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Mechodamian Research and Development Corps


For it is the goal of this grand nation to strive for peace,


And advantage in this tumultuous world.

Our minds shall invent.

Our hands shall create.

Our drive shall usurp.


The Mechodamian Research and Development Corps (MRDC) are a government sanctioned branch that seeks the advancement of all technologies and industries through the nation. This includes, but is not limited to, homeland security, communication, transportation, economic models, and energy. On an annual basis the MRDC receives an official grant that is budgeted to accommodate different research projects. It is the goal of the MRDC to extend research into areas oft considered to be impossible, though not to the extent of utter failure. It is the final objective to keep the utmost privacy and secrecy in all operations as a means to limit competition. As such, all projects are considered top secret and unknown to the general public.

Research Procedure

It is the sole duty of the MRDC to expand the sciences for beneficial purposes. As such, a structural branch is established in order to create order and exclude any formidable chaos from taking place.

*Step 1: Theory & Viability

*Step 2: Grant Acquisition

*Step 3: Stage 1 Tests (General Testing)

*Step 4: Stage 2 Tests (Narrowed General Testing With Specific Resources)

*Step 5: Stage 3 Tests (Specific Testing With Limited Resources)

*Step 6: Stage 4 Tests (Economic Efficient Testing With Limited Resources)

*Step 7: Stage 5 Tests (Official Government Test With Perfected Economic Efficient Project)

*Step 8: Application

Current Projects With Grant Acquisitions

Current Grant Investment Amount Available: 415,000,000 Mechas

•General Body Armor

-Step 7

-Completion: 92%

-Grant: 640,000,000 Mechas

•Extensive BattleNet System

-Step 7

-Completion: 89%

-Grant: 810,000,000 Mechas

•Heavy Bomber Model(s)

-Step 7

-Completion: 91%

-Grant: 380,000,000 Mechas

•Wide-Ranged Extensive Missile Defense System

-Step 4

-Completion: 38%

-Grant: 600,000,000 Mechas

•Electromagnetic Weaponry

-Step 7

-Completion: 94%

-Grant: 550,000,000 Mechas

Current Developments of Successfully Researched Projects

All projects listed at Step 8 and 95% completion are posted here


Completed Technologies

•Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

-Investment Used: 280,000,000 Mechas

-Investment Returned: 190,000,000 Mechas

•Tidal Energy Technologies

-Investment Used: 120,000,000 Mechas

-Investment Returned: 225,000,000 Mechas

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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Project Update(s)

The MRDC has begun viability and theoretical testing on the following subjects:

•Ceramic body armor

•Nanosolar technology

•Tidal energy

•Space expansion

•BattleNet coordination

•Bombing models

•Missile defense

•Electromagnetic weaponry

All projects are currently at 1% completion until further research is implemented.

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Jordan McCallin, head of the Research and Development Corps, gave a simple, yet just, response:

"We are, indeed, willing to work with third world nation as a means to pursue global stability and prosperity. This includes, but is strictly limited to, the pursuit of medicinal, energy, and environmental advances."

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Project Update(s)

Ceramic Armor

Basic theory and viability has been set aside as easily produced. Due to such a quick finding, the government has granted the MRDC 640 million Mechas in order to pursue advances into body armor in general. This money has been thankfully budgeted, with a small percentage being locked away for future projects. However, as the research has become broadened, testing will take a longer time than expected.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 1 testing with an approximate completion rate of 18%.

Nanosolar Technology

Scientists have sampled various methods of attaining solar energy and have come down to several conclusions, all of which are scientifically viable and possible. However, through precedence and mechanical theory, researchers have found that crystalline silicon solar cells are the best course of action. Therefore the government has granted the MRDC 450 million Mechas to begin testing crystalline silicon solar cells.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 3 testing with an approximate completion rate of 48%.

Tidal Energy Technologies

With the varying tides, scientists have formulate various models in order to produce viable theories for different systems. At the current moment, however, the government is likely skeptical about the efficiency of such a system and is currently discussing within itself the possibility of pursuit in this field.

Therefore this technology has advanced to step 2: grant acquisition. It has an approximate completion rate of 10%.

Space & Universal Technologies

Due to the broad nature of this research project, scientists have narrowed it down to an extensive array of highly efficient satellites that would be deployed into orbit. Such highly anticipated system, however, has yet to be agreed upon by scientists.

Therefore this technology remains at step 1, with an approximate completion rate of 3%.

Extensive BattleNet System

With the growing needs of the military, several systems have been formulated to conduct extremely intricate coordinate within the military to increase overall efficiency. Due to the utmost importance of improved military cooperation, the MRDC has received a grant of 810 million Mechas to fund such a project.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 1 testing at an approximate completion rate of 17%.

Heavy Bomber Models

In light of the recent Nodic war, the FB-22 light bomber and the X-47 Pegasus proved to be insufficient to the military's needs. Scientists have relayed several ideas that prove to be very viable, and because of such a military deficiency, the MRDC has received a grant of 380 million Mechas to perform extensive research and testing.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 1 testing at an approximate completion rate of 15%.

Wide-Ranged Extensive Missile Defense System

Several wide-ranged systems have come into play amongst scientists that prove to be extremely efficient. With the current missile defense systems in place, improvements are imperative at this point. As such, the MRDC has received a grant of 600 million Mechas to further the research and development of such a system which includes, but is not limited to, missile coordination, defensive shield, and BattleNet systems once available.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 1 testing at an approximate completion rate of 16%.

Electromagnetic Weaponry

The modern day weapons simply are not capable in keeping up with new generation weaponry possessed by other first world nations, such as the Rail Gun. As such, projectile weapons and any other weaponry utilizing electromagnetic forces have been fundamentally proven viable by scientists and researchers. As such, the MRDC has received a grant of 550 million Mechas.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 1 testing at an approximate completion rate of 12%.

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Jordan McCallin, head of the Research and Development Corps, gave a simple, yet just, response:

"We are, indeed, willing to work with third world nation as a means to pursue global stability and prosperity. This includes, but is strictly limited to, the pursuit of medicinal, energy, and environmental advances."

Asking any more of you would be disrespectful. We thank you for such a chance. I assure you, this technology will keep thousands of people live and well.

We shall contact you shortly.

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Project Update(s)

Tidal Energy

With recent innovation of a viable model, it is possible to create lined modules within several major bays and harbors that would sit under water, and/or act as a buoy system. Both systems will be put to the test as the grant acquisition has been allowed by the UMS government. As such, the MRDC has received a summed grant of 345 million Mechas for continued research and development.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 2 testing at an approximate completion rate of 41%.

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Project Update(s)

BattleNet Sytem

The current system utilized by the UMS military coordinates between ground control grenadiers and aerial/artillery units. Accuracy, however, is solely dependent on the accuracy of human success, which proves to have a margin of error of approximately 13%. A new system has shone brightly over its three major competitors and extensively covers all major gaps. It offers stream line coordination operative options, allowing increased accuracy with GPS modifiers on ground airburst systems supplied by grenadiers. It will also decrease time delay from .07 seconds to .04 seconds, along with large memory caches exerting less stress on operating hard drives. Communication systems would also be increased in larger integrated ranges, along with a tidbit of other improvements.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 3 testing at an approximate completion rate of 57%.

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Project Update(s)

Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

Tests have yielded a 97% success rate in energy conversion and have prompted the attention of government officials.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 5 tests at an approximate completion rate of 94%.

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Project Update(s)

Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

This tech. has passed the government approved tests with such high marks, it will be replacing seventeen major industrial power plants and be cosigned into legislature that will mandate the use of solar power as primary energy. Through the economic friendly use of this technology, it is now being produced to be applied nation wide.

Therefore this technology has advanced to stage 8 and under wide-spread development for use at an approximate completion rate of 98%.

Public Announcement

The government has released a statement ordering the turnover from natural gas to a new solar panel technology utilizing crystalline silicon solar cells. This technology will not only reduce pollution crux, but will also increase energy efficiency three fold with economic friendly means. Today is a day to rejoice for the energy community.

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Project Update(s)

Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

Public Announcement

The project has finally been completed and is now in store for mass production. This technology will, without a doubt, increase the output of energy creation astronomically! Today is a great date for the technology world.

Extensive BattleNet System

The coordination process has been halted to further research in data projection fuselages. However, with this only minor setback, a dependable system has come into effect and has reached stage 4 testing.

Therefore this technology has reached stage 4 testing at an approximate completion rate of 72%.

Tidal Energy Technologies

A stringed underwater system has been posted as the most viable and is now available for specific government testing. Its overall cost efficiency is outweighed by the volatile shift in depth the tides create, causing a turbine turnover rate of excellent proportions.

Therefore this technology has reached stage 5 testing at an approximate completion rate of 89%.

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Public Announcement

The government has released a statement ordering the turnover from natural gas to a new solar panel technology utilizing crystalline silicon solar cells. This technology will not only reduce pollution crux, but will also increase energy efficiency three fold with economic friendly means. Today is a day to rejoice for the energy community.

Public Announcement

The project has finally been completed and is now in store for mass production. This technology will, without a doubt, increase the output of energy creation astronomically! Today is a great date for the technology world.

OOC: Can I say I already had that, sisnce I've always Rp'd having efficient Solar Power? :D In that case, I've shared it with at least two, but I believe three, different nations over time, but not nations in any conditionto share it themselves yet.

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"Zargathia would like to express our interests in implementing your Solar Cell technology as part of our power grid. However, we would require you instruct Zargathian engineers how to properly maintain the cells, would this be a problem?"

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Project Update(s)

Tidal Energy Technologies

The technology has been perfected and passed government testing with flying colors, proving to be cost effective with placement in specific harbor and bay locations along the UMS naval border.

Public Announcement

Tidal energy is now a viable means of energy, barring under the UTT organization. Application proves to be very simple, efficient, and as such is now being produced for mass marketing. This technology will prove to cooperate nicely with the recently innovative crystalline silicon solar cells.

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Public Announcement

A video screen appears for this announcement with a man holding a black and green marker

Today, we claim the following land in the name of the United Mechodamian States to further expand the research ventures for the MRDC.


This move by the MRDC is fully sanctioned by the UMS government.

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Project Update(s)

General Body Armor

The project has finally surpassed several 'hindrances' and has been specifically narrowed down to a material derived from carbon nanotubes, and has achieved theoretical levels of attributes specific to Level 4 body protection. This system utilizes a combination of ceramic materials and carbon fiber technologies to be applicable in blocking typical automatic rifle bursts and other medium caliber bullets. With Level 4 capacity, the armor is already capable of blocking .30 caliber bullets to a certain extent. It is the goal, however, to be able to block at least a single .50 caliber sniper bullet from a high muzzle velocity sniper rifle.

Therefore this technology has reached stage 3 testing with an approximate completion rate of 68%.

Electromagnetic Weaponry

There have been three efficient weapon systems utilized in this research: EMP pulsation, Gauss weaponry, and rail gun weaponry. As such, this project has been branched into three sub branches. For EMP pulsation, research into High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulses will be utilized for possible air application over any combative regions.

Therefore these technologies have reached stage 3 testing with an approximate completion rate of 70%.

Heavy Bomber Model

Great strides have been seen in this research and a definitive model for a man-handled heavy bomber model has been reached. It is similar to the Tupolev Tu-160, however adding on some comparative advantages that increase its overall efficiency and aerial strengths. With the currently model, it can reach speeds up to Mach 2.75 at high altitudes and an extended range of 13,000 km. To limit drag, however, the overall height (from base to top) has been shortened for more steam line aerodynamics. It also has a defensive stealth array, capable of defending against enemy RADAR and other defensive systems. This model also includes electronic warfare weaponry capable of stand-off jamming and extensive ECM potential.

Therefore this technology has reached stage 5 testing at an approximate completion rate of 91%.

Sophisticated Satellite System

This project has been merged into the Extensive BattleNet system due to overlapping applications.

Therefore this technology has been cut off from grant money and is removed from testing schedules.

Extensive BattleNet System

With smoother advances with the incoming Sophisticated Satellite System scientists, greater strides have been made over a shorter period of time. Applicable communication between all branches of military are now available, along with mechanical and computerized automation for UAV aircraft and targeting systems for the new heavy bomber models are already foreseen!

Therefore this technology has reached stage 5 tests at an approximate completion rate of 89%.

Wide-Ranged Extensive Missile Defense System

A formidable technology array has been made, though a strategic defensive array against high velocity missiles are still being worked on.

Therefore this technology has reached stage 2 testing at an approximate completion rate of 38%.

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Project Update(s)

General Body Armor

The body armor tested utilizing carbon fibers and ceramic applications have proven to be a major success and have been able to block roughly THREE .30 caliber shots from a traditional sniper rifle. In the .50 caliber test, the body armor managed to block a single shot from a .50 caliber sniper rifle, and approximately FOUR shots from a fully automatic machine gun at approximate 800 meters. This is due to the lower muzzle velocity of traditional heavy machine guns and aren't powered by the same locomotive properties. The government has shown an expressed interest and are ready to conduct the official economic testing. The armor, however, has been noted to be a tad cumbersome but not overbearing.

Therefore this technology has reached stage 5 testing at an approximate completion rate of 92%.

Electromagnetic Weaponry

Successful tests of a rail gun from both naval and land placement have proven to be extremely accurate and effective. The rounds were fired off at around 2,829 m/s with an energy of 11.67 MJ. It fired at an approximate muzzle velocity of 5.9 kilometers per second and can shoot around 11 shots per minute. The range application is roughly 260 nautical miles with a percent error of .03%. As for the coil gun technology, there was similar yielded results.

Therefore this technology has reached stage 5 testing at an approximate completion rate of 94%.

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