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Universal Technologies Trust


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Universal Technologies Trust

A Sub-Branch of the Mechodamian Research and Development Corps


For the sake of global prosperity,



And happiness,

We all embark to improve ourselves,

In order to save the lives of others

Through the advances of science.

It has always been the goal of the MRDC to pursue ventures into technological advancement that could be applied to real world improvement. As more nations emerge and struggle through such trying times, families live without running water, electricity, and suffer from famine and disease. If we have the ability to alleviate such hindrances to human development, then we have the moral obligation to do all that is within our grasps to change this world for the better.

As such, we open up our technological advances in the fields of energy, medicine, and environment improvement to be shared with all new third world nations by means of defined treaties and agreements in order to help growing nations help their people if they are incapable of doing such themselves.

This is the will of not only the United Mechodamian States, but also the hearts of moral individuals.

Signed, Jordan McCallin, Director of the Research and Development Corps

Therefore for all nations requiring energy, vaccines, and other humanitarian technologies, may apply here.

Our doors are open to all...

Available Technologies

Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells & Panels

Submarine Tidal Energy Buoy System

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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Naomi Williams, of the Sisterhood. Wishes to meet with you over an agreement with the country of Acca Dacca. We hope to be granted the use of your technological advances in the fields of energy, medicine, and environment improvement.

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As stated, we would be glad to meet with you and survey your country's needs. What would be most convenient for you?

We actually have an international ball coming up. It is place for drink, fun, dance, and we have the appropriate places to discuss diplomacy quietly. It is hopefully being a world event. If you do wish to come, please bring any questions you may have...and your dance shoes.

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Public Announcement

The government has released a statement ordering the turnover from natural gas to a new solar panel technology utilizing crystalline silicon solar cells. This technology will not only reduce pollution crux, but will also increase energy efficiency three fold with economic friendly means. Today is a day to rejoice for the energy community. This technology will also be available for marketing internationally as well and will be added to the energy branch of the UTT.

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Our government allows us to act as a separate entity within our nation, so it shall be done... just make sure to liven it up a bit with tango, good sir. :)

We are delighted to hear of your attendence. Please await the time and date as it will shortly be announced.

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Public Announcement

The project has finally been completed and is now in store for mass production. This technology will, without a doubt, increase the output of energy creation astronomically! Today is a great date for the technology world. As such, the UTT will be taking custody over the patenting and copyrighting of the government-specific prototypes and begin construction for domestic usage first, and then begin back ordering for any international orders and/or aid falls.

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"Zargathia would like to express our interests in implementing your Solar Cell technology as part of our power grid. However, we would require you instruct Zargathian engineers how to properly maintain the cells, would this be a problem?"

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"Quite true. For the meeting, we would request it to take place in Qiqiha'er, given that it's conveniently close to the mountains. As for a time, we currently find ourselves with the luxury of an open agenda, would you have any preference?"

Edited by Amyante
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Public Announcement

Tidal energy is now a viable means of energy, barring under the UTT organization. Application proves to be very simple, efficient, and as such is now being produced for mass marketing. This technology will prove to cooperate nicely with the recently innovative crystalline silicon solar cells.

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