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A Peaceful Isle


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Gadget Technology Industries: Main Head Quarters

The island of Aruba is home to the Main HQ of GTI. Hosting 39 factories of all departments and Wings, owning all of the local buisnesses but helping them as well, providing ultra-high security to all locals, free health-care, and more!

The GTI HQ Isle of Aruba, the hub of all GTI operations, is a true paradise!


Aruba was a tiny place without much. But 10 years ago, GTI came in to help it progress into a modern country (its labour was also very cheap). Ever since, GTI has continuously improved it & even has put bunkers with enough food for over 30 years!

If there are any questions then don't hesitate to ask! Perhaps a leader of a country or place would like to know out tactics to making people happy, fit & able workers, and still have surplus!

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As the heart of GTI, Aruba was adequetly defended. Anti-aircraft flak & machine guns, missles, and 14 MiG's were always defending it; BAD-MK2's were deactivated and located on the "walls" (there were walls that went all around the island, built after Diberia went zombie); but ready to be activated at any time.

A legion of 400 tanks and 30,000 soilders are also located here; currently an additional 60,000 waiting assignment were here as well.


"Ready, Firendly 32?" -Friendly 5

"Ready when you are." -Friendly 32

"Ok, people, we got nine hundred sandwiches and four Chicken McNuggets. Once those Nuggets are gone then the toy bursts out. Once I have a McNugget then we'll start the chow down." -Friendly 5

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8:46 A.M., Administration Building 4, Aruba

It was unusually quiet today at Admin Building 4. Security paced as usual, checking security cameras and sleeping. Jerrey Rough was on the 38th floor of the 41-story building. Although not the largest in Aruba, it was one of the most important. On the usual work day, it was bustling with hundreds of people, making money and spending it in the name of GTI. Today, on the other hand, there were very little amounts of people; it was a staff holiday. Even the on-duty guard team was reduced to meerly 19 guards.

Jerrey Rough appeared to be working on the Security cameras, but he was sleeping. After a full night of researching and planning, he waited for the gears to turn. He knew they would be coming, and calling GDI or additional guards will only prolong the inevitable.

Meanwhile, outside of the Building, the civilian crowd was bustling around as usual. Yet today there were more people, even though it was a holiday. Then 300 of them ran for the Administration Building, pulling out multitudes of weapons. 600 others near the area also came in trucks & vans, fortifiying the area for the GTI counter-attack. Explosives were wired to the base.

Inside of the building, 7 guards dropped (or flew) dead on the main floor. The survivors retreated upstairs, calling for any assistance. Jerrey woke up in alarm to the noises, then quietly walked to a featureless wall. He pushed on seemingly random spots on it, and it moved sideways. An armory was inside, and he closed the door behind him. I won't be going down without a fight.

Edited by JerreyRough
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OOC: No one is bothered that GTI is being taken over? D: /OOC

8:48 A.M. 38th Floor of GTI Administration Building 4

"F***! Where is Jerrey? And why isn't the army here to help us yet!" Yelled a security guard. Several more guards died on the way up, along with dozens of civilians. Hundreds of boots were thundering up the stairwells, and Jerrey Rough was no where to be seen. One of the 9 remaining guards was wounded.

"Maybe he's a part of this?" Suggested a wounded guard.

"Jerrey Rough taking over his own god-damned building? I think not. He probebly used a secret escape hatch or something."

Then a hissing sound comes from the end of the hallway; a door opened on the left side. The guards aim their weapons in the direction. But nothing happens. Moments later, the right door is kicked in and the gas-mask-wielding invaders enter the hallway. THe guards fire at them with their hand guns, but the invaders have combat rifles and pick off several guards immedietly. After forcing the guards into cover, they advance infront of the opening, scanning their guns incase of more guards. A sound comes out:

"I don't blame you."

Twin gattling guns blast the attackers into ribbons. Two in the back survived and hid by the entrence, priming a gernade. But the turret rolls out into the hallway and cuts up the remaining invaders.

What remained of the guards look out, and cheer. Yet they are soon hushed as the turret re-aims at them and fires. Only the wounded man and one other guard survived.

274 men continue up the stair's, without any knowledge of their comrade's fate.

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OOC: Well, IC responces can come some after this post. :P /OOC

8:48 A.M., Main Power Control Building

"What the hell...." Quoted one engineer. The station suddenly, and without warning, powered off. Pressing buttons didn't help, nor' kicking it (although the kick did turn on a screen for a mili-second). THe backup wouldn't start either.


Locations of Attack: Solar Grid's, Tidal Power Stations, Wind Mills, and all other sources of electricity

Explosions errupted. Men backstabed. Special person's assasinated. To finish it off, strategicly-placed EMP bombs exploded.

All contect with Aruba, GTI HQ Island, lost.

Edited by JerreyRough
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8:50 A.M., 38th Floor of Administration Building 4

99 men lay on the floor. One jumps out and hits a bullet. 100 men lay on the floor, with dozens more wondering "WTF".

Jerrey Rough walked over the bodies. His GPS rumbled, movement 20 meters away in the next hallway. Whiping out a hooklauncher, Jerrey jumps & pushes a ceiling cover. He fires the hook up and closes the ceiling cover back. Seconds later, 6 invaders walked by. Taking his silenced revolver out, he quietly & quickly opened the cover again.

The invaders were walking down a long hall way. One they were a fairly long distance Jerrey's revolver cracked 6 times, leaving one smoking hole in the backs of their heads. One of them did not fall, but stood there. Dead.

"Well, you are getting betterat back stabbing, my friend, better than last time." A voice said behind him.

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One day later

Slowly GTI was reconnected with the world. After a short period of time, GTI made an announcemnt


"We are sorry for the sudden and unexpected communication failure. A small number of two dozen local rebels placed bombs within key electrical facilities on Aruba, and their detonation harmed our communication severly. However, we have dealt with this small rebellion. We are still unsure of what their motives were; Aruba is one of the BEST places to live on the planet, including little-to-no crime. Also, for those of you that did not catch it, all satelites have been launched succesfully. Congrats to the launch personel." The message goes on about unimportant news. On the GTI site, a footnote read's "Jerrey Rough is currently not avalible at this time. He should be avalible in 5 days."

EDIT: OOC: I'll post some stuff for spy's and the such soon.

Edited by JerreyRough
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