces, named after Otto von Helghan, founder of the Imperial Guard.)


"It is important that even in times of peace, we reach out to the youth age (18-25) to enroll in our 2 year peacetime service program. The Imperial Forces offer a great chance to learn valuable skills for use in the professional world..."

This poster could be seen on Billboards all over the Empire:


"VICTORY!" Said the Emperor via Radio broadcast; "Victory for our Peaceful exsistance! Our Centralist reforms has shown the world that we indeed can be a functioning member of the international community.. We reach out, to secure our nation, a nation of pride, and freedom, as one of the fundamental building blocks for world peace and understanding!..."

..by enrolling today you will be part of the peacekeeping forces that helped evade Libyan and Molakian forces from encroaching on our land! You will be joining the forces that helped restore order by crushing the Anarchist rebels in France!.. You will be joining the forces that have and will continue to provide world wide aid to others in need, no matter the cost!..





OOC: I know the poster looks kinda Intimidating but its the only one I could find. The statement below the poster is what I was trying to give off.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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The Imperial Armor Research Dept. has introduced plans to develop Soviet Era Self propelled Artillery, APC's, and Anti Air Systems.

Projected Cold War Era Self Propelled Artillery.


The M109 is an American-made self-propelled 155 mm howitzer, first introduced in the early 1960s.

OOC Note: The M109 is Cold war era version, however the M109A6 is the Modern Tech upgrade.

Projected Cold War Era APC System & Anti Air Weapon Systems.


The M113 is a fully tracked armored personnel carrier that formed the backbone of the U.S. Army's mobile infantry units from the time of its introduction in the 1960s.

The APC system can be outfitted with a Vulcan cannon, to convert it into an effective Anti Air system.


20 mm M61 Vulcan rotary cannon—the standard cannon in most US combat aircraft since the 1960s.

When outfitted it is converted into the M163 Vulcan Air Defense System.

The weapon is either mounted on a modified M113 vehicle or on a towed trailer, which is designated the M167..


OOC Note: Again this is not Modern tech. Here is an exert.

Although it was designed primarily as an air defense weapon, it is not very effective against modern fast moving fixed wing aircraft...

Eventually the M48 and M163 were both replaced in US service by the M1097 Avenger and the M6 Linebacker (M2 Bradley with FIM-92 Stinger missiles instead of the standard TOW anti-tank missiles).

Also to accompany our Vulcan systems, Rapier Missile systems will be researched as well.


Rapier is a British surface-to-air missile developed for the British Army and Royal Air Force, Entering service in 1971..

All above Military tech shall be researched and put into production to file in with our Imperial Armor ranks soon.

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** UPDATE **

With the new French government reaffirming is claim to France, all Imperial troops who previously occupied to defend against the Anarchists who ransacked Paris before will be withdrawing and welcoming the French government back within its own borders. We hope our two nations can flourish.

Peaceful withdrawal of troops, France restored to French Government.


Edited by Colerich Krieg
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The Empire gladly announces that our Imperial Guard has grown to almost 25,000+ Volunteers. These men and women will be having the opportunity to gain important skills for use in the real world.

We continue our Imperial Guard Campaigning, and we hope to see more volunteers signing up for our Peacetime 2 year Military service program.


Imperial Guard: Will you answer the call?

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The Empire has released a Draft archive of Nations associated with the Empire.

ODP, MDP, MDoAP, Military.

(Nations listed more then likely are also part of a Friendship or Economical pact as well.)



Lübeck (Pending)

Imperium of Poliz (Pending)

Nation of Nod (Pending)

Friendships, Economic pacts.


United Netherlands

Dragon Empire


Communist Diaboci

Republic of Carthage

Promised Land (Pending)

Greenland (Pending)

CAU (Pending)

France (Pending)

Tasmania (Pending)

We ask that all nations listed as (Pending) to Contact the Emperor via Telegram (PM) ASAP to finialize any pacts or treaties in progress.

Also, if any nation listed as Friendship or Economic would like to upgrade to Military Pact status to contact the Emperor via Telegram as well.

If any nation not listed on either list wishes to establish ties, feel free to contact via Telegram as well.

** ALSO: If we have your nation incorrectly listed, please Telegram the Emperor at once. **


Our new vehicle systems announced earyiler are now being put into production and shall be ready for use in Pro-Defensive Peacetime storage and placement.

kitex has dispatched men to the Empire according to our new Joint Military Agreement plans.

The Empire has dispatched one Company of 500 men to kitex per out JMA Plans.

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The Empire has submited a Modified list. Refer to above post for more.

Pacts, Friendships, etc.

NAP, ODP, MDP, MDoAP, Military.

(Nations listed more then likely are also part of a Friendship or Economical pact as well.)



Central American Union

Lübeck (Pending)

Imperium of Poliz (Pending)

Friendships, Economic pacts.


United Netherlands

Dragon Empire


Communist Diadochoi

Republic of Carthage

Holy Imperium of Man


New England

Rakatan (Pending)

Promised Land (Pending)

France (Pending)

Tasmania (Pending)

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** UPDATE **

Krieg Military Researchers are embarking to the forbidden frozen waste land.. Antarctica.


They will be embarking from one of our Harbors.


Expected landing and Research center.


Scientists will be performing research on the Antarctic landscape, and will also use the area to store old military tech due to be scrapped for parts.


Scrap yards much like this one in our Country side.

God speed, HMS Voyager.

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Per our announcment


Imperial Armor will soon be integrating our new line of Vehicles into its ranks. Official numbers will be submited at time of completed Production.

Our Imperial Forces have boosted recruitment to nearly 30,000 Troops and growing!

Our Military Research team is still approaching its destination, which has been named NEU BREMEN. Their ETA is approx. 8 hours from landing.

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** UPDATE **

The CAU has given the Imperial Weapons Research Dept. Schematics for a new M16A1 rifle.


Full production will be started immediately.

** UPDATE **

Our line of new Military vehicles per our announcment here


Are now ready to be integrated into our Imperial Armor divisions for Peacetime Defensive matters.

The new vehicles now put our Imperial Armor count at approx. 250 vehicles.

Our Rapier mobile missile platforms will be towed to defensive positions as well. They will be integrated with our already existing Radar and communications network to coordinate defense.

** UPDATE **

The Antarctic construction contiunes as planned. We wish our brave team god speed.

Secret IC Update: CAU Forces and Researchers have embarked to our base.

** UPDATE **

All Krieg troops are put on Guarded status. All 250 Imperial Armor are activated at Guarded status as well. All Military personel are to begin reporting to their CO's for emergency Defensive postions, the Netherlands is under attack by a non European power. DEFCON Raised to 3.

Secret IC:

The Empire asks all ODP and above pact treaties with nations be activated if our nation is threatened. We continue to remain vigliant and defensive.

All Experimental weaponry will be put to good use if need be.

All SAM, Radar, And Weapon Defensive systems are being booted online for Defensive measures.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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** UPDATE **

Krieg Troops continue to poor into the Netherlands.


Our forces control nearly all of the southern region of the Netherlands, and are currently stationed at Arnhem and on the southern border. Our 2 Divisions will be linked with the Greenlandian and Drakorian Armies to punch through Doetinchem, at which point, our amassed forces will assault Utrecht.

For now, our troops rest at Arnhem. Tommorow, the Battle for Utrecht will decide whether the invading Dranagg armies are pushed out of Europe or not. God Speed.

Secret IC:

The Krieg Empire contiunes to ask for any and all support in punching through Utrecht into Rotterdam. We need all the support we can. We have captured the southern Netherlands and will beable to have your troops landed via Airstrip.

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Minor Updates:

Due to the Dutch Exiled Government disbanding, all Krieg troops are returning home.

Vehicles announced above are now in full production and should be avalible to Krieg use soon.

All troops are now phased into the new M16A2 Rifle given by the CAU.

All Defensive measures and weapon systems etc are still on guarded with Homeland Defense.

Antarctica continues to be supplied, and has increased production due to the war coming to a halt.

Krieg has upped production of military vehicles of all sorts which are availble to be made. Recruitment continues. Research continues for better Technology.

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***Top sekrit***

The scentists should have arrived with SSgt. McCullen. If SSgt. McCullen is not available or not there, then there is a huge problem.

However, if SSgt. McCullen is found, then please ask him to locate Scientist Callard, he is the second-top weapons research scientist we have, next to Steven Tsyuki.

***To the Kreig and the Kreig only***

The M16A3 is being tested. Although there are slight barrel heat and reloading problems, it should fire much faster...assuming we can get this off the drawing board and into the field.

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***Top sekrit***

The scentists should have arrived with SSgt. McCullen. If SSgt. McCullen is not available or not there, then there is a huge problem.

However, if SSgt. McCullen is found, then please ask him to locate Scientist Callard, he is the second-top weapons research scientist we have, next to Steven Tsyuki.

***To the Kreig and the Kreig only***

The M16A3 is being tested. Although there are slight barrel heat and reloading problems, it should fire much faster...assuming we can get this off the drawing board and into the field.

***Military Secret Telegram***

"Copy that, McCullen and Callard will be found, we will alert Hauptmann Krueger at once..

Also, we look forward to the M16A3 production, feel free to contact if research or testing help is needed."

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New Military Update:

The Special Unit of the Imperial Guard, known as the "Helghan Army", after the founder of the Imperial Guard, Otto von Rheinflauster-Helghan, is known as the most elite, trained, fearful looking units in the Imperial Guard, simply for their look.


However, we are proud to announce that we have made a break through in new Gas mask technology. Our new Compact, breakable Gas mask and Info-red detection system has been developed. The reason for mentioning the Helghast Unit, is the design was based on the Mask the unit uses, and was researched by formal Helghan-Imperial Guard Unit members. It is truely a break through and will serve our armies greatly. Rough breakdown shown:


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Public OOC:

Some rumors may be spreading of an explosion at our Antarctic base. We dont know what is causing the rumors, but as far as we know, the base is under control and no explosions have been recorded.

The Empire refused to comment on the radar blackouts, saying "Must have been a computer error. Who knows."

Secret IC:

News of a successful yet flawed missile test has been confirmed. Although the Scientists have a long way to go, the Empire will begin hardening out Concrete Missile Silos, Mobile Missile launchers, an anti-Ballistic Missile system, and so on. Once these systems are complete, the only thing missing will be the Missiles.




Updated MRLS and Radar jamming vehicles are being deployed, replacing old out dated vehicles.

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Official Uniforms for the Imperial Guard.

Although Imperial Troops and especially the Helghan Unit, have always had uniforms which they wore while in the Service. However now we will be announcing and finalizing our official Uniforms.

Here we have a very basic sketch of Krieg Troop equipment.


Here we have a shot of a Enlisted Foot Soldier's Uniform.


Note the Armband, otherwise known as the Krieg Coat of arms. The 3 Point Triad stands for the 3 values all Imperial Guardsmen have to withhold.

1. Duty every Kriegan has to serve his nation and protect his people.

2. Honor every Kriegan should have, for a man's word is all he has.

3. Loyalty every Kriegan should feel to their Empire.

Here we have a shot of an Imperial Officer, note the difference in Headgear and equipment.


Here is a statue of an Imperial Guard Uniform at one of our Recruitment centers. Looking sharp!


Wanting to get into one of these sharp, noticeable Uniforms? Contact your local Recruiter today about our 2 Year Peacetime Service program, which will also finance your College education, (granted you serve two 2 year consecutive programs.)

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We have sucessfully developed the M203 Grenade launcher for the M16A1/2 variants. Progress on the M16A3 is progressing slowly, but we are getting there. It is reccommended that you arm each soldier with at least 13 special grenades made specifically for the M203. 2,500 M203 units are being shipped to New Berlin.


Edited by N Reeki
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We have sucessfully developed the M203 Grenade launcher for the M16A1/2 variants. Progress on the M16A3 is progressing slowly, but we are getting there. It is reccommended that you arm each soldier with at least 13 special grenades made specifically for the M203. 2,500 M203 units are being shipped to New Berlin.

*Sec IC*

New Berlin will be loading our latest development plans for a motion controlled Cruise missile and also 3,000 our new Advanced Gas mask/Info-red Goggle headgear. It certainly adds fear factor to your men in the battlefield..


Do mind the Cruise missile schematics are still under development. However we made changes to make sure it is feasible. We suggest you use these plans to test and further develop the Missile in your nation, while we do the same. Two heads are better then one...

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In addition to the Black battle dress uniforms, some specialized units will have Urban camo integrated into their uniforms. It will blend in certain times of day and environment, and will be most effective in an Urban, Guerilla setting, further advancing our new "Passive Camouflage Program"

Also, new Dress uniforms have been announced.


These new Grey, sharp looking Dress uniforms will be worn on special occasions, and military parades. Wear it with pride!

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